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Anonymous No. 16194058

what's the biggest scam in science right now? is it still the Large Hardon Collider?

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big academia .jpg

Anonymous No. 16194072

social sciences are mostly a political scam. Though Women enrolling into academia with DEI might be good if we return to academics and doctors marrying their secretary/lower position, high IQ babies would be possible since you wouldn't have to be an autistic and likely gay nerd to be a scientist as a DEI plant therefore would have to oblige(marry) actual nerds to keep your job

Anonymous No. 16194172

neurology. neurosurgery like to gas themselves up, but they're just a better-paid deli slicer and much more annoying; not to mention the unwarranted god complex when the only requirement to their job is to not fuck it up. Lots of fart sniffers in that specialty.

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Anonymous No. 16194177

Cancer research are 90% garbage, 100% sensational and 50% are possibly conducted by subhuman retards who doesnt know anything about the scientific method.

Anonymous No. 16195281

LHC is up there, but the covid vax scam was a couple orders of magnitude larger in terms of the amount of money involved.

Anonymous No. 16195392


The LHC was good enough for the discovery of the Higgs Bosom. Any new proposal is bogus because nobody really knows at what energy you could find stuff outside the Standard Model like supersymmetric particles.

Anonymous No. 16195419

Aren't they only like 99.999% sure and then they discovered an error but were never able to get it back up and running.