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Anonymous No. 16193749

Can there be a root solution for the telomere attrition problem?

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Anonymous No. 16193757

Banned by the deep state. The old gods decided that ape mongrels will not live more than 127 years, that is 1/8 of a true human lifespan.

Anonymous No. 16194040

Make the telomerase work again. Now will this create some problems? Surely. What they would be? I don't know, open PubMed.
t. undergrad molecular biologist

Anonymous No. 16194041

If you waren't so paranoid and actually looked it up. On pubmed there is listen substance that enlogs telomeres. Like really, you just need correct keywords.

Anonymous No. 16194063

Maybe figure out whatever cancer cells do to become immortal?

Anonymous No. 16194939

Read up on Elizabeth Parrish, a pharmqceutical CEO, who underwent gene therapy twice, specifically to extend her telomeres.

Anonymous No. 16194943

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy extends and maintains telomeres and telomerase activating drugs exist now and are publicly available without prescription, but they are prohibitively expensive for us serfs
The rich will outlive us all

Anonymous No. 16194948

I expected her to be some vampire but this lady sounds pretty based actually

Anonymous No. 16194956

telomere lengthening reverses aging is a junk science.

Anonymous No. 16194968

I don't think medical research is set up in a way that it is actually capable of properly researching cures for Alzheimer's or reversing aging. It's just wasting money. everyone is bullshitting.

Anonymous No. 16194981

don't forget about cancer treatment research. that field is 90% bullshitting and sensationalism without anything to show. many cancer trials are plagued with badly designed experiments and many of the experimenters possibly don't understand the scientific methods and longitudinal study. there has been like little progresses on cancer treatment or curing for decades.
forget about longevity or immortality. don't be a cope pussy and live your life fully. even if the medical research industry some how pulled their scammy ass out of the mud and prolong your pathetic body for another 50 years, cancer will all get you in the end.

Anonymous No. 16195059

>gene therapies for follistatin and telomerase extension work and have been demonstrated multiple times
>uhhh, actually! we're fucked. be a degen hedonist and die early fucking whores and doing heroin
no thanks pal

Anonymous No. 16195070

>>gene therapies for follistatin and telomerase extension work and have been demonstrated multiple times
none of those will prolong your life retard. those have been debunked as longevity treatment multiple times. the only thing you'll get is looking a bit better for spending a fuckton of money. might as well wear makup and get a wig. cheaper and look better that way.

Anonymous No. 16195091

>those have been debunked as longevity treatment multiple times
by who?

Anonymous No. 16195093

oh wait, you're an ESL. nevermind. fucking retard. Go shit in the street.

Anonymous No. 16195234

The body can fix it when it has arsenic.

Anonymous No. 16195236

lol what
Stage 4 is pretty much looking to be completely treatable in your lifetime

Anonymous No. 16196310

What do you study, anon?

Anonymous No. 16197379


Anonymous No. 16197421

Literally another theranos scam, she isn't even trying to be original. Same rhetoric and silicon valley memespeak and all. Lmao you guys are true retards, I wish I wasn't too lazy to pump all this money out of suckers.