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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191880

Does brain size matter?

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Anonymous No. 16191883

Anonymous No. 16191884

>Smallest brains
>Smallest penis
Is running through life as a jeet playing the game on hardmode?

Anonymous No. 16191892

They have greatest tolerance for biological hazards. They are also the greatest producers of biological hazards.

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16191897

humans will agree until you showed them a whale brains, they may even argue hunting them big brained animals is okay.

Anonymous No. 16191899

total naturist death though
>One of the greatest dangers for German culture and morality is the so-called nudity movement. Greatly as it is to be welcomed in the interest of the public health, that ever wider circles, especially of the metropolitan population, are striving to make the healing power of sun and air and water serviceable to their body, as greatly must the so-called nudity movement be disapproved of as a cultural error. Among women the nudity kills natural modesty; it takes from men their respect for women, and thereby destroys the prerequisite for any genuine culture. It is therefore expected of all police authorities that, in support of the spiritual powers developed through the national movement, they take all police measures to destroy the so-called nude culture.
-Hermann GΓΆring, 1933 NS edict
>20 Noah began to be a man of the soil, and he planted a vineyard.[c] 21 He drank of the wine and became drunk and lay uncovered in his tent. 22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers outside. 23 Then Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it on both their shoulders, and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned backward, and they did not see their father's nakedness. 24 When Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his youngest son had done to him, 25 he said [the curse of Ham and the Blessings for Shem and Japheth]
-Genesis 9

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Anonymous No. 16191922

damn you're telling me this dude opposed nudism. can't imagine why.

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Anonymous No. 16191925

It's not how big your brain is but how dense the neurons are.

Good example are birds. They're some of the smartest animals on the planet yet have small brains. Not less brain, just shrunk smaller to make it easier to fly.

>bird brained
>thick head
kinda gives new meaning

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Anonymous No. 16191956

that filth was banned throughout germany as late as 1900 you heathen faggot
>the "pioneer" of nudism (late 1890s) was a leftie countercultural schizophrenic psychopath who heard messages from the devil and thought he was christ himself
>the subsequent "centre" of nudism remained limited to the (baltic) coast and around the "liberal, adventurous Berlin"
>these cultural maggots only grew in strength after ww1 but the right was always opposed to their degeneracy, and rightly so

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Anonymous No. 16192089

Anonymous No. 16192264

>It's not how big your brain is but how dense the neurons are.
What evidence is there that Indians have denser neurons?

Anonymous No. 16192554

I hate Indians the more I learn about them holy shit.
"Travel is the best cure for racism" my ass

Anonymous No. 16193246

if only white people were just as cohesive and race conscious

Anonymous No. 16193253

why would density matter, if not for ephaptic coupling?

Anonymous No. 16193258

based high test chadjeets
based optimized brain jeets

Anonymous No. 16193264

live by the poo die by the poo
whales are filled with heavy metals, very dangerous to eat
nudism is reminiscent of ancient uncivilized europe, no wonder germans hate their past
>it's not about the size but how you use it
bird brain cope big wrinkly brain is what women evolved to desire
good survival strategy, but it kicks in the ass after it backfires.

Anonymous No. 16193692

Wrong, whales are delicious and nutritious

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16193810

Only a proof that heavy metals are healthy and make you big brained and long lived.

Anonymous No. 16194835


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Anonymous No. 16194958

Anonymous No. 16195011

Its not hardmode, they just went strait to the game over screen right after spawning
They are biological hazard

Anonymous No. 16196265

Isn't that the quintessential leddit response? why are you using an initialism for it?

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16196631


Anonymous No. 16196642

smallest muscle mass too

Anonymous No. 16196648

>22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers outside.
there's an argument based on alternate versions and contextual translations that noah's nakedness referred not to noah but his wife and that ham was getting intimate with her

Anonymous No. 16196774

it's the effect of hinduism, not race

Anonymous No. 16197652

there is correlation but its more complicated than that

Anonymous No. 16197745

What's weird is if you look at ancient vedic hinduism it was pretty hardcore indo european religion but now you have to wonder what the hell happened?

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Anonymous No. 16197768

economic isolation since the end of the silk road combined with rejection of their vassalage to england, they're the ultimate nobodies who lost their place in the world and bite the hand that feeds so predictably that's now being used.

