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implying raptor r....webm

๐Ÿงต Explosion at the McGregor Test Stand

Anonymous No. 16191586

>reliability issues with the raptor engine has been solv-

Anonymous No. 16191594

explosions are based, thank you elon

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musk just.jpg

Anonymous No. 16191597

>explosions are based, thank you elon

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Anonymous No. 16191598


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Anonymous No. 16191599


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Anonymous No. 16191600


Anonymous No. 16191601

Now say it without crying

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Anonymous No. 16191604

>spacex dominating every single other rocket launch organization in the world COMBINED
>for some reason /sci/ gets spammed with threads claiming spacex is failing
Keep seething chinaman

Anonymous No. 16191605

So you don't know?

Anonymous No. 16191606

It's because China is mad as hell and is manufacturing anti-SpaceX consensus on reddit, and is trying to on 4chan as well.

Anonymous No. 16191608

Ok how you know?

Anonymous No. 16191610

>Ok how you know?
Nice ESL, chinkoid.

Anonymous No. 16191612

Nah that's you.

Anonymous No. 16191652

Looks like an issue with the turbopumps, figures.

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Anonymous No. 16191654


Anonymous No. 16191698

>engine has been in development for nearly a decade
>its still ripping itself apart
>failed successfully

Anonymous No. 16191703

>what is a test stand
>what is test-till-failure

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Anonymous No. 16191704

>trust the plan!
>two more test articles!

Anonymous No. 16191707

Yes :)

Anonymous No. 16191754

based and but-of-course-pilled

Anonymous No. 16191756

Never gonna make it here with the wolves.

Anonymous No. 16191774

Fucking jews, always sabotaging everything.

Anonymous No. 16191778

Care to extrapolate?

Anonymous No. 16192705

they're trying to figure out why their engine relights are failing during Super Heavy boostback and landing
so naturally you need to try to get it to fail

Anonymous No. 16192714

Well, you know what they say: Can't make an omelet without losing a few engines.

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reddit soy.gif

Anonymous No. 16192732

>food analogy

Anonymous No. 16192787

Muh data collected. Landing on mars by 2024

Anonymous No. 16192885

That was the funny thing about IFT-1. If it was true that the booster was obsolete and that therefore it was fine that it blew up, it means spacex probably wasn't able to get much if any useful data from the flight.

Anonymous No. 16192893

New thunderfoot vid about to drop

Anonymous No. 16192904

>Le attempts
Who care

Anonymous No. 16192965

But anon you don't understand, you just don't understand, adding another duodecillion satellites to support an niche internet service means that were going to be living on mars soon, or something.

Anonymous No. 16193070

>implying anything less than a stellar success rate
see >>16191600
faggot nigger

Anonymous No. 16193076

Huh, what you mean?

Anonymous No. 16193129

ESL post

Anonymous No. 16193143

So you don't know?

Anonymous No. 16193145


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Anonymous No. 16193223

Hmm, nyo

Anonymous No. 16193802

It's over

Anonymous No. 16193863

nyaggers ruined this site

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Anonymous No. 16193885

You mean saved it.