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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16193593

What's something you learned that changed the way you see the world after knowing it?

Anonymous No. 16193597

There are 4 billion women in the world, and none of them wants to have sex with me.

Anonymous No. 16193631

Nah that's on you. If you really wanted to have sex you'd have sex.

Anonymous No. 16193667

Plants are disgusting and creepy

Anonymous No. 16193949

I used to love animals before I went to vet school. Now I just see all animals as sacks of flesh that are riddled with disease

Anonymous No. 16193996

fourier series

Anonymous No. 16194002

We have no free will.

Anonymous No. 16194046

Electromagnetism in general. Crazy how what I am staring at is emitting/reflecting fields and my eyes are just reacting to those fields, producing reaction and then my brain just does the rest. Never "looked" at things the same way after then

Anonymous No. 16194060

God being real

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Anonymous No. 16194649

This. I am allowed to wonder around the world with 100% confirmation that God is real. It’s mostly just me complaining to Him/Her and wondering, why this, why that?

Anonymous No. 16194672

This but humans

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Anonymous No. 16194856

I bet you you’re wondering why me. Why did God choose me? And knowing you you’d probably point to something superficial, wouldn’t you? But you’d be mistaken. There’s a lot that you don’t know about me and what goes inside my brain. Only a certain type of person with a certain type of personality can handle receiving this type of information.

Anonymous No. 16194899

Similar experience, except with sound. Loved music and learning in early highschool that hearing was really nothing more than just a bunch of fucking hairs resonating with vibrations was a real what the fuck moment. Led me down all sorts of scientific (and not so scientific) rabbit holes about the nature of reality and sensory integration, kicking off a life long attempt to make sense of the entire sense/nature/emergent consciousness/self recognition loop.

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Anonymous No. 16194925

>What's something you learned that changed the way you see the world after knowing it?
Physics, geology, paleontology, biology, ecology, etc, pretty much any natural science is a fantastic eye-opener.

Anonymous No. 16194983

I read the book "the tree of knowledge" by Maturana and Varela, and it made me realize how crazy growing up is and why people are so easily manipulated

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bodhi No. 16195009

the Jewish Question

Anonymous No. 16196196

I used to love numbers before my math degree. Now I hate them

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16196225

The true nature of the jew

Anonymous No. 16196268

Tons of stuff, mostly physics and astronomy but also some history, hell even poetry sometimes.

Anonymous No. 16196288

This. The more insight I gain in several fields, particularly the natural sciences, the more I am becoming a believer. I can't explain it.

Anonymous No. 16196289

I learned about 8 chan's /pol/ and the long discussions that took place there.

It changed my views on a lot of different topics starting with the physics of the wtc bombings

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Virgin Newton vs ....png

Anonymous No. 16196311

Goethes study of color, upped my painting/art game a ton.
I also wondered how RGB was related to RBY and why i saw blue and orange colors around certain prisms etc

Anonymous No. 16196332

lol, I truly laughed. It is true, but they are still adorable.

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Anonymous No. 16196342

Paleontology. To crack open a lump of rock and see the shape of an animal that has been locked in that matrix for millions and millions of years... what a voyage, every fucking time.
Needless to say, my home is a museum collection of rock samples and fossils, everywhere.

But I think my favorite are dinosaur trackways, nothing feels as close to being next to such an animal as standing, touching the very ground that that paw touched, and there it is, your hand on it.
I even discovered a new trackway, check it out:
(pic relevant, it is my foot)

Anonymous No. 16197246

I wish I could get a paleontology degree in my country

Anonymous No. 16197361

I learned I have brain damage and because of that can’t perceive reality clearly

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Anonymous No. 16197470

me showing my friend some /x/ thing called the bendall turbine, and him just going "this doesn't even satisfy the Pythagorean theorem" made me realize how easy it is to obfuscate basic stuff about reality with overcomplications, yeah life has a lot of mysteries but three connected lines will always make a triange, something about that simple fact became oddly satisfying to relish in

bodhi No. 16198510


bodhi No. 16198514

Impressive, very nice

have you watched this one yet?

Anonymous No. 16198556

Jesus Christ really is who He claimed to be. Peace that surpasses my understanding.

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Anonymous No. 16198663

Outside of nuclear reactions, mass and energy are always conserved. It's so obvious but so useful

Anonymous No. 16198680


crazy answers. Life is much less terrifying if you assume God isn't real or at least take the apateist pill

Anonymous No. 16198707

To these people, order from chaos is nonsensical at best, and terrifying at worst. It's kind of fascinating to watch desu.

Anonymous No. 16198715

The Meyer Briggs test changed my life and personality :)