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🧵 Took 2 Sputnik V "vaccines" (viral vector) 3 years ago, will I be fine? Can a doctor confirm?

Anonymous No. 16193130

I was a retarded 19 year old at the time and I did not fully realise how evil the governments really are globally. I was hesitent at first but urged by my mother. I had no side effects ever since but Covid was such a fucking nothingburger that now I doubt it ever fucking existed. I literally injected myslef with a gene therapy-like drug over fucking nothing, NOTHING! I immediately regreted it couple months after my second shot after new data started to surface. If I was 2 or 3 years older at the time I would have never taken the shot under no circumstance. On the other hand /pol/ believes in any article that supports their narritive even if it has no credibility and backed up by nothing , even if it is not written by an actual doctor. Even covid grandpa, aka John Campbell isn't a doctor, just a nurse. I just want to finally stop worrying about it after 3 years and move on with my life. I know that there are no refunds and all but now I am convinced covid never existed. Fuck this gay ass society. Will I be ok or will I randomly ACK one day?

Anonymous No. 16193135

Well if you took Sputnik, I doubt they were actively trying to cull you. Russia is one of the few countries that seems to care about the future of its people. And even if you're cynical and reference the war, well dead vaxxies don't make for very good soldiers.

The best thing you can do for yourself is stop worrying. Anxiety and stress can be dangerous to you.

Anonymous No. 16193151

>Well if you took Sputnik, I doubt they were actively trying to cull you. Russia is one of the few countries that seems to care about the future of its people. And even if you're cynical and reference the war, well dead vaxxies don't make for very good soldiers.
This is the exact thought I had 3 years ago that convinced me it was safe, plus I thought it was very simmilar to traditional vaccines but that couldn't be further from the truth. The fact is I am convinced Covid was the flu rebranded. The unvaxxed aren't dying and aren't suffering from health issues due to the virus.

Anonymous No. 16193154

>Russia is one of the few countries that seems to care about the future of its people
Brought to you by the country that experimented with chemical and biological weapons on it's citizens.
Hope you get ass cancer shill xin faggot

Anonymous No. 16193157

If you talk to a doctor about anything, it should be about generalized anxiety disorder

Anonymous No. 16193160

Vaxxies get what vaxxies deserve.

Anonymous No. 16193162

During the Soviet Union?
Modern Russia and Soviet Union are two entierly different government but neither is better than the other, both are equally bad.

Anonymous No. 16193172

Even if I was 19 at the time? Many do not deserve it especially children. The brain does not fully develop untill the age of 25. The older I get the more I realise how retarded my decision was.

Anonymous No. 16193183

the world doesn't care about who deserves what. It cares about what happens. You made a mistake because you were young and stupid and you were mislead. That's a mistake you may or may not pay for, and at this point there's nothing you can do about that except for to live your life the best you can. If you've not been diagnosed with any serious health concerns, it's pointless to care about it right now.

Live healthy, and live well. Stressing out about it will only make things worse, and may be even worse than the vaccine was, especially if you are obsessing about it to the point you need to post a thread on /sci/ to get other people to comfort you. Nothing can be done about it now, except to try and do things that make you happy. Your apparent anxiety is probably a bigger deal than the vaccine right now.

Anonymous No. 16193187

This. You perhaps sound a bit overly anxious, but I think you have a good head on your shoulders. Most normies are mindless automata who just follow the lead of their group and their social circle, and I think in times of political polarization like what we see today, this leads to extremely retarded behavior. You have woke leftists on the one hand claiming that the science is "settled", that the vaxx is completely safe and effective, and that you're a "conspiracy theorist" if you think COVID might have come from a lab. On the other hand, you have christcuck evangelicals and boomer conservatives going around claiming that this is all part of a"global depopulation agenda", and that the elites are trying to implant us with microchips and cull off billions of people.

Both narratives are batshit insane. The vaxx isn't le safe and effective. It was rushed out in a matter of months, when normal medications typically take 10+ years to complete both R&D and the approval process. At the same time, the idea that the elites would be trying to cull millions of pro-vaxx normies so they could be left to rule over the remaining anti-establishment types who - correctly in my own estimation - refused to take the vaxx, in many cases on the grounds that they don't trust the pharmaceutical industry or government.

I think the vaxx has a lot more side effects than normal vaccines, and it doesn't appear to be all too effective in treating COVID, but I also don't think it's le clotshot intended to cull the population. Odds are that you'll be fine, but there's a non-zero chance you could face some side effect in the future. Your best bet is to stop worrying about it, and make sure you're better prepared in the future to confront globohomo propaganda and to recognize herd behavior amongst the normie masses (including woke leftist SJWs and neocon christcuck schizos).