>for what?
to generate inter-aryan warfare, the reason it's so easy to replace one kurgan with another is they're largely the same race still even if there's been significant racial divergence. whites didn't even exist 10,000 years ago. like uh, you guys barely recognize non-kurgans as human weather you want to or not because 90% of what they're doing is going to look like either nothing or suspicious loitering. and of course the other kurgan sect is trying to replace you, that is all kurgans have ever done since inventing the chariot. genetic warfare is kurgan, colonialism is kurgan.

>every hindu story has chariot warfare
>rome is founded via endless chariot warfare
look at that shit hoe, that's solid bronze. your little stick cutting campfire village can't make that and will now do as it's told.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16197891

When i traveled to europe i started to develop some racism against white people. There were just too many niggers with white skin. It was like going to some Norf town and meeting all the unemployed footie fans, not impressive

Anonymous No. 16198685

>but now you have to wonder what the hell happened?

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16198691


Anonymous No. 16198720

>and it wasn't even like we were all White
As if it would make it a good thing? Cunt.

Anonymous No. 16199549


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Anonymous No. 16199592

India is realistically the only country where eugenics will ever take off.

Anonymous No. 16199613

Apparently not, since they're still smarter than 80% of other people.

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Anonymous No. 16199645

White people are literally the only ones who don't try to push for their own group.

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Anonymous No. 16199685

>also the most pushed against

Anonymous No. 16199693

i mean, how big is the difference from the first place to the last place?

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Anonymous No. 16199779

Anonymous No. 16199783

>south asian

Anonymous No. 16199791

>brown excellence

Anonymous No. 16199806

>countercultural schizophrenic psychopath who heard messages from the devil and thought he was christ himself
Ah, that explains your rivalry.

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Anonymous No. 16200095


Anonymous No. 16200204

Jealousy breeds contempt. Ask the women of these groups who they'd like as a husband and you'd see a stark contrast.
That cope

Anonymous No. 16200224

personally I have found that it does not matter (I am indian and make ~250K per year)

Anonymous No. 16200282

>I am indian and make ~250kg of shit on the sidewalk per year

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Anonymous No. 16201343


Anonymous No. 16201373

What does he mean here by conscience?

Anonymous No. 16201423

given that birds (e.g. corvids) have small brains but are intelligent, and large mammals (e.g. mammoths) had big brains but were routinely outsmarted by humans, probably not
a big brain helps, but the internal optimization is more important

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16201736

>large mammals (e.g. mammoths) had big brains but were routinely outsmarted by humans, probably not
How would you fucking know?

Anonymous No. 16201792

Before people were too worried about "stealing native land" or killing natives that fought against the settlers.

Anonymous No. 16202778

nobody stole any land from native americans, every european settler group was welcomed by natives because the natives saw the europeans and their guns as potential allies to be used against other tribes.

Anonymous No. 16202821

Those who can take and hold land own it, that is the rule.

Anonymous No. 16202971

Godamn, Imagine a nation of 1.4 billion 2 meter tall purple eyed 150iq mfs.

Anonymous No. 16202997

They fail to write Java programs properly, what makes you think they'd succeed at that? We'd just see more monstrosities out of Indian that present. I guess they'd gain more "Gods" to worship though.

Anonymous No. 16203294

Yes but within our species we have pretty much the same density so what matters is size >

Anonymous No. 16203299

"Indian" isn't a homogeneous group. the brahmans are much smarter than their darkskinned counterpart.
darkskinned indians are possibly as low IQ as black.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16203541

What if the computation is done by glial cells, and neurons are basically just the uplink somewhere else?

Anonymous No. 16203571

Imagine being the a shit covered mix between a jew and a nigger, that's the indian race.
I can't see a an old style white man (whose culture used to revolve around betterment) hiring someone who can't even type correctly for a white only environment. This is some kike shit.

Anonymous No. 16205234

Whites used to hire noobs of their own kind and then train them on the job because they knew whites had potential. Now instead the hire DEI shitskins who have no potential regardless how many DEI degrees they 'earned' via plagiarism and gibes

Anonymous No. 16205244

Travel is the best cure for racism, granted you avoid India

Anonymous No. 16205961

It wasn't that bad desu. I went to the south tho.

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Anonymous No. 16206008

that subplebbit was banned apparently kek

Anonymous No. 16206844

why would anyone ever want to visit is 3rd world shithole like that? I guess you must've gone there for underaged sex tourism

Anonymous No. 16206882

look at what the british found when they went to india

the thiggee strangler cult
read Sleeman's report

Anonymous No. 16207929

Work, Had to attend a conferencce in Bangalore. Surprisingly I didn't see any streetshitting, infrastructure was horrid tho.

