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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16192214

is this a good resource to learn math?

Anonymous No. 16192218

>free materials
>need to login

Anonymous No. 16192234

you don't need to login, desu

Anonymous No. 16192331

How would it be any better than library genesis, scihub, and annas-archive? Any book I want, I can read. And to be honest, if I like a book I always buy a physical copy, so these sites drive real sales from people like me, and for thieves, well they weren't going to pay anyway.

That said, given the availability of all the books, how does a freetard book collective benefit the reader? I can see how it might benefit the teacher if they want to copy/paste things into their lectures, but they usually don't need to do this.

Anonymous No. 16192347

Libgen will shut down in a couple of years. Only 1 working mirror left

Anonymous No. 16192374

This means nothing, another will take its place.

Anonymous No. 16193647

It's on par with the general undergrad textbooks

Anonymous No. 16193685

Fuck no
So fucking awful?

Anonymous No. 16193691

What is the right way, white man?

Anonymous No. 16193711

Most of the stuff on libgen is already outdated. No one is going to read 20 year old math pdfs

Anonymous No. 16193741

Ideally inventing it all yourself that's the white way
but if you're brown then just steal it from the internet

Anonymous No. 16193743

Uh dude basic linear algebra and calculus haven't changes that much
You don't need to know the derivative of a skibidi toilet you fucking zoomer

Anonymous No. 16193748

I hope this is bait.

Anonymous No. 16193769

New linear algebra 2.432 just dropped. Get with the times boomer.

Change list:
>We removed the notion of affine spaces, these were super problematic for POCs.
>Determinants are deprecated and to be considered considered fake and gay [Shout out to Axler for this contribution]
>Jordan normal form has been renamed to Air Jordan normal form [Thanks to our sponsor Nike!]
>Canonical Forms have been renamed Standard Forms [This contribution from a DEI grant recipient Shelly Shekelberg as part of her work to remove problematic and culturally inappropriate religious terminology]
We are also experimenting with alternatives to the + symbol, with โŠฅ being the leading choice [Thanks again Shelly!]

Anonymous No. 16193783

if this ever happens in math I will throw my work in navier stokes into the fire and just be a walmart greeter.

Anonymous No. 16193803

you don't need login
So far it's doing good for me. There's no magic formula to learn math:
>Get a book
>Open it and study
>Do not skip the exercises
>If you don't get something, supplement with secondary sources (like videos on khan academy)
>if you can't stand writing on paper, get a cheap wacom tablet and a program like OpenBoard for exercises
>Get a calculator
Just stick with something instead of obsessing over which source is perfect.

Anonymous No. 16193823

Just keep hoarding your pdfs and not doing any actual math

Anonymous No. 16193931

These books are for the betterment of the world, not for fattening some publisher's purse

Anonymous No. 16194020

Their psychology doesn't know that neurons require ATP to work.

Anonymous No. 16194031

But bio one knows

Anonymous No. 16194048

Uff, that's a good point, but I would rather write it there where psychology learns about repolarization of synapse.

Anonymous No. 16194185

Fuck you and your skibidi toilets
I will buy only the latest books and not fall for your memes

Anonymous No. 16194194

Literally just don't go along with it. If they push you out, there are going to be enough sympathetic people elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 16194582

This is what that mentality gets you, and that book is/was legendary in computer science.

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Anonymous No. 16194585

This time with the picrel.

Anonymous No. 16194629

>Make the world better by making inferior products gratis and ruining financial incentives for people to make something better.
Yeah, sounds like freetardation alright.

Anonymous No. 16194632

Fuck off, Elsevier shill

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Anonymous No. 16194700

>Visit the website.
>This doesn't look like something for me
>Close tab.

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Anonymous No. 16194705

>*Open recently closed tab*
There's probably some lulz... doesn't take long. When I first saw this, I thought they were sponsoring the special olympics.

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Anonymous No. 16194713

>A path to equity
>diverse learners
This looks pretty nigged. I'll stick to real diversity in reading Russian, German, French, British, American.... etc authors.

Anonymous No. 16194718

or you can not be a coward and laugh in their face when they give you trouble. complacent normalfags are 90% of the problem. make them fire you dipshits, don't try to preempt the humiliation by firing yourself.

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Anonymous No. 16194720

thanks for the hard hitting research. I know to avoid this site now.

conscious diversity efforts? no thanks.

Anonymous No. 16194828

What the fuck is the matter with these people lmao

Also why remove matroids, search trees, fourier transform, pointer and objects?? At least you know which edition to buy instead

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Saint Floyd.jpg

Anonymous No. 16195113

>the matter with these people
They're in a DEI cult.

Anonymous No. 16195116

This is literally what my university (a moderately high ranking one, mind you) used to teach Physics

Anonymous No. 16195846

How does identity politics relate to wanting newest and updated scientific information?

Anonymous No. 16197195

I don't understand why psych is classified as a social science

Anonymous No. 16197255

The astronomy textbook is pretty decent if you just want to gain a basic understanding of space shit

Anonymous No. 16197260

Why are you overloading perp?

Anonymous No. 16197416

Because it is social science...?

Anonymous No. 16197708


Anonymous No. 16198931
