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🧵 DEI cult ideology for science faculty members

Anonymous No. 16192477

So if you want to teach sciences, you need to be an expert in DEI death cult ideology.

You need to submit to the death cult ideology as a form of submission.

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Anonymous No. 16192478


bodhi No. 16192483

LMAO this is literally what I have been saying here for years. The stupid fucks on this board said the same

>its just the humanities bro
fucking retards

Anonymous No. 16192485

Further if you want to learn sciences, you're gonna get DEI ideology drilled into your head instead.

Its all over for science.

Anonymous No. 16192487

Yes. This is what the Bridge2.0 initiative is all about.
DEI departments being shut down in not a win. They are shifting the responsibility from DEI departments and onto every single employee. The goal is to make anyone who is not part of the cult unemployable. They are no longer asking.

All moderate to high paying jobs will be for cult members or people willing to go along so strongly they might as well be cult members.

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Anonymous No. 16192533

>mfw I'm 0 on all questions

Anonymous No. 16192544

Most of us saw those posters for what they were but it's not like we could ban them. All we could do is call them out. Doubt it helped anything.

Anonymous No. 16192620

I'm so grateful that I graduated uni years before this DEI cancer started spreading its tentacles. I never once had to deal with any of this garbage on campus or in any of my classes.

Anonymous No. 16192621

I'll probably get -1 or -2 on this if I was to submit this form

Anonymous No. 16192634

The scientist should be familiar with satisfying arbitrary criteria as part of the grant writing process. Facts do not matter, only how to twist your study to meet grant requirements. As such, this entry level test checks for innate ability in such tasks and is inherently racist.

Anonymous No. 16192635

it's every where now retard. enjoy your DEI supper. DEI is invented by the boomer humanities majors and spread by the millenials. the boomercattles took advantage of DEI and deflected all societal issues into racial and gender problems while they enjoy retirement in million of dollar slaving the later generation.
it's not racial and gender war, it's class and generational war. the DEIniggers are there as warriors to fight for the boomers and the rich.
fuck it, we need to initiate total class war now.

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Anonymous No. 16192638


The problem with DEI scoring is it FORCES people to look at people based on their race, gender, sexual preferences, etc.
Treating all students the *SAME* (full equality) will lead to POOR DEI scores.

Anonymous No. 16192642

this is how they planned to destroy your society. totally voluntary.

Anonymous No. 16192644

>Show that you think like us sociopolitically, and we'll give you a jerb

Anonymous No. 16192700

Research is just as bad - I have to include paragraphs in every fucking grant and runtime application now explaining how my random ass experiments benefit racial equity or the plight of women in the middle east or whatever.

Anonymous No. 16192702

So this is the true power of Ivy League

Anonymous No. 16192894

My Uni just got rid of DEI shit

Anonymous No. 16192902

This is news to you people?

Anonymous No. 16192926

The problem is that DEI initiatives is intimately linked to funding. No one does this shit because it's reasonable or beneficial. A corporation does it because the money-lender forces them to.

The banks and their hedgefund lemmings, for whatever reason, are very aggressively trying to push divisive politics into academia and fortune 500 companies.

Anonymous No. 16192971

it's Larry Fink who's pushing this shit to keep the cattles like us from uniting and revolting. he's the owner of BlackRock who is managing a fuck ton of retirement money and who is actually giving loans to those institution. it's just bread and circus.

Anonymous No. 16192975

Its ideological leaning. Not just financial.

Look at the companies that donate their money to politically. If you're not a blind retard, you'd see this through.

Anonymous No. 16193018

ChatGPT please write my DEI statement
ChatGPT please draft my legal notice to sue this research institution for asking about my race.
ChatGPT please finish my publication

bodhi No. 16193025

true, i know there are a few good lads here, it is why I didnt leave

Anonymous No. 16193027

>be me dr. goygod the 3rd
>certified genius in algebraic topology
>very busy on my nintendo break in my office (I have a gamer chair)
>disgusting goy enters my office
>"excuse me dr. goygod but could you please fill out this dei goy paper?"
>crumple the paper and throw it
>call them the gamer word and tell them to get the fuck out of my office
>go back to my extremely busy and important work (I'm still just playing video games)
It feel good being native american. I call tell anyone to go back to their country and face no consequences.
I'm kind of a legend on my grandparent's rez, first redman to ever count past 100. I'm regrettably half white but I will fix that next generation. I mean it's not that bad since that's probably where I got my autism, intelligence, and racism from anyways.