Anonymous No. 16208395

Have jeets taken over reddit yet or is it still a jewish run operation?

Anonymous No. 16209190

India has turned back into a savage hellscape as a result of the British leaving India. Independence was the worst thing that ever happened to them

Anonymous No. 16209477

both probably to a certain extent, but I think mostly jew and leftist controlled.

Anonymous No. 16209577

India peaked with Ramanujan. It's all downhill from there.

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Anonymous No. 16210690

apparently so

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Anonymous No. 16210833

Anonymous No. 16210868

Can you not tell this is all a joke?

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Anonymous No. 16212162

>Can you not tell this is all a joke?

Anonymous No. 16212167

You should really have your autism diagnosed and treated by a professional.

Anonymous No. 16212172

He's not even that good.

Vard No. 16212179

I can fix this. Not to worry if I can do this bite and catch trick with my teeth it's not going to be a problem. But if that nuke goes off it means we have 2 m-days left until trillions of twisted atomic(this atomic) spawn and terrorize the nature up there plus a series of disasters down here.

Vard No. 16212185

In progress via the lady's advice

Anonymous No. 16212203

so.. they're argonians?

Anonymous No. 16213265

what do you expect from a guy who dines on cow shit?

Anonymous No. 16213267

No, because they are still smarter than blacks. I cant find the statistic map right now tho.

Anonymous No. 16218559

no they aren't, they're both equally stupid, India's average is 76, that means they have 700 million people with 75 or under IQ

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16220390

>India's average is 76
Yet somehow India still manages to get massive amounts of STEM degrees any publish tons of peer reviewed papers even though 99% of the country is below 100IQ

Anonymous No. 16221351

Thats more than the entire population of whites on the planet

Anonymous No. 16222800

>India's average is 76, that means they have 700 million people with 75 or under IQ
Most of those people are publishing in scientific journals

Anonymous No. 16222817

>there are other factors, so no brain size does not matter at all

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Anonymous No. 16224059

Anonymous No. 16225747

That overestimates their IQ, probably because the dumbest amongst them are too dumb to take an IQ test

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Anonymous No. 16227004

>Surprisingly I didn't see any streetshitting
ok jeet im sure you didn't

Anonymous No. 16227221

All you need to know about India can be learned by doing the drop pin challenge.
Go to Google Maps, center on India and pick up the streetview icon and drop it somewhere in India randomly. Look around. Close the view and drop the icon on another random location. Look around. After doing this several times, you'll know all there needs to be known about India.

Anonymous No. 16227248

i felt rape vibes while spinning the camera every time

Anonymous No. 16228645

> too dumb to take an IQ test
why would anyone intelligent waste their time taking an IQ test?
IQ tests only appeal to quivering losers who have massive insecurity issues

Anonymous No. 16229720

Yeah its amazing that people think science journals are in any way intelligent given that low IQ third worlders provide most of the content to those journals.

Anonymous No. 16230368

Dravidians have many top tier scholars. "Brahman" as a white guy title has long since stopped being the case. Perhaps in the north it is still statistically so. In the south, good luck telling anyone apart without papers. By then, what good are the papers?

Anonymous No. 16230370

>it is for social appeal that you test your pattern recognition
Holy scooby snacks, Batman!
I recognize a pattern of this Anon living only for the sake of social appeal!

Anonymous No. 16231386

you have massive insecurity issues

Anonymous No. 16231410

Indians will inherit the Earth after making themselves 200IQ immortals.

Anonymous No. 16232888

>Dravidians have many top tier scholars
no they don't, theres isn't one intelligent person on the entire subcontinent, india is as third world as africa

Anonymous No. 16233965

>some people in india have to be smart because theres lots of them
You might as well use statistical fallacies to presume that some small percentage of a herd of wildebeests is high IQ

Anonymous No. 16234103

>Does brain size matter?
Does matter size brain?

Anonymous No. 16234951

size brain does matter

Anonymous No. 16235823

brain matter size does

Anonymous No. 16237102

Africa still has significant white populations, India does not.