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Anonymous No. 16193198

>Modern Russia and Soviet Union are two entierly different governme
This is what the mongoloid vatnigger subhumans want you to believe.

Russia is USSR 2.0, and Putin, much like Stalin before him, hates America, the West, and Freedom. The vatniggers want to enslave the west under the rule of international communism. They want white, Christian Europeans to be ruled over by hordes of godless asiatic communists. The west is under attack once again by the forces of Slavo-Bolshevism, and we must do everything in our power to resist the mongoloid orcs and their neo-Bolshevik Duginist agenda. This is why Ukraine is not only fighting to defend themselves and their own freedom, but they're really fighting to defend the white race as a whole.

Anonymous No. 16193201

>tl;dr do not stress about it because there is nothing you can do.
Gee, thanks for the advice I guess.

Anonymous No. 16193209

You forgot to take your meds.
>This is why Ukraine is not only fighting to defend themselves and their own freedom, but they're really fighting to defend the white race as a whole.
Then why is the anti-white west sending them billions of dollars and tons of modern weaponry? Zelensky also happens to be jewish which he openly acknowledges

Anonymous No. 16193227

So negros now defend whites from negros ? What a time to be alive *_*

Anonymous No. 16193790


Anonymous No. 16193793

This is what I believe the most. In the summer of 2022 6/8 of my coworkers got sick for 2 weeks from covid, all six double jabbed by pfizer or moderna. A fat coworker didn’t catch anything and I had a mild cold which could have been it. The “vaccine” was completely useless garbage.

Anonymous No. 16193874

>Even covid grandpa, aka John Campbell isn't a doctor, just a nurse
Yeah if only he was a doctor, those studies he reads ad verbatim would be magically more valid. You absolute imbecile. You haven't grown any less stupid at all. Idk what the vax will do to you but I hope it will be slow and painful.

Anonymous No. 16193899

Last time I checked he had a conversation with a schizo lawyer who isn't even a medical doctor. Keep in mind he even shilled the shots at first and by the time he turned against them it was far too late. Plus not all studies are accurate and often misunderstood. I wasn't against him until he started inviting absolute schizos who were never doctors.

Anonymous No. 16193923

The studies he reads are probably mostly true but should be taken with a grain of salt. He basically does what any other retard can do, internet research is not that difficult. My main problem with him is some of the people he invites to chat with.

Anonymous No. 16194154

anti-vaxx was largely a russian disinfo campaign. according to anti-vaxxer logic russian and chinese vaxx = good vaxx.

Anonymous No. 16194161

anon i know you are scared right now and googling a bunch of retarded shit that keeps feeding into your fear, but realize that even for the worst vaccine the chances of anything happening to you are 1 in a million
relax, google doesn't help and will only make you more anxious
t a guy with severe health anxiety

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Anonymous No. 16194163

yes vadim we totally buy how you're a hardcore racist neo-nazi denazification operation enthusiast.

Anonymous No. 16195341

schizo thread

Anonymous No. 16195801

>absolute schizos
Like whom?
If he was a doctor, odds are he wouldn't read the studies at all, he'd go to a conference where some pharma faggot would relay them to him, omitting the less comfortable parts of course. "Not all studies are accurate" is a reductionist platitude that means basically nothing.

Anonymous No. 16195896

>Russia is USSR 2.0

no its not. EU is USSR 2.0

Russia is still a non democratic dictatorship but its not USSR nevertheless

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Anonymous No. 16196003

>Russia is one of the few countries that seems to care about the future of its people.

Anonymous No. 16196019

Daily reminder that Russia:
- has the largest muslim population in Europe
- has the highest prevalence of HIV and AIDS in Europe because of gay buttsex
- has the highest suicide rate in Europe
- has 42% inflation rate on food prices
- has the largest landmass of all countries but uses it to only sell cheap oil and gas to the Chinese
- has a 500 dollar salary for a medical doctor
- has a problem with scientists and journalists mysteriously falling out of windows or getting poisoned

Anonymous No. 16196041

What do you think ussr was

Anonymous No. 16196066

vaxxies have no soul

Anonymous No. 16196458


Anonymous No. 16196482

so this is what the op is about?
I mean it seems to be written purposely like a bait larp full of 'hot takes' just to bring attention to this russian brand of vaccine?