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Anonymous No. 16194734

How many frames per section is real life?

Anonymous No. 16194744

all animals have a different framerate

Anonymous No. 16194745

Depends on your sex. Men process information at a higher "frame rate" than women. If a woman experienced the world as a man, she would notice that everything moved in a slightly slower motion (an exagerated example would be "bullet time "from the matrix movies).

There is a reason even sports like table tennis are segregated.

Anonymous No. 16194753

299,792,458 fps

Anonymous No. 16194783

I don't know for sure but v-sync certainly is on.

Anonymous No. 16194801

Depends on the bitrate and pixel density I guess. How good are your eyes and your brain?

Anonymous No. 16194809

One Planck time per Planck time

Anonymous No. 16194818

Not that it matters much, but the Planck units shouldn't be thought of as a "discretization" of the universe. The Planck length is simply the smallest possible diameter for any object not subject to quantum uncertainties. Similarly, the Planck time is not at all some sort of minimum time for physical state evolution. It's just the amount of time for a photon to travel one Planck length at the speed of light.

If a photon travels that Planck length from its current start point, it must have intermediary states even if they are unobservable or unpredictable.

Anonymous No. 16194849

I was not aware that the plank units had any specific intended natural basis. I thought they were derived as products of various universal constants so as to be independent of any real world standards.

Anonymous No. 16194861

The Planck length in particular is considered to be the maximum precision for measurements not subject to quantum uncertainties, i.e., the diameter of the smallest possible measurable object sans quantum uncertainties.

The Planck time also has a physical meaning in the sense that it is the length of time required for a photon traveling at the nominal speed of light to move one Planck length. Other than these two, I'm not sure if there are real physical meaning for the rest of the Planck units. They might have some physical meaning beyond these relations, but if they do I'm not aware of it.

Anonymous No. 16194872

Zero or one, depending on how you look at it, it's all one continuous frame with no gaps inbetween

Anonymous No. 16196171

nope, some greek guy said something about running a race and always being half way to the finish line so I guess you need to read a book for a change

Anonymous No. 16196188

Real life is continuous, not discreet. It's not divided up into frames. If you absolutely insist on thinking of it in terms of frames, then each frame is zero seconds long and there are infinitely many of them per second.

Anonymous No. 16196195

The speed of light in vacuum, commonly denoted c, is a universal physical constant that is exactly equal to 299,792,458 metres per second. According to the special theory of relativity, c is the upper limit for the speed at which conventional matter or energy can travel through space.

anon gets it!

Anonymous No. 16196201

OOPS! Anon you said FEET PER SECOND instead of METERS PER SECOND....cringe.

Anonymous No. 16196353

huh? typo?
The "framerate" of reality is Planck time.

Anonymous No. 16197690

You can use meth to overclock your hardware. But beware, your hair will fall out because additional cooling is needed

Anonymous No. 16197696

It would depend on the firing rate of the photons, I'll let someone else calculate but however long it takes to get enough photons for one frame.

Anonymous No. 16197697

Maybe he likes feet

Anonymous No. 16197789


Anonymous No. 16197800

Per section? I don't know about that. But I read that humans can process up to 40 bit per second. So if you want to test your processing ability, a light flicker at you, from 1 flicker per second and slowly increase it until it just looks like it is shining continously. The amount of flickers per second you can process before it just looks like it is shining, that is your frame rate in life. Good luck.