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Anonymous No. 16192075

Anonymous No. 16192085


Anonymous No. 16192384

>autist wildly miscalculates thing
many such cases.

would anyone sane get on a Musk rocket

Anonymous No. 16192390

literally every non-Chinese astronaut

Anonymous No. 16192418

More like
>autist assumes other people perform at his level, ends up disappointed when they don't
It's a lack of empathy common with autistic people.

Anonymous No. 16192419

2027: Elite schemes unfold.
2030: Hellish aftermath consolidates.
20??: Christ's return.

I wish we were going to Mars, but I don't think that's going to happen.

Anonymous No. 16192422

The elite have no cohesive scheme. They benefit from overpopulation. They have no desire to plot a utopian society because life for them is already a utopia. They are content to build more appartment buildings and make more investments as long as they have material comfort.

Anonymous No. 16192450

We are never leaving the LEO.
cope and seethe as much as you want

Anonymous No. 16192481

Russians have been on Musk's rocket
Americans have been on Musk's rocket
British have been on Musk's rocket
Germans, French, Italian, Swiss, Turkish, Saudi, Canadian, etc have all been on Musk's rocket.

Commies haven't been on Musk's rockets though.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16192494

You should scale every date this retard gives by 500%

Anonymous No. 16192495

You should scale up every date this idiot gives by 500%. It is called "The Muskrat's constant"

Anonymous No. 16193196

His original date for putting people on Mars was 2022

Anonymous No. 16193309

Christ/heaven/rapture stuff is earth centric
You can avoid it all on mars

Anonymous No. 16193422

He's been saying that since 2010

Anonymous No. 16193502

So, God only cares about Earth? Are you out of God's reach on Mars, or is he just indifferent to any sentient beings outside of Earth's orbit?

Anonymous No. 16193547

I'd assume you could avoid the apocalyptic shit like plagues and famine and wars on mars at least. Unless governments go out of their way to fuck up other planets, which I'm sure would never happen, haha

Anonymous No. 16193571

It's not September yet now is it?

Anonymous No. 16193875

>(((April Glaser)))
Why are the authors of popsci articles in MSM outlets so commonly jewish?

Anonymous No. 16194422

Go fuck yourself, Elon. You motherfucking piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 16194424

On Mars your god is Ares.

Anonymous No. 16194436

That was before covid and DEI mania. Not that he would have hit the 2022 goal but they would be much further along without either of those two events and the DEI shit is just getting worse instead of better.

Anonymous No. 16195313

Mars is no longer in the cards as far as SpaceX goes

Anonymous No. 16195316

If it will take 8 fuel tankers to land on the moon and return. How many to get to Mars and return?

Anonymous No. 16195324

Nobody said anything about returning.

Anonymous No. 16195376

From what I understand you need somewhere between 10 to 20 cargo rockets to establish a proper base for a small number of people. Most of this equipment isn't even developed. So certainly if Musk wants people quicker without all this they will have to live in the rocket and return in it.

Anonymous No. 16195555

Yahweh is a volcano god and his power ends at the ionosphere

Anonymous No. 16196586

It was never part of the plan, the idea that is was was just put out as publicity to get the support of gullible morons

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Anonymous No. 16196618

Who will be there first?

Anonymous No. 16196644

I suspect all that Soviet technology the Chinks are copying will hit a hard wall when it comes to manned lunar landings kek

Anonymous No. 16196658

I hope he's on the first mission, and never returns.

Anonymous No. 16196667

KEK, "his level"....TOP FUCKING KEK!

>We'd already be living on Mars by now if these pesky PhD engineer and scientists weren't holding God Emperor Musk back!!

Do you people ever listen to yourselves?

Why won't Elon ride his own rocket? Bezos and Branson both did some of the first test flights on their rigs. Elon won't dare fly on his own rocket...let that sink in. He must not want to see space first hand, he's too smart for that. KEK


stop remembering things goyim

>He was never going to reach the 2022 goal but also he failed because of reasons outside his control guys!
kek, classic doublethink

Anonymous No. 16197587

Lack of diversity in their space program means they will lose.

Anonymous No. 16197627

>Why won't Elon ride his own rocket?
Serves zero purpose other than hold up a seat for a real astronaut. Of who many have been waiting and training for years

BO's toy rocket otherwise has no real importance

Anonymous No. 16197641

Bezos and Branson were motivated by wanting the glory of being seen as having the attributes traditionally associated with astronauts. It's a common trait for gammas. Musk is motivated by wanting to have a real space program. That goal doesn't require him to be an astronaut and he doesn't seem to be interested in the glory of pretending to be one. As access to space becomes more and more routine, people like Branson and Bezos will be increasingly seen as LARPing posers, like someone getting on an a PanAm flight in the 50s bragging about being an aviator.