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๐Ÿงต Which is more valid for the absence of alien life

Anonymous No. 16192796

The dark forest hypothesis


The zoo hypothesis

Anonymous No. 16192805

or maybe the reason for an absence of detection in alien life is that fundamental laws of nature we have observed thus far truly do hold everywhere and ftl travel and communication is therefore impossible. And that also, the likelihood for the development of complex life is so specific and on such long time scales that we reasonably could be the first and potentially only form of intelligent life in the universe.

Anonymous No. 16192842

Option 3 - We've hilariously overestimated the probability of intelligent life capable of technological development evolving on habitable worlds.

The probability of technologically advanced civilizations developing and communicating with us are based entirely on assumptions we have no basis for because we have a fucking sample size of one.

Anonymous No. 16192849

Space doesn't exist past the solar system and all the crap the telescopes see are just distorted reflections of it.

Anonymous No. 16193873

This. Aliens are probably just small organisms

Anonymous No. 16194068

Rare earth hypothesis

Anonymous No. 16194087

neither. they are both retarded

Anonymous No. 16194089

>the probability
nice assumptation there even IS a probability

Anonymous No. 16194114


Zoo hypothesis by far.

Anonymous No. 16194117


Grabby Aliens Hypothesis. We are alone because otherwise we would be here. They would be here instead already and we would have had zero chance to ever evolve.

Anonymous No. 16194142

We live in a simulation and the simulation doesn't include aliens. Simple as.

Anon get's it.

Anonymous No. 16194143

The the-universe-is-really-big hypothesis. We have no idea how rare or common life is so it's entirely plausible that we're the only intelligent life in the whole galaxy. There could be on average one intelligent species per galaxy and we'd still have to say the universe is teeming with life because it's just that big, but these civilizations would be so far apart that contact between them is totally impossible.

Anonymous No. 16194300

I think the great filter hypothesis is the most likely, followed by dark forest.

Anonymous No. 16194437

The dark forest is dumb because there's really no place to hide at all.

Anonymous No. 16194468

Tbh both are pretty stupid shit. Dark forest is stupid because well, look at us, do we carefully plan every step? No, we send the shit in space like there is no tomorrow - Voyager, radio waves etc. And we are alive and well. Voyager might have not gone far but first radio waves travelled good portion of a Galaxy now.

Zoo is just a fun thought, but we would get it by now, we would notice all the systems put in place to watch us/keep us in place. Who the fuck would waste his time on us like that, there are bilions of stars out there, makes way more sense to get few humans, probe the shit out of their asses and maybe freeze them or some shit.

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Anonymous No. 16194477

The Zoo Hypothesis works if the aliens stuck a nano-needle in everyone's skull once they arrived, and then uploaded us into one of their virtual worlds. It's easier than building a megastructure around the solar system.

Anonymous No. 16194501

Universe too big
FTL and even near-FTL is not feasible
Megastructures are not feasible
Our models of reality are not accurate enough ( leading to our conception of megastructure and near-FTL even less feasible than it already appears )

Space colonization is not economically feasible and it would require a superpowerful autocrat to force it...except said supepowerful autocrat can want to do literally anything else. And even when you have space colonization autism's still not economically feasible and the project collapses leading to them being deposed.

Anonymous No. 16194519

sciencetards will literally write such things, but the existence of God is too far fetched

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Anonymous No. 16194556


The rare Earth hypothesis is the straightest one. Our solar system also lies on the habitable zone of the galaxy which limits the potential habitable planets to a narrow band on our galaxy. Our own solar system configuration is already quite rare, most common configuration is the heavier the planet, the closest it is to the star. Our Moon is another odd thing about our planet and may have played a role. The same goes for our anormal tectonic activity and it might be essential for complex life at all. Phosphorus seems to be a missing ingridient for complex life, which was not available to life for billions of years.

Even if we assume that life is common, complex life may be not. Life on Earth remained unicellular for billions of years. Complex life is relatively recent in the whole history of the Earth and probably the unvierse. Earth was also born around the time when the violent era of quasars was ending, so any earlier outlier may have been wacked by gamma ray bursts.

Anonymous No. 16194558


Actually, the most common configuration is the similar: The masses of all planets in a system are similar to each other. This architecture class is the most commonly-observed in our galaxy.