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๐Ÿงต Just took 900mg of ibuprofen at once on accident will I be fine?

Anonymous No. 16194028

Anonymous No. 16194030

Yes, just stay hydrated

Anonymous No. 16194129

My generic Ibuprofen says the max does in 24 hours is 1200MG however I've often taken 800mg when in severe pain. When I was in the military all Ibuprofen cam in 800MG pills and we were limited to 3 of those a day max or 2400mg.

You'll be fine and next time read the pill bottle and don't post on /sci/ you illiterate homosexual.

Anonymous No. 16194306

>900mg ibuprofen
that's 100mg more than generic over the counter pills. you will die in your lifetime btw.

Anonymous No. 16194314

This might be a geographical thing, but here 800 mg ibuprofen pills are only available by prescription. You can buy 200 mg pills and take 4 of them, but that's not as effective at providing long-term analgesia as a single 800 mg time-release capsule.