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Anonymous No. 16193219

How do we improve equity in math education?

Anonymous No. 16193229

Unironically I agree.
This will hopefully kill pop sci too before pop math fully develops.

Anonymous No. 16193234

> t. Dana Goldstein
Like a clockwork lmao

Anonymous No. 16193241

don't post again until you've turned 18 kid

Anonymous No. 16193247

pattern recognition is verboten

Anonymous No. 16193254

Math is le bad because it could be considered harmful to black graduation rates.

Anonymous No. 16193284

>Drives dropout rates.
So many graduate lately. The vast majority is of average ability. Academia has lost all meaning.
Some seem to want this.

Anonymous No. 16193290

what even is "algebra 2"?? what's in 1? 3? same thing with "calculus XIX" or whatever
can't anglo come up with semantic titles for their classes?

Anonymous No. 16193292

linear algebra is the single most important math i know as a physicist and engineer

Anonymous No. 16193368

Algebra 1
>Methods of solving linear equations and systems of equations
>Solving quadratic equations and the quadratic formula
>Graphical analysis
>Absolute values
>Dimensional analysis

Algebra 2
>Solving and factoring higher-order polynomial equations
>Exponential and logarithmic functions and their properties
>Complex analysis

Properties of circles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and higher-order polynomials as well as systems of parallel perpendicular lines
Analytic geometry, introduction of different coordinate systems
Properties of solids - surface area, volume

>Properties of right triangles, Pythagorean theorem
>Sine, cosine, tangent, and other trigonometric functions and their properties
>Application of trigonometric principles to right triangles and non-right triangles
>Transformations between cartesian and polar coordinates

Calculus 1
>Differential calculus

Calculus 2
>Integral calculus - fundamental theorem, integration by substitution, integration by parts, etc.

Calculus 3
>Multivariate calculus

Linear Algebra
>Vector and matrix properties and operations
>Row reduction, diagonalization, matrix determinants
>Coordinate transformations, Jacobians
>Identifying eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Differential Equations
>First and second order-ODEs
>Separation of variables, transformation to linear operators
>Fourier and Laplace transforms

I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

Anonymous No. 16193380

Math used to filter the midwits from getting university degrees, and that was a good thing

Anonymous No. 16193397

don't teach real numbers until college

Anonymous No. 16193399

Equity can be solved using genetic therapies which replace nonwhite genes with white ones

That or genociding all whites and the japanese for good measure

Anonymous No. 16193402

This is a specific type of Anglo, the burger.

Anonymous No. 16193407

>Algebra II
>>Complex analysis
Common core is a high school program, there is no way they're attempting to teach niggers complex analysis. If they did, even many white students would fail. The algebra they're talking about is going no harder than "complete the square... find the roots." In other words, the quadratic formula.

In fact now that I think about it, I doubt they teach niggers to complete the square, they probably just present the quadratic formula as fact without any derivation, and then the niggers struggle to evaluate it, even using a calculator.

Anonymous No. 16193413

Yeah and your country used to be 96% white. Times change bud.

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Anonymous No. 16193419

Genocide is always an option.

Anonymous No. 16193432

At a minimum they have to introduce basics of complex numbers to handle square roots of negative numbers for the quadratic formula.

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Anonymous No. 16193441

>math not required anymore
Math skills is one of those things that directly correlate with intelligence/IQ. It's a reliable predictor of problem solving abilities and generally IQ. If people are having less success in it, it is mostly because they have shitty education.

"""Education system""" in the West is dominated by drag-queer-LGBT-gender-troon faggotry studies. They pervert students to a point where their IQ starts to deteriorate. Poor quality of education is reflection of poor quality of teachers and educational curriculum.

Poor education = Poor cognitive abilities, meaning easier to control. It's easier to control dumb population, which is ultimate goal of (((certain))) group.

Btw, if you looked into actual Jewish private schools where richer Jews send their kids, they're usually pretty good, so high quality non-faggotry education is limited to (((rich people))) and their servants who can afford the tuition,

Anonymous No. 16193468

No lol. There is no way niggers are taught these things, least of all in a watered down program like common core. While I'm "old" now, even in my good high school in lily-white (plus honorary Asians) Canada, we just threw those solutions away. Ohhh you'll learn about those later. Pretty sure even the I.B. Calculus class didn't cover complex numbers much either.

Anonymous No. 16193480

If you suck at Math you are a nig, and we ain't wasting money on those jigaboos. Simple as.

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Anonymous No. 16193488


Logic and precision are White attributes, it is unfair to think that the average Black student could keep up. Math needs more rap and dance to attract the Black students.

Anonymous No. 16193497

>"primacy of Judeo-Christian tradition"
Choose one thing, retard

Anonymous No. 16193499

I can't tell if this is satire or not.
>nogs can't plan for future
>nogs can't delay gratification
>nogs can't work hard
If this is a troll pic it's really well done

Anonymous No. 16193513

Oh it's real.

Anonymous No. 16193539

>Whiteness family structure is just ~1990s pop culture
At least treat it in the context of American history where whites average 8 children. Are they gonna revise it for modern american whites where they're a critically endangered species?

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Anonymous No. 16193564

Reminder that in addition to never inventing wheels pre-colonial Africa hadn't fully mastered division yet.

Anonymous No. 16193569

if someone drops out over algebra they were fucked to begin with why would we cut out a section of education because stupid people can’t make it through? it’s only going to get harder

Anonymous No. 16193577

Because addressing this problem requires confronting truths about biology and intelligence which are not merely distasteful but outright dangerous to democracy.

