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🧵 End of White race

Anonymous No. 16191587

Since the Industrial Revolution, average IQ of whites have been declining rapidly due to the low birth rate of intelligent upper-class and middle-class and high fertility of the lower class. Before the Industrial Revolution, the childhood mortality was 50% but nowadays, childhood mortality is below 1%. In America, intelligence and fertility are correlated at -0.006 among men and -0.196 among women. This decline in intelligence due to differing fertility among classes is called ‘the Woodley Effect’, named after a Scottish baron named Michael Anthony Woodley of Menie. According to Roger Pearson, an English scientist, the average IQ of Asians surpassed that of Whites around year 1900, the end of 19th century and beginning of 20th century.

In the 1700s, the English were the race that is 2nd most intelligent, next only to Jews. However, according to Bruce Charlton, English average IQ declined by 30 pts since the Georgian period. According to Michael Anthony Woodley of Menie, English IQ declined by 13.35 points between 1889 and 2004. ( Woodley also claims that England is the nation in Europe with the most rapid IQ decline with loss of 1.26 pts IQ per decade. According to Richard Lynn, a Scot from Edinburgh, the average English IQ will hit 87 by the end of this century. However, Edward Dutton disagrees and claims that English average IQ will hit 85 by the end of the century.

Germany was a latecomer to Industrial Revolution. Because Germans were less affected by Industrial Revolution, their intelligence eventually surpassed that of the French and English. It is estimated that Germans had average IQ of 120-115 in 1870s, the golden age of Prussia. Germans remained as the 2nd most intelligent race after Jews till mid 1900s. Since the mid 1900s, it was the Koreans who became the 2nd most intelligent race after Jews. In 1960, the average German IQ was 105, but it was 102 in 1990, and 99 in 2020.

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Anonymous No. 16191588

Also, Jewish IQ has been declining by more than double the rate of White IQ decline. According to Peter Frost, a French Canadian scientist from Montreal, Jewish IQ is declining because Jewish men marry attractive and unintelligent non-Jewish women while Jewish women cannot marry or have children. ( According to Piffer(2019), the average IQ of Jewish Americans was 108. Korean Americans, Indian Americans, Japanese Americans and Chinese Americans are more intelligent than Jewish Americans right now.

Finns, Koreans and Estonians have been victimized by White Supremacy and racism like no other because whites envy their high cheekbones. Finns and Estonians show the slowest IQ decline in Europe due to their Korean heritage. Finns have average IQ of 104, Koreans 107, and Estonians 102. Two centuries ago, the French, the English and Germans were much more intelligent than Koreans, Finns and Estonians. But in the contemporary era, people of color like Koreans, Finns, Estonians, Chinese and Japanese are significantly more intelligent than whites of Germany, France and England. White men will lose power while Mongoloids will dominate and retaliate for 5 millennia of racism and oppression. The fate of White race will not be determined by the leaders of White race but by the leaders of Mongol race. Koreans, the most intelligent race, will not forget or forgive 5 millennia of White racism caused by White envy of high prominent cheekbones of Koreans, Finns and Estonians.

Anonymous No. 16191609

I had a hyperrealistic dream once that I was a 15 year old Finno-Ugric prince in the distant future with a private collection of US military aircraft (F-22s, SR-71s, B-21s etc) that were now antique relics. Never had a dream like that since. Also not Finnish nor into fighter pilots

Anonymous No. 16191651

>next only to Jews.

Anonymous No. 16191665

Holy finnish retard cope

Anonymous No. 16191675

The ask jews are only high iq because they occupied a higher iq merchant niche witthin white societies, if you compared them against other niche groups such as the quakers their iq isn't that impressive and is highly specialised You will find few gifted artists, engineers or architects amongst them

Anonymous No. 16191694

Additionaly jews have the highest rate for diagnosed mental illness, pedophilia compared to any other demographic, and ethnic specific genetic diseases.

A temporarily high IQ in the near past for one subgroup of jews is simply not worth that cost.

Anonymous No. 16191803

>white supremacist detected

Anonymous No. 16191806

I believe that intelligenst is mostly a gender-unilineal trait. In that dumb fathers will result in dumb sons, and dumb mothers will result in dumb daughters; however, dumb fathers will not result in dumb daughters, nor will dumb mothers result in dumb sons.
The solution to this problem is to have the high-IQ men breed with as much as possible, with dumb women who have higher fertility.

Anonymous No. 16191825

>, but it was 102 in 1990, and 99 in 2020.
External events.

