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๐Ÿงต Fields medal prize

Anonymous No. 16193517

Would bumping up the prize money improve the quality of mathematics? This is chump change, you cannot even buy a car with this. Imagine being one of the world's smartest people, and you're tossed this insulting tip for your contributions. Might as well be a doordasher at that point.

Anonymous No. 16193527

15k? I'm not gonna even fucking bother.

Anonymous No. 16193529

No, people doing independent fundamental math research are not going to be motivated by tacking on a couple more months of rent money to an award. Autism is its own reward and intelligence is its own motivation.

Anonymous No. 16193530

Leaf bucks too. Told everyone not to even submit my name after I read that.

Anonymous No. 16193567

The prestige of the prize is probably worth millions though, given that you can earn a mid-six-figure salary as a professor at a top university.

Anonymous No. 16193587

>Be top percent
>Spend years of your life researching...
>For the chance to earn less than you could have doing literally anything else you're qualified for
Anybody winning such a prize is going to calculate the monetary reward as insignificant. This is an ego prize only

Anonymous No. 16193589


Anonymous No. 16193616

$11.5k is nothing. If you have the smarts to get the prize, you earn more in a month.

Anonymous No. 16193621

What makes this even worse is that it's only given out every four years. These bastards are cheap.

Anonymous No. 16193888

Nah. You need to just ban tiktok and phones and you get smart people again

Anonymous No. 16194427

Only retards care about prizes.

Anonymous No. 16194574

Perhaps our real friends are the mathematics we learned along the way?

Anonymous No. 16194580

if they were to increase it, please bump it to at least 10 millions. nobody want that trash 1 million prize. 1 million is insulting and it's not worth the effort sacrificing your life over. if you are that good at mathematics and want to make money, they could've probably joined rentech and make 7-8 figure annual salary.

Anonymous No. 16194586

I already got one before I will turn 30 in a few years

Anonymous No. 16196335

To improve the quality of mathematics, you need to give bored mathematicians nothing else to do and some amphetamine

Anonymous No. 16197656

not the prize money, but if there was more positions in universities and they were much better paid (or in private companies), then some people might pursue mathematics instead of going into finance or something
wouldn't have to make a choice between pursuing their "passion" and pursuing more compensation

Anonymous No. 16197750

Abel prize is like 1 million now

Anonymous No. 16197763

The real prize is getting virtually any grant you apply for for the rest of your career.

In any case Mathematics doesn't have a problem attracting talent, quite the opposite.

Anonymous No. 16197766

>For the chance to earn less than you could have doing literally anything else you're qualified for
Like what? 95% of mathematicians aren't qualified for jack shit unless they managed to get 5 ish JMLR papers before graduating.

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Anonymous No. 16197774

unironically sad to see mathematicians picking low hanging fruits in the ML meme. don't you have better problems to work on than farming ML sloppy math slops?

Anonymous No. 16197778

>they could've probably joined rentec
Why are mathematicians so fucking delusional? Lmao, rentec has hired a grand total of 1 (one) mathetician since 2014 and his thesis was specifiically in an applied finance topic.

For STEM grads they mostly hire computer scientists, the actual quants are coming from backgrounds like OR which is not even every applied mathematician gets into.

The Fields Medal is a great prize for a comfy academic career doing important things and there a millions of people in line for a position like that, but don't cope and fantasize about 300k starting as an alternative to your academic career flaking out, the reason so many people want a prize like that is precisely because they don't have alternative to comfy academic positions as their best hope in life.

Anonymous No. 16197781

Most mathematicians and physicists trying to transition into ML don't even make a name for themselves in the field. That Physics PhD grad who an hero'ed and keeps being posted on /sci/ did precisely that, he did a dissertation on ML, then couldn't find a job afterwards and jumped off a roof.

>don't you have better problems
Sure, as always it's a question of what you can actually get paid for. This is my main point, the motivation is intrinsic for highly intelligent people, it's there and has always has been there.

If you want more people in the field the last thing you need is prize money, they need more grants, job security and full time positions so they have freedom to concentrate on the most important problems in their field.

Anonymous No. 16197838

Money attracts idiots.

Anonymous No. 16198137

Its just jews making up prizes, cups and medals and giving them to each other.

Anonymous No. 16198156

Instead of money what we need is more women in science. Make it 5 women to each PhD graduate

Anonymous No. 16198542

>the last thing you need is prize money
>they need more grants, job security and full time positions so they have freedom to concentrate on the most important problems in their field
Still sounds like money to me, just disbursed over time instead of in one go. If these awards were converted into perpetuities (aka. basic incomes) they'd probably be more appreciated, especially since they can't be pawned off for a quick buck, unlike medals.