Anonymous No. 16193871

but this is literally all just standard highschool stuff? weren't these courses supposed to be in college as well?

Anonymous No. 16193878

>Judeo-Christian tradition

Anonymous No. 16194211

Link the article so we can get the full keks.

>Such findings inspired Hacker, in 2013, to create a curriculum to test the ideas he presents in The Math Myth. For two years, he taught what is essentially a course in civic numeracy. Hacker asked students to investigate the gerrymandering of Pennsylvania congressional districts by calculating the number of actual votes Democrats and Republicans received in 2012. The students discovered that it took an average of 181,474 votes to win a Republican seat, but 271,970 votes to win a Democratic seat. In another lesson, Hacker distributed two Schedule C forms, which businesses use to declare their tax-deductible expenses, and asked students to figure out which form was fabricated. Then he introduced Benford’s Law, which holds that in any set of real-world numbers, ones, twos, and threes are more frequent initial digits than fours, fives, sixes, sevens, eights, and nines. By applying this rule, the students could identify the fake Schedule C. (The IRS uses the same technique.)

So very "numerate" to know about Benford's Law but not know about logarithms (which are taught to burgers in the Algebra II course Hacker wants to replace). We all know how that turned out. The sort of "statistics" course he wants to teach high school students is the same shit. Plug your numbers into this formula based on approximating the distribution with a Gaussian, and never mind what "Gaussian" means.

>But he says that the math establishment—a group he calls “the Mandarins” in his book—doesn’t take kindly to a political scientist challenging disciplinary dogma, even at Queens College.

I bet he has repeatedly had to explain why calling the math department people a Chinese history reference is totally not racist. That would be entertaining to watch.

Anonymous No. 16194819

>Benford's Law
I thought we memory-holed that one after 2020.

Anonymous No. 16194921

>How we REMOVE equity in math education
fixed that for you.

"Equity" is a waste of time and deprives gifted students from the quality education they need in math while pretending to "maintain" the chances of other lame student to pursue careers in STEM (by allowing them to solve 2nd grade riddles at the end of high school in order to maybe go to uni).

Gifted student from poor background are the primary victim of this, their potential is wasted away and they become gang members or whatever...

Anonymous No. 16194924

instead of removing math, why don't they remove the problem aka having black students that weren't up to par with other repeat classes another year? wouldn't that help black students more than removing the part where everyone else can do easily except for black? oh wait that would affect graduation rate and the cunts won't get their bonuses.

Anonymous No. 16194961

Just make school optional after age 15-16. That way blacks can "graduate" nice and early, and everyone else can focus on harder topics without the dead weight.

Anonymous No. 16194985

>make school optional
It already is

Anonymous No. 16195012

Don't pretend that christian zionism doesn't exist; it has since the birth of christianity.

bodhi No. 16195047

>hard subject drives dropouts
good, that is its purpose

Anonymous No. 16195082

My solution fixes the absenteeism problem too. You're not absent if you're not enrolled. I'd also suggest a $50,000 grant to "people" who want to take the PLATINUM FAST track program, in exchange for voluntary sterilization.

Anonymous No. 16195259

we should stop challenging kids
they'll never be challenged in the real world so what's the point

Anonymous No. 16195350

>But he says that the math establishment—a group he calls “the Mandarins” in his book—doesn’t take kindly to a political scientist challenging disciplinary dogma, even at Queens College.
Classic crank lmao. He’s totally speaking truth to power (Big Mathematics)

Thanks for archiving and linking btw

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Anonymous No. 16195384

Your proposal had some momentum back in the 1980s when a group of businessmen put up the money for such a sterilization program. It was generally viewed favorably by the general public until "journalist" Leslie Stahl did a hit piece on it, equating the business men to Nazis trying to breed a master race. Not wanting to be seen as Nazis, financial support dried up and the public's view on the proposal turned negative.

Anonymous No. 16195466

I took the idea from William Shockley (Nobel Laurette, co-inventor of the transistor) who proposed the voluntary sterilization program. Here's a TV show from 1974 in which he presented his views on race and IQ.

Anonymous No. 16195515

>The situation is most dire at public colleges, which are the most likely to require abstract algebra as a precondition for a degree in every field, including art and theater.
Wait what the fuck? Nonstem majors don't even have to take basic calculus, let alone a second/third year proof-based class

Anonymous No. 16195579

I've hated pop sci at a deranged level for years
I would hope to see the world burn before pop math taking off.

Anonymous No. 16195661

Anon, do you honestly think the journalist knows the difference between high school algebra and abstract algebra?

Anonymous No. 16195681

No need to check the early life section, you won't find anything there and even if you do, you can't do a thing about it stupid goy

Anonymous No. 16195720

Most people don't need to know Algebra II. Probably only ~35% have any real use for it. Calculus? Only about 5%. Why waste time teaching that to half the population which is double-digit IQ? Le teaching critical thinking? Most just bullshit their way and forget. I would rather those last several years of schooling focus instead on fitness, civic duties, and things like managing personal finances and practical things. The "nerds" can study math if they want. Indeed they should be encouraged and nurtured; investing in the gifted should take far more precedence than on the "disabled" or "retarded".

Anonymous No. 16195863

how dare you make a joke about her apearance!

Anonymous No. 16196012

you didn't go to a good high school. i went to a typical high school in Southern US and we were using imaginary numbers at start of high school.