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Anonymous No. 16193245

What math topics should I study if I want to pursue AI/ML with a deeper understanding instead of just using what other's have created without knowing the math behind it?

Anonymous No. 16193248

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

Anonymous No. 16193250

>you can only study in le university
why are you here? Assuming you're not a bot

Anonymous No. 16193256

multivitamins are a scam
just eat a well-rounded diet and avoid goyslop

Anonymous No. 16193263

at a minimum, the core trifecta:
>linear algebra
>multivariable calculus
>probability and statistics

Anonymous No. 16193295

Everything and nothing.
Learning math is kind of a meme. Every topic is enormous and branching and seemingly simple things end up blending with too many things.
In ML you could end up learning about linear algebra, graph theory, fourier analysis, differential geometry, topology, etc.
I would start in parallel.
Being with the preliminaries. You won't understand any of the shit I was talking about without some basic knowledge. So I would start with linear algebra and some analysis. And make sure it all theory focused because you can learn basic applied or numerical shit in a day if you have a theoretical background. You want a theoretical understanding over a practical heuristic, because that's what you're working for. Anyone develops a practical heuristic from practice, it's not special at all. You think a measure theoretic approach is best so you'll be wanting to be splitting into two regimes: algebra and analysis, but you want to stay on track to converge to AI/ML. You want to get there fast though because after the basics it's just a supplementary topic. You want to get into the high level statistics and probability world so you get understand statistical learning. Then you can start building your home in the AI/ML world. Some extra topics I'd recommend are analysis of graphs, algorithms, and also some mathematical computing.
You will interact with a lot of awful books, and so you should really learn how to find and read sources.
Are you stupid? If you live in america everything you're consuming is sterilized slop.
The crops lack nutrients, the animals are science experiments, and you're constantly devouring toxic chemicals. You'll always be deficient in proper nutrition if you eat in america.

Anonymous No. 16193740

Linear Algebra
Engineering math topics in general. No need for "pure maths" dickwaving

Anonymous No. 16193825

Spoken like a true pdf hoarder