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🧡 Cancer and Sugar

Anonymous No. 16193185

>The research, performed at the National University of Singapore, Cancer Science Institute of Singapore, and led by professor Ashok Venkitaraman and Dr. Li Ren Kong, found a chemical released when the body breaks down sugar also suppresses a gene expression that prevents the formation of tumors...

>...It was previously believed that cancer-preventing genes must be permanently deactivated before malignant tumors can form. However, this recent discovery suggests that a chemical, methylglyoxal (MGO), released whenever the body breaks down glucose, can temporarily switch off cancer-protecting mechanisms.

>Dr. Kong, first author of the study, told The Epoch Times in an email, β€œIt has been shown that diabetic and obese individuals have a higher risk of cancer, posing as a significant societal risk. Yet, the exact cause remains debatable.” He continues, β€œOur study now unearthed a clue which may explain the connection between cancer risk and diet, as well as common diseases like diabetes, which arise from poor diets.”

>Dr. Kong continues, β€œWe found that an endogenously synthesized metabolite can cause faults in our DNA that are early warning signs of cancer development, by inhibiting a cancer-preventing gene (known as the BRCA2).”

Anonymous No. 16193190


Anonymous No. 16193471

Might explain why Americans have been told "sugar bad".

Anonymous No. 16193504

>sugar feeds cancer
No shit.
Biologyfags are the most braindead morons imaginable, only capable of rote memorization.
Sugar feeds human cells.
Cancer cells are human cells.
Therefore sugar feeds cancer cells.

Anonymous No. 16193519

Try reading the article before posting.