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๐Ÿงต Is Electrical Engineering supposed to be easy?

Anonymous No. 16192183

>graduating this semester
>3.9+ gpa
>full course load every semester
>double minor
>have an average IQ (1250 SAT)

why is everyone saying engineering is hard? all I did was do the homework which could take a few hours per week max and study the day before exams. where exactly is the difficulty?

Anonymous No. 16192185

No one cares

Anonymous No. 16192186

Guys who talk like you are the reason some kids believed there were famous people who would remove a rib so they could suck their own dicks

Anonymous No. 16192187

Only 5% of the population can utilize math efficiently

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Anonymous No. 16192188

Can I ask how you study and not get distracted? I scored to 98th percentile on my SAT but I cant even muster the motivation to study anything letalone remember it. Also I still struggle to learn pre university maths. How come I am so retarded? How are you not strangled by existential dread

Anonymous No. 16192189


You better be in an internship, if not take your ass to grad school because finding a job in this market is fucking gay.

Anonymous No. 16192198

Maybe calling it easy is an exaggeration but it seriously isn't hard as long as you just do the homework.
I'm a commuter so I do my work in campus in between classes. The environment helps with motivation but also you just need to force yourself sometimes.

Anonymous No. 16192233

It's most likely an attitude thing. Students that just whine all the time and don't even attempt to do anything extra end up being bad and blame the degree for it

Anonymous No. 16192804

No, its most likely just the difference between an average IQ and actual high iq.

Anonymous No. 16192814

Everyone is saying engineer is hard because everyone is obviously much less intelligent and capable than you.

Anonymous No. 16192821

You are a charitable man.

Anonymous No. 16192829

what a nice thing to say, you're a good guy anon

Anonymous No. 16193007

Yeah electrical engineering is a midwit degree. Hopefully the computational EM exists and serves as an escape route for high IQ people who fell for the EE meme

Anonymous No. 16193010

Have you taken a SLOAN test though

Anonymous No. 16193150

Those tests are all bullshit

PC for 1440p No. 16193152

based and agreed

Anonymous No. 16193166

>why is everyone saying engineering is hard?
Hard only by comparison. The world is made for midwits

Anonymous No. 16193170

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16193321

Its 4chan but sure, cope.

Anonymous No. 16193361

Imagine getting a 1250 sat and bragging about how easy the coursework at your T1000 uni was, dnrd midwit

Anonymous No. 16193404

The average /sci/ person is doing better than I am. Also, T25 so cope

Anonymous No. 16193428

What part of EE? I found EE relatively easy for undergrad too, but most of my cohort doing the systems/signal processing side of the degree did not agree. The difficulty seriously spikes if you go to a good grad school (and stay in the systems/signal processing part of the field).

Anonymous No. 16193503

We don't have any specializations here but signals were a bit complicated so I'm not surprised if it ramps up in difficulty quickly.

Anonymous No. 16193523

Wait, your school didn't direct you towards specializations in any particular avenue of EE? Why?

That's pretty terrible and doesn't prepare their students for either graduate school (in which they become even more specialized) or industry (in which the specializations allow you to develop more attractive skills in particular disciplines).

Anonymous No. 16193542

Not sure, I guess because it's a small school. That helps answer my question on whether the degree is easy though.

Anonymous No. 16193560

>>>double minor
yet no work experience. nice going fag.

Anonymous No. 16193586

Did two internships but cope more

Anonymous No. 16193750

Same situation here. I am not super smart, but I feel like Sherlock fucking Holmes among the weak and retarded in my uni.

Anonymous No. 16193917

Lol no

Anonymous No. 16194557

How many people break up over bad sex? Spoiler: not many. It's cope

Anonymous No. 16195375

Congrats on locking in your rare electrical golem character class I guess
>high IQ (1580 SAT)
>normal load to meet scholarship requirements (CS)
>dropped out
>will probably never get a degree

Anonymous No. 16195837

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