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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16192161

I'm crying right now /sci/ because I KNOW I will never find a Sabine-tier gf to discuss Schrodinger with me on my level bros. Drinking because the pain is too heavy a burden.

Anonymous No. 16192168

Stop spamming this bitch, you fucking simp!
Tired of seeing her ugly face all over the /sci/

Anonymous No. 16192180

but how about no? she is competent, sexxy, and a great explorer and compositor of science.

Anonymous No. 16192182

1. Get a degree in Physics
2. Start PhD studies
3. Attend a conference
4. At the conference evening party, pick up a drunk female physicist
5. ???
6. Wake up in her hotel room

Anonymous No. 16192376

This. Wouldn't fuck her if I was paid to, I have no idea why the fuck anons are so interested.

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Anonymous No. 16192459

>WEF shill Sabine supports the "complex number" ideology
I'm not surprised but it's so tiresome.

Anonymous No. 16192472

What's your problem with complex numbers? They're just like 2D vectors, more or less. Do you have an issue with vectors too?

Anonymous No. 16192488

Only whores attend parties. I want a modest physicist girl like sabine.

Anonymous No. 16192606

I don't have a problem with vectors. I don't have a problem with Clifford algebras or with field extensions either. I do have a problem however with pretending that 2-dimensional objects are numbers and can be framed 1-dimensional.

Anonymous No. 16192651

nobody tell him, it would break his heart.

Anonymous No. 16192654

>I do have a problem however with pretending that 2-dimensional objects are numbers

Anonymous No. 16192846

Okay. Call them complex mathematical constructions for the rest of your life then. See where that gets you

Anonymous No. 16192879

I've meet a few women that I've talked Schrödinger with but I rejected them because they were obviously smarter than me which turned me off.

Anonymous No. 16192968

fuck off sabine, buy an ad

Anonymous No. 16193033

boo hoo bitch
get your ass beat

Anonymous No. 16193045

There's plenty of men to talk to about this shit. Women are for sticking your penis in not serious stuff.

Anonymous No. 16193050

So everyone who attends scientific conferences is a whore. Good to know

Anonymous No. 16193055

now put that knowledge to good use

Anonymous No. 16193112

pussy, you should have married them. I'm envious.

Anonymous No. 16193117

I'm very insecure about my intelligence because I'm actually very stupid.

Anonymous No. 16193257


Anonymous No. 16193260

I feel you

Anonymous No. 16193879

Get smart. Read a book. Read articles.

Anonymous No. 16193882

>yet another hossengoblin simp thread