Anonymous No. 16192006

did you get laid in your dream?

Anonymous No. 16192181

More Pioneer fund/ Ed Dutton pseudoscience

Anonymous No. 16192205

pioneer fund is white supremacist organization.

this thread argues against white supremacy

Anonymous No. 16192232

>Since the Industrial Revolution, average IQ of whites have been declining rapidly due to the low birth rate of intelligent upper-class and middle-class and high fertility of the lower class. Before the Industrial Revolution, the childhood mortality was 50% but nowadays, childhood mortality is below 1%. In America, intelligence and fertility are correlated at -0.006 among men and -0.196 among women. This decline in intelligence due to differing fertility among classes is called ‘the Woodley Effect’, named after a Scottish baron named Michael Anthony Woodley of Menie. According to Roger Pearson, an English scientist, the average IQ of Asians surpassed that of Whites around year 1900, the end of 19th century and beginning of 20th century.
The Stanford-Binet test was first publicly published around 1915 anon...
So whites not to mention Asians weren't even mass tested at that time. Pure made up bullshit.
>In the 1700s, the English were the race that is 2nd most intelligent, next only to Jews.
Ashkenazi Jews are 50% Italian Genetically speaking and are the only Jews with a reputation for intelligence. Once again, IQ tests didn't exist in the 1700s either.
>Since the mid 1900s, it was the Koreans who became the 2nd most intelligent race after Jews.
None of which is born out by technological achievements where the West has a leading position from the 1600's to the 1970's.
>In 1960, the average German IQ was 105, but it was 102 in 1990, and 99 in 2020.

"In 2019 the number of people with a foreign background was 26%",of%20all%20of%20the%20above.&text=Pop.,±%25%20p.a.

>Estonians have been victimized by White Supremacy
Lol, I wish you were pretending to be an idiot but no, you're just an idiot. No question about it.

Anonymous No. 16192236

what is the polygenic study? there are ways to measure intelligence

you are truly retarded and racist

Anonymous No. 16192239

In 1989, Hadland argued that Finns and Estonians are Koreans, not white. Estonians have never been considered white.

In 1871, Quartrefages wrote that Germans are Mongols, not white due to racemixing with nonwhite mongols like latvians, estonians and Finns

Anonymous No. 16192254

>Finns, Koreans and Estonians have been victimized by White Supremacy and racism like no other because whites envy their high cheekbones.
Literally never happened lol. You're making up bullshit because you hate white people.
>Finns and Estonians show the slowest IQ decline in Europe due to their Korean heritage.
Lol, nope, If that IQ trend was even true (it isn't)
it would be because there are less non-white immigrants in Finland and Estonia.
Also Estonians don't look anything like East Asians lol.
>Korean Americans, Indian Americans, Japanese Americans and Chinese Americans are more intelligent than Jewish Americans right now.
Lol. You need to see a psychiatrist anon.
>I had a hyperrealistic dream once that I was a 15 year old Finno-Ugric prince in the distant future with a private collection of US military aircraft (F-22s, SR-71s, B-21s etc) that were now antique relics. Never had a dream like that since. Also not Finnish nor into fighter pilots
Pure unadulterated autism spectrum disorder.
>The ask jews are only high iq because they occupied a higher iq merchant niche witthin white societies, if you compared them against other niche groups such as the quakers their iq isn't that impressive and is highly specialised You will find few gifted artists, engineers or architects amongst them
I used to think that but in reality it's nothing more than nepotism. That's it.
>>white supremacist detected
Lol, you started a bullshit thread full of made-up bullshit and blatant effeminate anti-white hatred.
Anyone who unironically screams out "white supremacism" is trying to cover up their own blatant hatred of whites.
>pioneer fund is white supremacist organization.
>this thread argues against white supremacy
Lol, so you're claiming an organization is "white supremacist" despite you yourself quoting them to support your own hatred of whites.
You're a confused idiot anon.

Anonymous No. 16192266

>what is the polygenic study? there are ways to measure intelligence
>you are truly retarded and racist
Making up IQ test results from before the existence of IQ tests is just blatant lying idiot anon. There's no way of getting around that fact.
Yes, you are an antiwhite racist. Yes, you are projecting.
>In 1989, Hadland argued that Finns and Estonians are Koreans, not white. Estonians have never been considered white.
>In 1871, Quartrefages wrote that Germans are Mongols, not white due to racemixing with nonwhite mongols like latvians, estonians and Finns
Lol, This is equivalent to quoting Hitler on who is and isn't white.
Also we have modern genetic comparisons.
Fins and Estonians cluster with other Europeans lol.