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bodhi No. 16193032


bodhi No. 16193083

good video btw

Anonymous No. 16193091

>Its ideological leaning
There is no ideology involved other than "how to secure my fortune" when you're in the top 0.1 %. Ideology is a meaningless substitute for religion that you feed to the masses and which turns into a fixed state due to what essentially amounts to prisoner's dilemma. We've seen that before with christianity. Once the social pressure is gone, people will drop out of their religious spell more or less instantly.

I'm aware that the natural conclusion of DEI initiatives is discord and mistrust. They know it too (Amazon memo leak, studies etc.).

Anonymous No. 16193098

>We've seen that before with christianity. Once the social pressure is gone, people will drop out of their religious spell more or less instantly.
Which is why I've become increasingly pro-Christianity, btw. By now, it's clear once you get people out of a spell, most of them will instantly fall into another one, be that Q-Anon, LGBTQ+ identitarianism (with transes attaining the highest degree of socially engineered psychosis, hence why they cut off their genitals) or any other type of stupid shit.

Anonymous No. 16193099

Wish nerds weren't so spineless, such a obviously stupid project.

Anonymous No. 16193102

>Ideology is a meaningless substitute for religion
And thats what it has become for the masses. Its a religion. A powerful one too given the expansive power it has in brainwashing the masses.

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Anonymous No. 16193208

>its just the humanities bro

Anonymous No. 16193228

I score zero on all fields. Fucking idiots, I really hope this entire system collapses so that the west can return to greatness.

Anonymous No. 16193231

Collapse wont happen on its own. It needs good men to fight against it.

Anonymous No. 16193233

Based, as you should be. In fact I'd be like >>16192621
and go for as low as possible, by an accompanying letter explaining the natural of reality, and the global distribution of intelligence. I doubt this would change anything though, the cabal took down a great like James Watson for vaguely going against the narrative.

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Anonymous No. 16193238

By his despondent demeanour, somehow /ournig/ here is probably the smartest person in the room, maybe hired from a time where you actually still had to be smart.

Anonymous No. 16193243

wtf.... it's so over, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16193268


Anonymous No. 16193273

>these dam' white bitches again I swear

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Anonymous No. 16193623

Only decent one I could find. You guys can pick from the rest, good luck.

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Anonymous No. 16193877

bodhi No. 16194237

>it's all so tiresome

bodhi No. 16194244


Anonymous No. 16194337

>being called the n-word by white men only to be slaved at work by white women.
hey, I can find at least 3 more decent looking white women. that grey shirt at the front got a decent boob.

Anonymous No. 16194358

DEI means whites and asians need to training and promote own replace for free.

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Anonymous No. 16194361


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Anonymous No. 16194408

the funniest shit is that they straight up deleted him from the photo they have on NASA page
reminds me of the Photo with Stalin and Yezhov

Anonymous No. 16194442

wtf lmao

Anonymous No. 16194447

I hate those DEI trannies so much but it's funny what they did to the only black men who werent there due to affirmative action.

Anonymous No. 16194474

fucking what!? ha!

Anonymous No. 16194481

No fucking way

Anonymous No. 16194597

Oh that's hilarious. Black lives matter... except when they don't!

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Anonymous No. 16194608

They did it to the black climate activist too.

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Anonymous No. 16194611


Anonymous No. 16194619

Its unstable, it might flip fast (Minsky moment) and then everyone on the cult will be unemployable. Classic Thermidorian reaction

Anonymous No. 16194709

>black men who werent there due to affirmative action
but he was tho

Anonymous No. 16194715

First wave of AA was "you have to hire a black man" but not at the expense of qualifications. And if they weren't perfect it had to be near enough. Obviously once every company starts to do this, you cannot easily find quality AA hires, so the standards dropped.

Anonymous No. 16195452

that one on the left is the heiress to germany's largest tobacco business

Anonymous No. 16195459

I can fix her.

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Anonymous No. 16196553

the one 2nd from right is a tranny
>Isabelle Axelsson

Anonymous No. 16197328

>that jawline
dude will never pass, I bet his voice sounds like barry white.

