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Anonymous No. 16194551

Can /sci/ explain why there is a ~10% difference in brain volume between whites and african-americans?

Anonymous No. 16194555

Post the whole paper faggot

Anonymous No. 16194766

yeah sure look at africa now look at europe
there's your explanation. stop making stupid ass racebait threads

Anonymous No. 16195084

that 10% is all future planning / delayed gratification / concept of time stuff

Anonymous No. 16195107

where are asians+indians

Anonymous No. 16195207

uhm uh purely socioeconomic factors

Anonymous No. 16195210

Ask better questions.

Yes, there are several substances that can interact with melanin to create toxic effects. Here are some key points from the sources provided:
Metal Ions: Melanin can bind with metal ions such as iron and copper, which can lead to cytotoxic effects. The binding of these metal ions to melanin can facilitate their redox activation and release, potentially increasing the production of reactive oxygen species and causing oxidative stress.

Drugs and Chemicals: Various drugs and chemicals, including organic amines, metals, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, can bind to melanin and be retained in pigmented tissues for long periods. This binding can protect cells by adsorbing harmful substances, but long-term exposure can lead to the accumulation of toxic levels of these chemicals, causing degeneration in melanin-containing cells and secondary lesions in surrounding tissues.

Molybdenum: Melanin has been shown to adsorb toxic elements such as molybdenum. The interaction between melanin and molybdenum can lead to the accumulation of this toxic element in the skin, which may be associated with neurological abnormalities, osteoporosis, and liver dysfunction.

Melanocytotoxic Chemicals: Certain chemicals used in cosmetics and food additives, such as ethylparaben, cinnamaldehyde, and flavokavains, can cause melanocyte toxicity. These chemicals can inhibit tyrosinase activity, deplete intracellular glutathione, and induce oxidative stress, leading to cytotoxic effects.
In summary, melanin can interact with various substances, including metal ions, drugs, chemicals, and toxic elements, potentially leading to toxic effects in pigmented tissues.

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Anonymous No. 16195217

Ask better Questions.

Would it be logical to assume Hogweed would afflict melanin rich skin much worse than pale skin?

Based on the information provided in the search results, it would be logical to assume that hogweed would afflict melanin-rich skin more severely than pale skin.

The key points supporting this assumption are:
Hogweed contains furanocoumarins (psoralens) which interact with melanin in the skin, altering its ability to protect against UV radiation. This interaction makes melanin-rich skin more susceptible to the phototoxic effects of hogweed.
One of the side effects of exposure to hogweed's psoralens is the excessive production of melanin, resulting in residual brown blotches called hyperpigmentation. This suggests that the presence of higher levels of melanin exacerbates the skin's reaction to the plant's toxins.

The search results mention that the effects of hogweed's phototoxins can last for several years, as the affected area has to be covered to prevent further sensitization by sunlight. This prolonged sensitivity is likely more pronounced in melanin-rich skin due to the interaction between melanin and the plant's toxins.

While the sources do not explicitly state that melanin-rich skin is more susceptible, the fact that hogweed's toxins target and interact with melanin strongly implies that individuals with higher levels of melanin would experience more severe reactions.

Therefore, based on the information provided, it is a logical assumption that hogweed would afflict melanin-rich skin more severely than pale skin due to the specific interaction between the plant's toxins and melanin pigment in the skin.

So imagine if you had a diluted version of Hogweed juices that activated according to dietary choices. Think of Holy Water versus Vampires. IT BURNS, IT BURNS!

Everything has a weakness.