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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16194426

he's on a whole new level /sci/... we need to vette this:

>Terrence Howard claims on the Joe Rogan Experience that he could “rebuild Saturn without gravity” and said he simply doesn’t believe in the number zero.
“We’re about to kill gravity. We’re about to kill their God, gravity, and they don’t want that,” Howard told Rogan, showing him a video of how “linchpins” can rid Saturn of gravity.

Anonymous No. 16194430

schizo shit, stop spamming this.

Anonymous No. 16194441


Anonymous No. 16194455

he is highly intelligent, its worth pursuing what he has to say. what are you up to anon?

Anonymous No. 16194458

But everyone already agrees that gravity isn't a force, you don't need to "kill" it

Anonymous No. 16194460

>he is highly intelligent

Just enough to scam sheeps.

Anonymous No. 16194461

He's a schizo actor, go back to >>>/tv/

Anonymous No. 16194466

>But everyone already agrees that gravity isn't a force, you don't need to "kill" it
colloquial. just nullify it, apply a reverse force. let's not critique semantic.

Garrote No. 16194471

One does not simply kill gravity.

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Anonymous No. 16194475

looks like he's becoming IronMan 4 reals

Anonymous No. 16194478

I want schizophrenics to get out of sci

Anonymous No. 16194488

as Weinstein said, it takes people willing to break common perception of science in order to charter new science. Let's keep an open mind here /sci/. That's what I want.

Anonymous No. 16194491

Not so much about breaking common perception as much as it is about not writing schizophrenic word salads and actually making a point.

Anonymous No. 16194509

Metoo, but they just won't listen.

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Anonymous No. 16194535

I don't care what another one of these grifters said. /sci/ should mock narcissists like Terrence and Weinstein instead of respectfully engaging with their ideas. If a theory can't withstand scrutiny it has no place here. Entertaining this rhetoric encourages /pol/ shizos to continue posting here.

Anonymous No. 16194563

I tired of these people saying words. What happened to "Show, dont tell"?
At least Tesla would put up a show of sparks.

Anonymous No. 16194578

are you kidding, are you all so blind? Einstein broke science and came up with a theory few understood, and no one could prove it until later. Would you have dismissed Einstein, the patent clerk, as quickly?

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Anonymous No. 16194589

Anonymous No. 16194605

>Would you have dismissed Einstein, the patent clerk, as quickly?
How would i know? I cant put myself in those years, who would i be, who would my family be? Likely i would never hear about Einstein until after newspapers start to talk about him.
Among the scientific elite of his time, he was well received

Anonymous No. 16194631

>Among the scientific elite of his time, he was well received
well there you have it, this is exactly why Weinstein says SCIENCE IS DEAD, playing in their sandbox, and nothing can move forward, its ZOMBIE SCIENCE. Sabine echoes that sentiment.

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Anonymous No. 16194636

Einstein didn't break science it was already moving towards that direction. Einstein was the one who opened the door and let in everyone waiting outside. Physicists were willing to travel overseas to observe solar eclipses to verify it only a few years after Einstein presented his theories (which were presented to real academic institutions instead of the view, twitter, jimmy kimmel, and the joe rogan podcast).

Anonymous No. 16194642

holy shit please be baiting. did you even finish high school?

Anonymous No. 16194652

forgot to mention this was happening during WW1 too. physicists from enemy countries leapt onto Einstein's theories during that time and verified it as soon as they could. they did this because it actually made sense instead of terrence's literal gibberish

Anonymous No. 16194654

He literally believes 1Ă—1=2. He's either profoundly retarded or mentally ill.

Anonymous No. 16194657

>dresses like a retard
>talks like a retard
color me surprised

Anonymous No. 16194667

you are just mad because POC who made his money as a successful actor may have surpassed Einstein. He explains it clearly why 1x1 doesn't not deserve to be on the multiplication table, and if it is, the answer is 2.

Anonymous No. 16194689

a lot of what he's saying makes sense

Anonymous No. 16194703

I agree with him that dark matter and dark energy are bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16194738


if you had the means, you'd be doing the same as him, exploring the foundations of science with a really bright team.

Anonymous No. 16194773

Bro doesn't even know that gravity isn't a thing

Anonymous No. 16194794

The dumb schizo nigger doesn't even understand ARITHMETIC.