Anonymous No. 16237644

Not for Indians lol

Anonymous No. 16237646


Anonymous No. 16237767

because Arabs are white yeah

Anonymous No. 16237831

>people looking is dangerous

Anonymous No. 16237877

No. Humans evolved to have large brains for no reason at all.

Anonymous No. 16238425

semites are not white, they're asians. there isn't even a semitic nation that borders on europe, they are all in asia or africa

Anonymous No. 16238426

Why is Israel in Eurovision then?

Anonymous No. 16239790

How come theres no European nations that wants to claim to be Asian or African?

Anonymous No. 16240630

gee i wonder

Anonymous No. 16242287

imagine a nation populated entirely by wiggers

Anonymous No. 16243595

They're always trying to claim that they white out of one side of their mouths while shit talking whites out of the other side. Typical jewish schizophrenia.

Anonymous No. 16243617

They're not, you keep falling for the horde play like a smoothbrain.

India has a population of over 1 billion people. You will never see the lower 90% unless you specifically go to their country and interact with them.

If your experience with Indians is only interacting with them outside of India then that means you are dealing with the upper 10% which is at least 100 million of them. That is literally the horde play, their ethnic image hinges on you never interacting with the other 90%.

Anonymous No. 16243655

I applied for an hiring manager position once in the hopes of doing the exact same thing, but more sneakily and for Whites only. And because it paid really fucking well.
I was rejected within a few hours most likely because I'm not brown and had zero experience in the field.

Anonymous No. 16243657

When pressed, all immigrants see residence in their host countries as White punishment.
They'll say it's good for the economy and that diversity is our strength.
But every single time, when pressed, they'll admit it's punishment for colonialism. Even in countries that had no colonies. Even in countries that were colonized.
Don't be fooled. They are never your friend.

Anonymous No. 16243662

Mix of both, but several subreddits dedicated to silencing dissenting opinions and there are a lot of poos, joos and bugs as cannon fodder on those.

Anonymous No. 16243677


>t. 60cm cranium WAIS-IV ceiling mofo

Anonymous No. 16245122

Shareblue used to pay $14/hr for internet shilling, but then they found out they could fire all of their American shills and get the same service from jeets for $1/hr

Anonymous No. 16245135

Their average IQ is like 75, a few smart people out of 1.5 billion means nothing

Anonymous No. 16246636

You can function with a tiny brain ask your country's nearby office

Anonymous No. 16247283

Hindu excellence

Anonymous No. 16247292

Kek, not my problem
Women wanted immigrants now they can have them

Anonymous No. 16247371

it's because of their vegetable based diet, meat is important for brain growth

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Anonymous No. 16247399

it's the curcumin, it gives em fembrains

put a hundred sirs on a diet of grass fed beef from birth to adulthood and let's see the results

Anonymous No. 16247442


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Anonymous No. 16247444

check results for Pakis and Bangladeshi who eat meat and especially beef since they can't eat pork
it's genetic, nothing to do with diet

Anonymous No. 16247460

That’s a retarded argument considering Shem and Japheth physically cover Noah up and make sure not to look.

Anonymous No. 16248753

They're too dumb to realize that, so its an intractable problem.

Anonymous No. 16248874

based poos. they are the most pro-AI country as well, not to mention their age demographics aren't totally fucked like China and EU.

Anonymous No. 16248879

the Indian diet is super fucked right now. they have the highest rate of diabetes in the world because they guzzle assloads of sugar in order to make their vegan diet palatable.

Anonymous No. 16248885

I can see why they are pursuing gene editing

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Anonymous No. 16248989

Their women have been improving sperm from White sperm donors for more than a decade now. Fast forward another 90 years and India will probably be 50% blue eyed.

Anonymous No. 16249012

same story with Malaysia other SEA countries who coincidentally all favor gene-editing.

Anonymous No. 16249065

Yes, it correlates with IQ.

However as we all well know IQ suddenly stops mattering when it's applied to a certain race of individuals.

Anonymous No. 16249080

Correlation β‰  Causation, whales are still dumber than Neanderthals

Anonymous No. 16249662

Indians are really fucking tired of people breeding like rabbits. The average Indian thinks India would be 1st works if there weren't so many people.

Anonymous No. 16250600

Yes on an average mean of a species it does matter; since the average size is a quantifiable for the quantity of neurons.

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Anonymous No. 16250609

Herr Deutschlehrer No. 16251847

>avian brain neural density genes
so there is hope for hyper-engineering human intelligence?