Anonymous No. 16198376

More evidence that NASA is just another ZOG propaganda agency rather that the scientific organization it pretends to be

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Anonymous No. 16198388

This shit is really evil.

Anonymous No. 16198459

Right? This has been going on for how long?

bodhi No. 16198464

It isnt new, but the people here are pretty stupid and I suspect NEETS that dont go out much. Some of us have been called /pol/ and schizo etc for the last decade for saying this was coming. Showing people it is now here is only natural

Anonymous No. 16198575

What's the carbon footprint for tranny meds.

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Anonymous No. 16198652

Whitey historian social justice race gender traitor faggot couldn't find a job in academia due to affirmative action got humilated by black DEI queen on Twitter.
Paid the toll.

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Anonymous No. 16199457

UC Boulder is now only hiring minorities, their DEI program completely shuts out white males from the university. UC Boulder is the largest individual employer in the state.

Anonymous No. 16199468

I realise conservatives are fond of appropriating the language of progressives and turning it on its head, but how is this a "death cult" by any stretch of the imagination?
We call you death cultists because you worship weaponry and regularly sacrifice little children to your fetish, because you want women to suffer and die for the sin of having sex, because you think everyone who is different from you deserves to die, because you thought letting covid rage through the population was good actually and culled the elderly and the weak, and because you're setting us on the course for a climate apocalypse and we're all going to have to suffer because of your stubbornness, you know, that sort of stuff.
How is understanding racism a "death cult" tho

Anonymous No. 16199500

>their DEI program completely shuts out white males from the university
Nonsense, they could be gay or disabled

Anonymous No. 16199527

Death cult is death cult. What does it mean? It means its a cult that promotes death and worships it.

What does the DEI lead to? It leads to incompetence. It leads to racial division. It leads to incompetency crisis. It leads to mal practice. It leads to death/crisis/decline.

Combine that with the other political solutions from the left. Transgender ideology. Depopulation ideology. Degrowth ideology. Hatred of civil society. Destruction of norms. Promotion of crimes. Defunding of law enforcements.

These all lead to death/destruction of persons/property/society and ultimately extinction of all life on earth.

Anonymous No. 16199542

>Uh yeah it's a death cult because uh uh slippery slope and stuff
lol, weak
You're a death cultist because you straightforwardly worship death, you projecting weirdo.

Anonymous No. 16199544

Further more, the leftist ideology promotes the idea that individual will and individuality is bad. This comes from the communist ideology ofcourse where a centralized government body controls the human species. Where individualism is seen as a threat. Individual merit, individual will, individual spirit, etc. The extinguishing of human spirit is the core of the ideology.

These are all tied together in a neatly compacted death cult.

Anonymous No. 16199552

>This comes from the communist ideology ofcourse where a centralized government body controls the human species.
Lord give me the confidence of a conservative talking about shit he couldn't be bothered to skim the wikipedia article of

Anonymous No. 16199555

What else is new outside of your communist bubble?

Anonymous No. 16199560

You're not even making sense any more, I think the oversized part of your brain that deals in platitudes and thought-terminating clichés is firing too much

Anonymous No. 16199561

Okay? Do you think this is reddit? I think you're lost.

Anonymous No. 16199565

what the fuck is a "spousal hire" and how is that shit legal?

Anonymous No. 16199570

Really went and proved my point there

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bodhi No. 16199584


Anonymous No. 16199590

The thing is, when they advertise for BIPOC people you know the company is already 90% white
But when they advertise for white people, you know it's already 100% white

Anonymous No. 16199596

>The thing is, when they advertise for BIPOC people you know the company is already 90% white
Wrong. When they use the word "BIPOC", the assumption isn't that its a white company. But rather its got lot of asians. BIPOC is used specifically to exclude Asians. "Diversity" is used to exclude whites. BIPOCs say Asians are honorary whites/white-adjacents.

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bodhi No. 16199627


I warned you all this was coming too

bodhi No. 16199637

and? does "black girl gaming" ever look to hire white people for "diversity?"

