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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Surgery is a blackmail-scam.

Anonymous No. 16194312

Other sciences have way more work and studying; oh "you spend 10 years of your life working on medical stuff"; fuck off: others have 4 Phds and 20 years of work and get 1 quarter of your money.
Asking 150,000 euros for 1 hour's work; absolute scam; scientists with way more experience and proficiency get less than 1/100th of that but you see they can't blackmail you with DEATH.

Anonymous No. 16194402

>he thinks compensation is or should be tied to how hard you worked
Actual retard. Compensation is tied to how much your labor is actually worth. Otherwise construction workers would be getting paid 10x what limp wristed whiny faggots like you get.
>booo wooo I deserve more money because I have more degrees, even though I'm not actually capable of doing something that people are willing to pay more money for
Grow up.

Anonymous No. 16194434

You're both right.
There is no contradiction here.

Anonymous No. 16194449

Any retard can learn your precious college algebra and calculus, but surgery actually needs good eyesight, dexterity with hands and detailed anatomical knowledge (where the nerves and blood vessels go). That filters out autistic spastic kids like you.

Anonymous No. 16194454

shut up blackmailer. you ask for more money because THEY MAY DIE.
and you pretend to be christians.

Anonymous No. 16194479

>push big rock up a hill
>let it roll down
>do this hundreds of times a day

Christian Universalist AI will save humanity No. 16194494


Anonymous No. 16194610

The chinese could train surgeons in a few months. They could only do one surgery, the same one always, thats how they sterilized so many rural women.
They would kidnap women and roll them in carpets and carry them in a truck to a house where a technician would repeat the process, administer the drug, cut this, tie that, suture.

Anonymous No. 16195769

shut up. I know people who have advanced the field of Artificial Intelligence (at a global level).

they still get paid well; do they get paid "surgery-level well"? no: because they don't blackmail you like surgeons because you MAY DIE if you don't do surgery.

Anonymous No. 16195805

They don't get paid more because their labor isn't worth more.
>muh scientific advances
If you think that is worth more pay, then start sending out your resume and negotiating for better pay. If you fail, it's because you're wrong.

Anonymous No. 16195962

>shut up. I know people who have advanced the field of Artificial Intelligence (at a global level).
sure you do

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Anonymous No. 16195963

No question asked, just statements.

Anonymous No. 16195983

Retard alert. Pay is not related to the value function.

Anonymous No. 16195999

Your labor is worth what the market will pay for it, not a penny more. It doesn't matter how important YOU think your work is.

Anonymous No. 16196001

Are you getting paid to bait because you're not fit for the front lines, Ivan?

Anonymous No. 16196030

He does it for free, otherwise papa Putin will send him to gulag

Anonymous No. 16196036

Incorrect evaluating metric. The "market" doesn't exist as it doesn't set rates. Rather, you consider extortion rackets as value because you are mentally retarded.

Anonymous No. 16196038

You think you are entitled to more money than anybody is willing to pay you because you are retarded.

Anonymous No. 16196047

You speak of intelligence and you think all surgeons are christians ? Another schizo thread I guess. At this point it should be a report option for these garbage threads

Anonymous No. 16196048

I'm willing to pay you (with your 4 PhD degrees and 20 years of work) 5 cents and and a dead rat to eat. You aren't entitled to more.

Anonymous No. 16196051

I feel like this thread should be someplace between

Anonymous No. 16196060

Your offer is declined. Negotiation is a two way street, retard. If you don't like what they're offering, then walk away from the deal.

Anonymous No. 16196065

Anon, supply and demand:
all over the globe, there are many thousands, maybe millions, of people needing high-risk surgical interventions., where a fuck up means death or permanent disability. At the same time, there are much less people able to perform such procedures with a high success rate, as in, high enough that you would let them cut you open and delve into your entrails without an unreasonable fear for your life.
The ratio between the demand for that work, and the availability of that skill sets the price.

There are many places on this earth, you know, 3rd world countries and such, where you can walk into a shady clinic and some random "doctor" will indeed cut you open and for VERY CHEAP, so it's up to you to decide on just how much risk you are willing to take on with that "investment".

Anonymous No. 16196069

>compensation is ties to how much your labor is actually worth
Are you a freshman reading Das Kapital? Of course it's not like that you fucking retard. The same surgeon does the same work in Mexico at 1/200 of what he would make in the US. Same fucking labor you hear? The reason they charge so much in the US is because of the lawsuit racket they have with buffets-insurance-licensing institutions. Americans cry about how they have so few doctors in bumfuck flyover, tons of qualified immigrants could take those spaces but the residency matching program blocks those to keep the service scarcity high.

Anonymous No. 16196079

Once again, your whole world view is based on extortion. It has nothing to do with value.

Anonymous No. 16196084

>The same surgeon does the same work in Mexico at 1/200 of what he would make in the US
Because his labor is worth less in Mexico than it is in America. Are you retarded or something? The value of labor depends on where you are.

Anonymous No. 16196095

>his labor is worth less in mexico
Fucking how? Imagine this shit

>Superstar surgeon who earns 300k a year
>Has Jewish friend, needs his gallbladder removed
>It's a fucking gallbladder, you just put cameras and play crane with it.
>"OY VEY, This gallbladder procedure costs 40k here. Can you do something about it my goyim friend?"
>"Sure, let's go to Tijuana, I'm getting vacation anywhere, price will be $400 bucks"
>He makes the same fucking surgery, same anesthesic vigilance, except now he's not paying other Jews for the cost
>Everything goes well, jew saves 9x the cost.
How is the labor worth less in mexico retard? It's not, the labor is worth the same shit. The extra jewery expenses are what make the price. That's not labor, that's institutionalized gambling.

Anonymous No. 16196096

He said "how much labor is worth". I dont like such phrasing because its tautological, it just says something is worth what its worth. But thats the best conclusion of market economics, things are just worth what they are worth. The consequence of this is that no one gets paid based on "the contribution they make" which is cant be measured and something corporate propagandists sometimes say to step on people, people just sell labor which is bought and sold as a commodity.

Anonymous No. 16196099

>How is the labor worth less in mexico retard?
Because it is and the proof is in the actual fact that you see different values given for the same thing in different places. This is scientific, experimental real life confirmation of what you are trying to deny. You think your ideology makes more sense than physical reality

Anonymous No. 16196101

When you're getting technical with this shit you must use the proper terms. Worth is how valuable something is. Price is what you ask. Cost is the bare necessity. Say that "the amount is the amount" but not that things are "worth" different. They are worth different whether you give a shit about them or not, not the amount you ask as price.

Anonymous No. 16196106

>Fucking how?
Because the value of labor depends on the greater economic circumstance. Are there other people around who can do the same work? How much can people in the area afford to pay for the work? Etc.

How is this not obvious to you?