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Anonymous No. 16194097

Can sci play chess? Find the mate in 3 for black. Do you guys think aliens play chess or just go?

Anonymous No. 16194105

I will poo on the chessboard.

Anonymous No. 16194108

chess is not a very appealing game compared to go or even shogi

Anonymous No. 16194111

Rook to D8
>King to E4
Queen to C4
>King to E5
Queen to D5. Checkmate

Anonymous No. 16194119

yeah, that works. I played Rook to D8

King to e4, Queen to c2, King to e5, Queen to f5 checkmate

Anonymous No. 16194122

Ke4 (forced)
Ke5 (forced)

Brety easy chess puzzle bro
A sub 1000 elo should be able to find this

Anonymous No. 16194127

Ke4 isn't forced, K×e3 is also available.

Anonymous No. 16194128

if Ke3 instead then knight to f5

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mate in 3.png

Anonymous No. 16194144

i found three unique mate in 3

Anonymous No. 16194151


Anonymous No. 16194259

I refuse to be anything less than the best.
Qd4, I win.

>Do you guys think aliens play chess or just go?
Aliens invented neither of these games. Chess uniquely derives from our:
>exceptional dexterity
>history of monarchy
>difficulties in storing information in the short term
and as a result:
>difficulties in looking several moves ahead, making the game a fun challenge instead of an easy chore.

Anonymous No. 16194529

Checkmate in two?
Q E6
>either K e4 or R takes P e3n or basically anything
R D4 checkmate

Anonymous No. 16194531

>r d4
correction r d8

Anonymous No. 16194553

there's still white pawn to c4
after that it gets tricky
nd5 which is a mate but blocks the queen's diagonal

Anonymous No. 16194575

>queen d5
<king e3
>rook f3
<king e2
>queen d3#

Anonymous No. 16194599

all of you retards assume king can't capture e3 kill urselves

Anonymous No. 16194640

/sci/ is about playing board games and /tg/ is about cooming. What an amazing website

Anonymous No. 16194644

What is the actual science board?

Anonymous No. 16194675

Literally not one of these prevents kxe3. For some reason the third one is "forcing" kxe3 for white's second move, but there's no reason he wouldn't have made it for his first move. I don't see any first move for black that can force a single move for white, maybe there's something that plays the same for both ke4 and kxe3.

Anonymous No. 16194679

Oh, I'm retarded, this is the answer: >>16194575

Anonymous No. 16194765


Anonymous No. 16194972

/pol/, but it's mostly racial science