>its ok when we do it

Yah ... this isnt gonna fly anymore. That day came and went

Anonymous No. 16199638

>hiring minorities
70-80% of that hirings are just women. I knew one of the most mediocre candiates just got an Assoc Prof position in UC Boulder just because she's a woman.
got two or a few first author papers. most of her recent papers she isn't even first or last author. citations is only 500.
that probably doesn't get her the interview for a tenure track in her competitive field if that she were a white/asian male.

bodhi No. 16199644

incompetent people put into positions of power are easier to control

bodhi No. 16199648

our system rewards mediocrity, cheating and backstabbing. If you show you are willing to play ball and especially hate on white people the (((controllers))) will reward with the power to enact those policies to strike at their political enemies while being able to keep their hands clean

Anonymous No. 16199652

>easier to control
she were using words like birthing people, vagina havers... etc on twitter. she is unironically a card carrying member and vocal advocate for the anti science cult. got into that job purely due to identity politics and affirmative action.
academia is on its last leg. the rot is so deep in the next 20 years there will be no one competent left to run anything.

Anonymous No. 16199653

You are so, so mad about receiving even a fraction of the treatment black people have received for centuries lol
I'm really sorry you didn't get into Black Girl Gaming, buddy, I know it was your dream

Anonymous No. 16199668

not sure but I think I've heard one case before. I think spousal hire is when a researcher is so great, the university wants them at any cost so in additional to a well paid compensation package, the university also gives an academic job to their spouse so they can be together.

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bodhi No. 16199677

Im not mad at all bud. You mean affirmative action that lasted a century? You have been coddled in every way imaginable, had unimaginable amounts of money thrown at trying to educate you people and given every opportunity if you showed even the smallest amount of drive and ambition and you have ever given back is lip, lies and violence. My ancestors built this country and we dont owe you a damn thing and our patience has worn thin. Freeloading days are over so mind your p's and q's now tyrone

Anonymous No. 16199686

>Im not mad at all bud
Corncobbed lol

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🗑️ bodhi No. 16199687


Anonymous No. 16199691

>He said, very un-madly

Anonymous No. 16199694

negroes in america are the wealthiest, best educated and longest lived people of african origin anywhere on the planet.
and they constantly complain about that.

Anonymous No. 16199697

Buddy, you also live in America, and you also complain about that

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bodhi No. 16199741


Anonymous No. 16199747

What's with the selfie

Anonymous No. 16200353

the n word is racist.

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Anonymous No. 16200465

Hate to break it to you but races do exist, computer science and genetic sequencing quite distinctly group people with their self identified race quite accurately. Race deniers need to leave science all together.

And yes, Finns are their own race.

Anonymous No. 16200479


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bodhi No. 16200508

I can somewhat relate as Christcucks could rightfully considered a kind of death cult. I wouldnt describe leftists as a death cult- though they are responsible for 100's of millions of deaths- but that was through incompetence and stupidity, I would describe leftism as a dysgenics cult that worship mediocrity and incompetence and hate vitality, strength and success

Anonymous No. 16200556

Now people say
>It's just academia bro

Anonymous No. 16200593


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Anonymous No. 16200604

>mfw I'm a swamp witch but have to codemonkey to get by :(

Anonymous No. 16200984

If I was filling out this form I'd put 3 everywhere. I've read so much chud rhetoric on 4chan all I need to do is reverse it and I'd probably get a PhD in race relations and gender studies.

Anonymous No. 16200988

Based nigga, probably the smartest and most useful person in the room by a wide margin. If I was in a room full of white Californians I'd feel the same.

Anonymous No. 16200995

No religion ever cared about afterlife too much other than having some traditions to ensure it goes smoothly. It was Christianity that created the fear of death and then offered a convenient solution. Even Judaism is like
>what do you mean afterlife?

bodhi No. 16201056

Wrong. Christcucks love the wars in the Middle East and Zionism. They love the idea of one world government tyranny because it means their magic space jew is gonna come take them into heaven. They are a doomsday cult

bodhi No. 16201069

>They are a doomsday cult
They actively undermine their own nations and campaign for Jewish terrorism and tyranny and world war 3 (Gog and Magog). They dont get to go to heaven until these things occur

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bodhi No. 16201141

btw this goes with these also. you think this guy still thinks it's funny? >>16199627

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16201697

Chat GPT is perfectly programmed to write these types of statements for you

Anonymous No. 16201814

>it's not a racial or gender war
DEI is just the current offshoots of political correctness and critical race theory, which itself was developed by the Frankfurt School, which was entirely staffed by communist Jews who saw their class war revolution fail in Russia and decided to switch gears (very successfully, I might add) into gender and race politics. It has nothing to do with class or generational divides, you utter mongoloid.