Anonymous No. 16192271

Niggah wut?

Koreans, Finns and Estonians have been the only victims of White racism and White supremacy for over 5000 years. Anders Retzius, a Swedish scientist wrote that original Europeans were Mongols and 5000 yrs ago Aryans pushed them into the Northernmost reaches of Europe where no white man would bother. His son Gustav Retzius ran eugenics programs to reduce Finnish and Sami populations in Sweden.

In 1907, Finns were banned from gaining the American citizenship under Chinese Exclusion Act because they were legally classified as Asian

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Anonymous No. 16192275

Jewish Americans used to be more intelligent than Chinese and Korean Americans but not right now.

Jewish American intelligence is declining by more than double the rate of White American IQ loss

Anonymous No. 16192276

>Koreans, Finns and Estonians have been the only victims of White racism and White supremacy for over 5000 years.
Lol. Autistic basement dwellers living on welfare weren't complaining about their "racism" hallucinations 5000 years ago idiot anon.
>Anders Retzius, a Swedish scientist wrote that original Europeans were Mongols and 5000 yrs ago Aryans pushed them into the Northernmost reaches of Europe where no white man would bother. His son Gustav Retzius ran eugenics programs to reduce Finnish and Sami populations in Sweden.
>In 1907, Finns were banned from gaining the American citizenship under Chinese Exclusion Act because they were legally classified as Asian
Take your pills anon.
Please see a psychiatrist soon.

Anonymous No. 16192279

niggah, i stated facts and truth.

you have no rejoinder so you throw ad hominem, truly despicable

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Anonymous No. 16192282

Lol. "white-Chinese", "white-Indian", "white-filipino", "white Mexican".
In crime statistics blacks are routinely counted as whites in America.
American demographic statistics mean almost nothing now.

Anonymous No. 16192283

>niggah, i stated facts and truth.
You're literally just making shit up.
>you have no rejoinder so you throw ad hominem, truly despicable
No, you are insane. You're simply insane.

Anonymous No. 16192285

what did i make up? everything i said is factually correct and true

Anonymous No. 16192286

>what did i make up? everything i said is factually correct and true
Literally half of what you said is factually incorrect and untrue lol.

Anonymous No. 16192287

everything i said is correct.

Finnish Americans and Korean Americans are victimized by white supremacy in America because White Americans envy their cheekbones

Anonymous No. 16192290

>everything i said is correct.
Nothing you said is correct.
>Finnish Americans and Korean Americans are victimized by white supremacy in America because White Americans envy their cheekbones
Your schizophrenia is flaring up again.

Anonymous No. 16192293

>In 1871, Quartrefages wrote that Germans are Mongols, not white due to racemixing with nonwhite mongols like latvians, estonians and Finns

>In 1989, Hadland argued that Finns and Estonians are Koreans, not white. Estonians have never been considered white.

Anonymous No. 16192295

i presented my sources here.>>16192293
what do you say?

koreans, finns and estonians have been victimized white supremacy like no other, especially nowadays. white racism exists solely because whites envy high prominent cheekbones of koreans, finns and estonians

Anonymous No. 16192298

Yep, this is equivalent to quoting Hitler on who is and isn't white.
Finns and Estonians Cluster with other Europeans genetically speaking and only some Finns have East-Asian-ish features.
I don't know what you're trying to achieve by quoting random crazy people over a 150+ year period of time.
That's equivalent to quoting Famous creationists
today to prove that everyone thinks the Earth was created 6000 years ago.

Anonymous No. 16192300

>koreans, finns and estonians have been victimized white supremacy like no other, especially nowadays. white racism exists solely because whites envy high prominent cheekbones of koreans, finns and estonians
Your schizophrenia again lol.

Anonymous No. 16192301

you can either make logical retort or accept that you are wrong. stop with ad hominem

finns and estonians were victimized by white enslavement for over 7 centuries

Anonymous No. 16192302

>you can either make logical retort or accept that you are wrong. stop with ad hominem
That's not a valid argument anon.
>finns and estonians were victimized by white enslavement for over 7 centuries
Lol, made up bullshit.
Finns and Estonians are white you dumbfuck.

