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🧵 Why did /sci/ fall for the Lab Leak Conspiracy theory?

Anonymous No. 16195015

Why did this board fall so hard for the Lab Leak conspiracy theory?

bodhi No. 16195030

lol didnt read


Anonymous No. 16195268

All the schizos started congregating on 4chan back in 2020. Sci certainly suffered less than most of this site, but even the science board was not completely spared.

Anonymous No. 16195346

I have been saying it doesn't exist for like three years now

Anonymous No. 16195448

>we investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong
Article is from 2023 btw

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Anonymous No. 16196008

>Why did this board fall so hard for the Lab Leak conspiracy theory?
These assholes literally secretly debated how the disease would become a global pandemic and they still kept lying right about it, including imprisoning doctors, right up to the moment they finally decided to shut down Wuhan's airport. Chinese newspapers reported on this, it's not western propaganda.
I will never trust anything coming out of this man's mouth, approved by him directly, or his circles of buddies, ever. And I'm a communist, imagine that.

Anonymous No. 16197051

>Article is from 2023
>The lab leak theory magically became true in 2024

Are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 16197075

There is no lab leak because viruses don't exist.

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Anonymous No. 16197098

>And I'm a communist, imagine that.
Why you gay?

Anonymous No. 16198116

My personal theory
>Be Chang
>Working on SARS vaccine at Wuhan
>Also covertly working on biological weapons program
>Virus designed for medium term disability, for maximum spread, and with Americans in mind (i.e. population is fat, has comorbidities like beetus, heart disease, etc.)
>It escapes from Lab accidentally
>Chang has to choice to either contain it to their country and come clean, or purposely spread it
>Decides if we are fucked, everyone is fucked
>Chang government puts sick Chinks on planes to places where there are a lot of chinks already (such as Italy, the epicenter of the Euro outbreaks)
>US Intel community knows
>Tells administration
>Everyone freaks the fuck out, hence lockdowns
>Turns out was not as bad as everyone thought
>Also turns out that we were indirectly funding it via NIH grants to Wuhan for SARS vaccine
>High probability that someone(s) in the NIH and/or CDC knew about their funding and actively kept it from the administration
All signs in incidentally point towards a legitimate biological weapons tailor made for Americans. Lethality was secondary to maximizing spread and keeping subjects sick for as long as possible because sick people are far more of an economic and logistical strain on your target then dead people. Also, the aforementioned reasons are also why hemorrhagic fevers are shitty candidates for biological weapons. Besides the fact that they are spread through direct contact with bodily fluids only, they simply kill people too fast. I am pretty at least the Trump administration suspected it was intentionally spread after the accidental release, hence his China Virus rhetoric. It was also here was before the government admitted it was. I was sick with what I strongly suspect was COVID in November 2019 (I had literally all the symptoms). This is the primary reason I didn't get vaccinated for it, because I thought I already had it.

Anonymous No. 16198141

lab leak was true in 2019, 2020,2021, 2022, 2023, and, currently, in 2024, but if that article was enough to convince you otherwise then you're genuinely low iq and unable to understand complex systems and the power structures at play

Anonymous No. 16198167

imagine being so collective-brained you confuse a board on 4ch for an individual or at least assume it's capable of feats that are exclusive to individuals

Anonymous No. 16198212

i mean, after the initial minorescape, trump pulled funding from the lab.

of course their next move was "fuck it, if theres no money coming in we're not paying to keep them around, release all our specimens" then. they're china, they have no morals except ¥.

Hell, that shit happens in the US too, look at Plum Island and Lyme disease.

Anonymous No. 16198391

>low IQ MAGA redneck thinks they have a better understanding of virology than actual virologists and science journalists

Yeah, I'm sure New York Times is working with the Democrat Cabal to suppress narratives that might make China - a hostile enemy nation - look bad. Because it makes perfect sense that western journalists and western government would be that invested in protecting the public image of China.

Anonymous No. 16198447

see, you just keep sounding objectively naive and stupid and you're not even aware of it. genuine npc behavior and it's sad to see

Anonymous No. 16198475

I think the Chinese government made a conscious decision to spread it globally after it escaped because they knew exactly what they developed.
Speaking of Plum Island, there is this incident from years ago.
Reston, Virginia is glownigger central

bodhi No. 16198505

wow, you are really stupid. Impressive

Anonymous No. 16198524


Anonymous No. 16198573

The lab leak is the reality. But the leak theory is not a conspiracy. It was an accident. One of the conspiracy theories would be that the virus doesn't exist >>16195346

Anonymous No. 16198574

No viruses exist.

Anonymous No. 16198576

Prove it.

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Anonymous No. 16198588

Other way around. Virologists have yet to prove viruses exist. Read the attached pdf if you're curious, I can't summarize the topic in a single 4chan post.

Anonymous No. 16199064

>The fact that gain of function researches were conducted by the NHI
>at the Wuhan institute of virology
>on coronaviruses
>that's just a coincidence, goyim

Anonymous No. 16199069

how would individual lab techs see it in their microscopes or whatever shit they use? in all countries?

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Anonymous No. 16199237

Countries like Russia, Iran, and China have been investing heavily in promoting conspiracy theories and disinformation, especially on social media sites like 4chan that often serve as a forum for political debates and discussion. By seeding conspiracy theories on english speaking social media like 4chan, it can spread out from there to the rest of society.


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Anonymous No. 16199255


Some more relevant links, although I know the poltards and schizos are not interested in hearing anything about mainstream science or what actual experts have to say, but for those of us who care about the truth and the actual science, it might be interesting to check out.

The more you look into, the more you realize that Russia, domestic extremism, conspiracy theories, Islamism, socialism, and anti-semitism are all interconnected. Russia is funding Hamas, Russia is supporting the MAGA movement, Russia is supporting the antivaxx movement, and Russia is supporting Islamists like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, and socialists like Jill Stein and Jimmy Dore.

Anonymous No. 16199293

stfu jew

the only people on social media spreading lies is JIDF and mossad

Anonymous No. 16199775

Oh boy, do you ever have a rabbit hole to go down... Start with the pdf here: >>16198588

bodhi No. 16199818

>It's da russians!

Yah they look real russian to me