Anonymous No. 16201818

>Once the social pressure is gone
The social pressure was to drop their religion, you're either too young to know what's going on, or you're just an idiot. Either way, you shouldn't be posting your thoughts on the Internet. Lurk moar.

Anonymous No. 16201823

>Die white man.
Do we need to spell it out for you?

Anonymous No. 16201825

Wrong. Individualism was a bipartisan issue in the west. Identity politics is collectivism for minorities. Individualism is what whites have, because they aren't allowed be collectivist e.g. white supremacy.

Anonymous No. 16201827

So you admit you are a racist and that DEI is racist and illegal then. Thanks for playing.

Anonymous No. 16201832

Christianity is the opposite of a death cult. The teachings of the religion are very clear about the importance of life, family, and not causing others offence when it could very well backfire on you in a violent way. It also classifies suicide as a major sin. Contrast that with Judaism practicing abortion and assisted dying (medical suicide) and gender affirming surgery (infant sterilisation) and it is clear who the death cult is. Also Judaism absolutely doss believe in an afterlife, the concept of everyone rising from the dead is a Jewish belief and they talk about ghosts and the spirits of the dead throughout the Old Testament.

Anonymous No. 16201840

You are talking about reformist (judeo-christians) who circumcise their children and think jesus came to save the jews only, which is why they support Israel. They are Christian in name only. But enough already, if you know anything close to this you know that Jewish ideology is mostly at fault for leading these people astray and since you spend your time bashing idiots instead of those who are really to blame, its clear, your nose is showing.

bodhi No. 16201993

nah bud, this is Christcuckery 101. This is baseline Christuckery, all of them believe this no matter what denomination they are.

Anonymous No. 16202791

>this is what a NASA looks like
>show the children

Anonymous No. 16203029

I have never seen a native on 4chan before. really interesting

Anonymous No. 16203098

wonder if he's still working there

Anonymous No. 16203104

What are you warning of today?

bodhi No. 16204761

watch the food supply

Anonymous No. 16205520

Nobody at NASA works. All of the work they're credited with is done by hired subcontractors.

Anonymous No. 16205830

>NASA in the walls AGAIN lying n shit
Give up.

Anonymous No. 16206006

I would put 3 in everything and then keep doing my shit as if nothing happened.

Anonymous No. 16206038

Friend of mine got a DEI position by just being a brown woman and showing up to the interview dressed in full traditional garb where she announced "it's [festival day] in my culture today, hence the dress".
The festival in question didn't exist. She just said "Thursday" in her native language and the interviewers just accepted it. The only qualification was being sufficiently distant from being White and how she would celebrate Pride month, Black history month, etc. and so forth.

Anonymous No. 16206550

If you don't like white countries you are free to leave at any time

Anonymous No. 16206562

How does anything ever get done in American companies? Isn't the point of hiring someone to take on part of the work required?

Anonymous No. 16206612

There's still a tiny legacy cadre of white boomers and Xers that do all the work
consistently, a single white is worth 50 nonwhites in any position

Anonymous No. 16207185

American companies survive despite the government obstructions because American people are naturally resourceful.

Anonymous No. 16207230

10x developers are a real phenomenon, and exist in every industry. They push forward the company for pennies, the rest are dragged along doing very little but make demands for the same pennies.

Anonymous No. 16208130

>American companies survive
because they get below market interest rates if they hire women and minorities

Anonymous No. 16209000

Being able to borrow at below market interest rates is like getting money for free.

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Anonymous No. 16209268

Harvard just eliminated their mandatory DEI for science hiring.

Small win but not enough yet.

Anonymous No. 16209275

That is progress, but it's not totally out of a return to meritocracy. After the anti-Israel protests, they realized their golem was starting to turn on them.

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Anonymous No. 16209422

>You need to submit to the DEI death cult ideology as a form of submission
Do you have any evidence for that or are you just talking bullshit?

Anonymous No. 16209526

Death of white people is the death of civilization.

Anonymous No. 16209966

Guys! You should come and hang more with us on >>>/pol/ . Else you will get things like this stuck in your throats all the time.