Anonymous No. 16252981

Brain density

Anonymous No. 16254345

if they were smart they'd have figured out indoor plumbing by now

Anonymous No. 16254433

they still eat curcumin, einstein

Anonymous No. 16254515

No man seethes at this factoid, would pretend to seethe but would be smug on the side. Yes even Basedence crowd

Anonymous No. 16256138

The soience crowd aren't men

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Anonymous No. 16257299


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Anonymous No. 16258594

NASA could never do this

Anonymous No. 16259434

Is India going to develop a space suit that will allow them to shit on the moon? How would that even work? Maybe put a small airlock in the suit over their ass?

Anonymous No. 16259441

we are talking here about the same species, dumbass

Anonymous No. 16259443

explain indian CEOs and prime ministers (pakis count as indians) everywhere then

Anonymous No. 16259786

this is just because the chinks have their own country that are strong enough to stand against the west and are running those companies at home instead of running to America to ruin it like the jeets. in fact, the best chinks are staying in or coming back to China now due to Xi Jingping policies.
>be jeet americans
>the top 0.01% of the hell hole that is india
>go to america
>get ahead by intense nepotism and being investors' bitches
>ruin every single tech company they run so line go up
I fucking hate jeet CEOs.

Anonymous No. 16259901

that graph shows minute differences in brain weight, not IQ.

Anonymous No. 16259945

CEOs and prime ministers aren't absolute rulers, both are beholden to the whims of wealthy shareholders. Poopjeets are the "perfect" mix of extremely subservient to those with slightly more power and simultaneously extremely callous and cruel to those below.

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Anonymous No. 16260100

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Anonymous No. 16261437

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Anonymous No. 16262547

>"freedom" means getting everything you want for free

Anonymous No. 16262801

this is a rationalization of what's happening.
white politicians aren't absolute rulers either but yet consider elon musk to be an absolute ruler

Anonymous No. 16262803

that subreddit mod should be exposed

Anonymous No. 16262822

Imagine the retards that literally just accept PDFs.

Anonymous No. 16262914

The difference is when a white guy does it he gets a movie and is played by Leonardo DiCaprio
When an Indian does it he gets made fun of on a Mongolian Basket Weaving forum

Anonymous No. 16262933


Anonymous No. 16263747

They have to, they'll get accused of racism if they don't

Anonymous No. 16264584

probably not, whatever prankster that floated those bottles out there was more creative than just using mere urine

Anonymous No. 16265534

nothing in catch me if you can ever happened in irl. its all been thoroughly debunked. abagnale was in prison for most of the period that the story takes place, if you wanted a real tale of his activities during that period a gay porno prison rape video would probably be far far more accurate than the spielberg movie. "speil" is yiddish for "tall tale"
>I believe the tales told in a convicted fraud artist's autobiography

Anonymous No. 16266712


Anonymous No. 16267854

they were floated out there when they were dumped in the ganges.

Anonymous No. 16268425


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Anonymous No. 16269086


Anonymous No. 16270001

The UK's next PM is going to be jewish and they're a monarch with an official state religion which the King is head of and Mexico (one of the most catholic nations on the planet) just elected a jew president. Ukraine also has a jewish president and they've been orthodox for over a thousand years

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Anonymous No. 16270243


It's weird how brain size "doesn't matter" in modern humans but then anthropologists will be like "we know how smart Australopithetcus/Neanderthals were because of their skull size".

Anonymous No. 16270261

She vote it

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16270645

Anonymous No. 16272228

potent meat

Anonymous No. 16272334


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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16273638


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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16275529

they eat a lot of goat in pakistan

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Anonymous No. 16275555

Guaranteed this faggot voted liberal but still hasn't made the connection between his actions and the results.

Anonymous No. 16276254

Because there's 1.4 billion indians, if you take those 2 or 3 standard deviations above average, that's a considerable amount.

However being a CEO or prime minister is not a signal of extreme intelligence, but of corruption.

Anonymous No. 16276906

the average iq in india is 80 so 2 standard deviations above average only gets you to 110

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16277208

>Indians have the smallest brains
>says who?
>l-le britshits...

Anonymous No. 16277210

Why are britshits always insulting Indians? Why the hate?

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16278289

>the average iq in india is 80 so 2 standard deviations above average only gets you to 110
depressing that those people are considered to be the same species as whites.