Anonymous No. 16194796

you are what happens when one somehow fails preschool

Anonymous No. 16194851

you haven't yet understood the significance of 3 6 and 9

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Anonymous No. 16194867


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Anonymous No. 16194932

>Terrence Howard

Anonymous No. 16194934

I just watched the 3 hour video on youtube, Howard is an interesting motherfucker.

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Anonymous No. 16194996

dudes, this is legit

Anonymous No. 16195038

can we get a separate /schi/ ?

Anonymous No. 16195045

We already have one, it's called /x/

Anonymous No. 16195069

i JUST want to AUDIT math, because what Terry is saying makes sense. whos with me /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16195083

>making sense

Anonymous No. 16195101

4 quarters x 4 quarters is how much bro?



Anonymous No. 16195117

If you have one hot dog and you multiply it by another hot dog, how many hot dogs do you have?

Anonymous No. 16195118

Sixteen square quarters

Anonymous No. 16195121

so 1x1 = ...?

Anonymous No. 16195124

to multiply is to EXPAND. 2 hot dogs.

Anonymous No. 16195131

He definitely says a lot of fascinating things and most of them ring true, but I have one doubt. In that simulation he made to show how Saturn was created without gravity, did he use regular math or Terryology to do the calculations? Because if it's the former, then isn't he contradicting himself?

Anonymous No. 16195135

you've expanded enough, fatso

Anonymous No. 16195137

Are you mentally retarded?

Anonymous No. 16195138

you are parroting convention, only. think about the logic here. multiplication either means to expand or doesn't. 1 should not be special. Our whole system is flawed on straight-line based science. The universe is spiral.

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Anonymous No. 16195143

>multiplication either means to expand or doesn't
No multiplication means multiplication

Anonymous No. 16195147

I think we all can agree that Terrence is into something, but he isn't really saying anything new. This was already implied when Heraclitus said a man cannot enter the same river twice. The problem with multiplications is that we have taken time as an abstract thing and we never changed that notion, even after we realized time is a dimension. In abstract terms, it makes sense to say one thing one time equals one thing, but that's not how time actually works. When you multiply something by time you aren't multiplying it by an abstract concept, but by something concrete. Not only time will change the thing you're multiplying by it, but also there isn't a real distinction between multiplying something by time or by another thing, as time is a thing, so when Terrence uses the example of multiplying one dollar by another dollar and getting two dollars he's right on the money.

Anonymous No. 16195149

given it runs on a computer, he used regular math

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he's a joke.png

Anonymous No. 16195155

>1 should not be special.
im well aware that you retards view identity elements as jim crow laws, there is no point in arguing with retards, go shit your pants or whatever your hyper-chromossome'd fucks do

Anonymous No. 16195157

>I think we all can agree that Terrence is into something
no we don't, retard

Anonymous No. 16195158

Answer truthfully, are you a jew and/or vaxed?

Anonymous No. 16195167

It will come the day when everything in this book will be accepted as a fact and you will pretend you always knew it and defended it, because you're a rat. You will just parrot whatever the experts say. You have no vision, no ideas. You're an NPC. 1x1=2. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16195170

enjoy your long covid, retard

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Anonymous No. 16195171

Holy fuck is this guy legit retarded, first page and already wrong, 4/2=2 which is indeed inverse of 2*2=4, but 2/1=2 for which the inverse is 2*1=2, how do you fuck up this bad and then write an entire manifesto around it

Anonymous No. 16195182

you are just still trapped in your learned paradigm. break free, brother!

Anonymous No. 16195184

LMAO Hasan completely destroyed this midwit. Give it a watch. It's great. This Terrence Howard bitch can't even into basic mathematics.

Anonymous No. 16195193

fucking joke spoof, doesn't even get into the lynchpin, its all patented, read it and weep or rejoice because someone going to absolutely pick up and profit from this, and save humanity while they do it.

Anonymous No. 16195194

i laughed way too hard when he roast them for being anti vaxer schizos

Anonymous No. 16195208

Yeah, I did after a massive dose of acid, doesn't invalidate basic mathematics

Anonymous No. 16195226

>basic mathematics
you mean mathematical convention?

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Anonymous No. 16195261

Don't come talking about convention while continuing to use the same symbols which are established by convention

Anonymous No. 16195267

This is a man who believes that 1x1=2.

Roteman No. 16195355


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Anonymous No. 16195369


Yet still he is firmly rooted to the Earth by gravity...

Anonymous No. 16195373

>Our whole system is flawed on straight-line based science.
So you definitely haven't even made it to high school level math and don't know our system takes into account polar coordinates instead of just line based coordinates.