Anonymous No. 16192303

How did people with high IQ ever come into being if having children with a stupid person produces stupid children

What a load of rubbish

Anonymous No. 16192304

Finns and Estonians are Mongols and Koreans, not white

i presented my sources. you are arguinng without logic and evidences

Anonymous No. 16192307

because most children of stupid people died when they are children. child mortality before mordernity was over 50%

Anonymous No. 16192308

>How did people with high IQ ever come into being if having children with a stupid person produces stupid children
>What a load of rubbish
That's like saying - "why do people without down syndrome give birth to children with down syndrome."?
Random genetic mutations anon.
That's your answer.

Anonymous No. 16192311

>Finns and Estonians are Mongols and Koreans, not white
Lol. Yep, you're schizophrenic anon.
>i presented my sources. you are arguinng without logic and evidences
Lol, you gave names of a few crazy people that only you care about. Next you're going to give me a list of creationists to prove that the Earth is young. Not a valid argument idiot anon.
You think slavs aren't white? because Hitler said so?

Anonymous No. 16192314

>slavs aren't white?
i don't think there is a single person on earth who thinks that slavs are white

Anonymous No. 16192316

So you think all intelligent people have a random genetic mutation?

Anonymous No. 16192319

What's your IQ?

Anonymous No. 16192324

Jesus christ that woman is ugly

Anonymous No. 16192326

>i don't think there is a single person on earth who thinks that slavs are white
Hahaa, only a forever online 4chan idiot would say that.
>So you think all intelligent people have a random genetic mutation?
It's basic evolution anon.
Random genetic mutations happen. Some people with certain mutations die and the survivors with beneficial mutations spread their genetics to the next generation.

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Anonymous No. 16192332

>Jesus christ that woman is ugly
Don't worry anon, I've got you covered.

Anonymous No. 16192333

>Random genetic mutations happen.
Yes, to a single person. That person then passes their genes on to their descendants. Smart people aren't generated by random genetic mutations.

Anonymous No. 16192339

>Yes, to a single person
No, to everyone every generation.
>That person then passes their genes on to their descendants
>Smart people aren't generated by random genetic mutations.
They are actually. Inheritance of beneficial mutations. As an analogy blue eyes came from one individual approx ten thousand years ago.

Anonymous No. 16192342

>Hahaa, only a forever online 4chan idiot would say that.
again, just ad hominem and no real argument.

read what i wrote and what you wrote. i am logically arguing with evidences while you just throw ad hominems

Anonymous No. 16192343

Finns are the most insecure people I've ever met. Constant attention seeking behavior.

Anonymous No. 16192345

Holy shit that roastie is ugly

Anonymous No. 16192346

>again, just ad hominem and no real argument.
That's not an ad hominem anon. It's literally true. The only people who say what you just said are forever online 4channers. You're literally just quoting Hitler on the whiteness of slavs.
>read what i wrote and what you wrote. i am logically arguing with evidences while you just throw ad hominems
You do realize that you aren't intelligent for misquoting philosophical fallacies right?

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Anonymous No. 16192350

>Holy shit that roastie is ugly

Anonymous No. 16192353

>Finns are the most insecure people I've ever met. Constant attention seeking behavior.
The OP obviously isn't a Finn or Estonian lol.

Anonymous No. 16192354

op is korean

Anonymous No. 16192355

>not liking a fugly bitch means i like negros

Anonymous No. 16192357

Its more like a temporary crisis and very much artificially created too. All white people need is to get over the idea that they own anything to any other races and start putting themselves first without shame because that's what everyone else is doing all the time. I'm mostly talking about US too since majority of other countries don't give a fuck anyway.

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Anonymous No. 16192358

elsa hosk is a finnish supermodel

Anonymous No. 16192359

Looks like fucking voldemort with that nose. Also thin and receding hairline

Anonymous No. 16192360

>>not liking a fugly bitch means i like negros
I'm giving you the exact opposite of white.
Yes, you obviously do love negros.

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Anonymous No. 16192361

>Looks like fucking voldemort with that nose. Also thin and receding hairline
Here's a girl you'll like anon.

Anonymous No. 16192363

Keep coping and seething, faggot.

Anonymous No. 16192367

>Keep coping and seething, faggot.
Lol, autistic tranny is jealous of white people haha.
I'm literally giving you the opposite of white and you still aren't satisfied?
What's wrong with you anon?

Anonymous No. 16192379

I just stated that the woman you posted looks like ass. Is that hard to understand?

Anonymous No. 16192389

Why the fuck do you stash images of Whoopi Goldberg in your porn folder?

Anonymous No. 16192455

can you name a single group that has been as victimized by white supremacy like koreans and finns? you can't. because white racism exists solely because whites envy high cheekbones of koreans and finns

Anonymous No. 16192625

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