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๐Ÿงต Hahaha Hydroxycholorine chuds btfo.

Anonymous No. 16194490

Medicine is a junk science you can pretty much safely assume at least 80%-90% of their published/unpublished craps are trash.

Anonymous No. 16194492

stop spamming this shit

Anonymous No. 16194495

buy an ad
jannies dyfj

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Sage No. 16194497

shit thread

Anonymous No. 16194712

>yet another hossengoblin simp spam thread

Anonymous No. 16194888

why are the first 4 replies so angry?

Anonymous No. 16194892

they hate Sabine because she speaks the truth.

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Anonymous No. 16194910

>why don't you like absolute bottom-of-the-barrel pajeet/ai internet hype/publicity generator spam paid for by some fucking gross looking old hag with a youtube channel?
let me guess: she has a patreon and wants to make her self-starring youtube vanity project a "job".
this shit op post is paid spam.

Anonymous No. 16194915

you sure do love talking about yourself on the internet.