Anonymous No. 16278422

94% of your population has an IQ under 100. Indians do not want to integrate to other cultures and impose their quite literal shit religion whenever they can. Not to mention the caste system is atrocious.

Anonymous No. 16278479

bangalore is just very good at hiding it
>t. worked in India before

Anonymous No. 16278482

Why would anybody dislike the culture known for scams, rape, and public pooing?

Anonymous No. 16279904

if your life consists of going from the business district or upscale housing/shopping district of one city to an airport to another airport to the business district or upscale housing/shopping district of another city, etc. then the whole world looks exactly the same, its all just a big blur of mediocrity and international globohomo retail chains.

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16280452

Anonymous No. 16281911

Density and surface area (i.e. wrinkling) matter more. Indians have small brains because they're smaller people in a densely populated area, some of which may consist of malnourished people. I would guess that Africans in developed nations have larger brains and other Asians in areas traditionally associated with high IQs (i.e. China, Japan) also have small brains.

Anonymous No. 16281917

I have a 60cm head circumference, requiring XL helmets, and score in the top 1% of like... everything.

>so based off one data point, yeah.

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Anonymous No. 16283176

different races have different cranial volumes and different intellectual capabilities and potentials as a result

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Anonymous No. 16284555

>he is islamic gommunist
>and probbaly kenyan as well :DD.
this but unironically

Anonymous No. 16285940

Already three people with 60cm hat size itt counting myself what are the chances?

Anonymous No. 16286143

Even within this paragraph he’s got the chronology wrong. Latin America was settled before North America, the Dutch have been in the Cape since 1652, and the First Fleet didn’t land in Australia until 1788.

Anonymous No. 16286174

thanks for the ackchyually

Anonymous No. 16286249

do you have any mandela effect memories

Anonymous No. 16286579

Doesn't it matter what part of the brain is larger?

Anonymous No. 16286949


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Anonymous No. 16288047

Anonymous No. 16289205

India is selectively breeding itself to have small heads via train selfies. The smallest headed jeets are the ones least likely to die in train selfie related altercations while the biggest headed jeets always get wiped out

Anonymous No. 16290404

why is this supposed to be exciting?

Anonymous No. 16291551

tits or gtfo

Anonymous No. 16291678

I think the Jews say Ham castrated his father or something.

Anonymous No. 16292989

jeets are very low IQ, so they're easily amused

Anonymous No. 16293063

We should count prefrontal lobe. Humans have highest count of neurons in neocortex among all animals in the world, only surprassed by orcas. You could argue that orcas are dumber than humans, but you should take into consideration that neocortical neurons have a slightly different specification in brains of whales. Our speech is more premitive than speech of whales, and whales need more brain power and neurons to produce and percive speech. It's so premitive that even women who have smaller number of neurons in neocortex are better at it, because it requires less neuron count. Unlike with communication of whales

Anonymous No. 16293124

Travel only makes you more selective in your racism, and more knowledgeable in its reasons

Anonymous No. 16293129

India population is still growing btw
It MIGHT stop at 1.7 billions, or keep going

Anonymous No. 16293494

If Africans have bigger brains than Indians, probably not.

Anonymous No. 16294426

you're misunderstanding how 3rd world india is, it is no better than subsaharan africa

Anonymous No. 16295634

Stats on India's population growth do not include jeets that move to other countries

Anonymous No. 16296878

same goes for african population stats. the bantu expansion is still currently ongoing, they've moved in on the americas and europe very heavily over the past few hundred years

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Anonymous No. 16297213

Sar please read my proofs and do the needful

Anonymous No. 16297226

And the funniest thing is that the kenyan got cucked by frank marshall davis a former chicago communist leader his mother was also fucking
So Obama is literally all american

Anonymous No. 16297232

>the bantu expansion is still currently ongoing,
Damn, you're right.

Anonymous No. 16297276

just further proof nobody likes Indians

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Anonymous No. 16298016

>Does brain size matter?

Anonymous No. 16298019

>US English voice
I don't believe him.

Anonymous No. 16299348

india is no more civilized than subsaharan africa, I don't know why anyone thinks india is a good location to try to run a business or to try to outsource to

Anonymous No. 16300872

Its Indian CEOs in the west making those decisions

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Anonymous No. 16301273

Raphael No. 16301335

Grey matter correlates .3 with iq

By this study Indians are retarded

Not surprised they eat cow shit

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Anonymous No. 16301400