Anonymous No. 16210853

This is a thread about science, sorry if that bothers you

Anonymous No. 16212158

>why NASA can't even launch a rocket anymore

Anonymous No. 16213225

This is the classic thing where women focus on getting a prestige position just because they want to show off, but once they get it they aren't capable of performing the job so they spend all their time focusing on anything except the job they can't do by instead focusing on things like feminism other social justice crap, what color the walls should be painted, where to hold the office Christmas party, etc.

Anonymous No. 16213236

Reminds me when I saw a former female classmate advertised as a speaker for one of those "empowering women in engineering" seminars.... now the real truth is that this girl was a pass around slut who would suck dick for help with her calculus and linear algebra homework. Nice ass, but dumb as a rock really.

It really put everything into perspective just how fake this crap is, especially if you've seen the situation from the other angle, politely speaking.

Anonymous No. 16218234

Substantiate your argument Moshe

bodhi No. 16218314

If you dont know the religion well enough to know this basic tenet then why are you even posting about it drooling fucktard? I went to a private baptist university and took multiple ACADEMIC courses on it and have read the bible cover to cover. Wtf do you know about anything you dumb fuck?

Christuck larptards and laymen ignorants think you "go to heaven" when you die because they have been fed this by movies and other larptard halfwits. Naw, this isnt how it works. They dont get to go to heaven until the rapture which doesnt happen until Jesus comes back AFTER the antichrist takes over the globe afnd causes WW3 and emerges as the leader of the new world order. Therefore Christucks ACTIVELY campaign for this to take place so they can go to heaven.

Anonymous No. 16218353

>was not involved in activities that promote DEI
damn, can I get negative points for placing "refugees NOT welcome here" or generation identitaire stickers in the university bathrooms and calling people nigger on the internet?

Anonymous No. 16218368

Europe has it tough. They welcome in ~30-50M "refugees" through legal policies. So all they can do is uses the term "refugees", which were initially reserved for niche use case of harsh circumstances.

Meanwhile in the US we have ~4+ million illegal immigrants coming from our southern borders. Our actual refugees is ~124K per year, which makes sense because we want to cap it. But our illegal migrations from the southern border due to non-enforcement of the current admin is likely illegal/unconstitutional and is currently being challenged in the court.

Anonymous No. 16218370

>disenfranchised and enslaved
white boys worry that they will be treated like black people
this is literal CIA-helter-skelter crap and you stupid fucks fall for it
failures, most of you

Anonymous No. 16218468

The correct term to use is "invader".

Anonymous No. 16218492

Invasion where your leaders welcome the "invaders" as legal residents

Anonymous No. 16218996

>Yale university
they don't want you to divest in Israel, Yale is the holy ivy for the Jews

they want, in writing, that you support Israel for DEI purposes

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bodhi No. 16219368

>you fall for it
Nice projection. I have been warning you idiots here they were doing this for a decade. Negroes are their main foot soldiers because you are retards and will fuck over anyone for a few crumbs. Projecting your retardation and greed is quite comical. White people wont stand for this jewish bullshit so they offered you darkies a few crumbs to replce them as middle management because you are easier to control and you jumped right out of your seat and went reaching for that carrot saying "yes massa, whateva you say massa" to your Jewish overlords (until you talked shit about Israel and started losing the jobs you were given)

Anonymous No. 16221083

jews absurdly taught negroes to self identify as oppressed people regardless the fact that the negroes in the usa are the wealthiest, best educated and longest lived people of african origin anywhere in the universe and the negroes were ridiculously stupid enough to fall for it.
but then the jews' plan went awry when the negroes started identifying with other oppressed people including those why the jews were oppressing themselves

Anonymous No. 16221093

>as legal residents
This is why opposition to the invasion needs to normalize mass repatriation and push to revoke the status of these types. Many will self-deport once the benefits are cut.

bodhi No. 16221913


Anonymous No. 16222573

>heh according to this definition i just made up the thing you said doesn't make sense!

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Anonymous No. 16222591

>death cult
Fuck off troll, to trigger people some place else.

Anonymous No. 16222598

>Death of white people is the death of civilization.
What the fuck are you even talking about you nutjob? Fuken meds, seriously.

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Anonymous No. 16222652

>death cult

Anonymous No. 16223750

that phrase "death cult" sure does seem to trigger a lot of emotional reaction. what a tip-off

Anonymous No. 16223841

They are self aware of what their WEF ideology leads to.

Anonymous No. 16224753

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/470645140