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🧵 Water powered vehicles - possibly feasible?

Anonymous No. 16195153

1.Water is used to generate electricity through a hydro generator/water turbine.
2.The generated electricity is used in an electrolysis process to split water (or another hydrogen-containing substance) into hydrogen and oxygen gases.
3.The produced hydrogen gas is collected, compressed, and stored in high-pressure tanks within the vehicle.
4.The stored hydrogen gas is injected into the combustion engine, where it is ignited to power the vehicle.

potential drawbacks:
>Significant water storage space
Not a huge issue; most vehicles would have large enough space to store several gallons of water, and it would scale with size ofc (smaller car, smaller water tank)
>efficiency of hydro generator and electrolysis process to make it practical
This is more key but since cars can store several hundred gallons of water (see the size of 200 gallon water tank), it remains a matter of actually testing the system out to assess efficiency needs. (electrolysis process should be fine judging from how efficient it is based on already existing tech (70-80% efficiency in submarines etc), and mainly the initial water to electricity generation process via hydro-generator could be a concern for potential bottlenecks)

I'd like some critique on this please.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16195168

You will never get back as much energy from burning the hydrogen as you use splitting it with the battery, so you just made a heavier, less efficient electric vehicle with a tendency to explode.

Anonymous No. 16196022

>The stored hydrogen gas is injected into the combustion engine, where it is ignited to power the vehicle.
Colonization project opportunity for new economic fuel.,hydrogen%2520straight%2520from%2520the%2520Martian%2520surface%2520into%2520orbit.

(planet S)
(planet U)
(planet J)

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Roteman No. 16196043

all electric vehicles have a tendency to explode

but seriously whats the point in storing it when you can just pipe the compressed hydrogen straight into a combustion chamber and make a hydrogen jet car

Anonymous No. 16196046

>1. Gravity is used to generate electricity through a hydro generator/water turbine.
So, a gravity engine, fundamentally.

Anonymous No. 16196215

This, midwits don't understand the most basic concepts of energy, fuel, and energy density. Oil is a miracle substance because of it's insanely high energy density paired with it's super easy to transport and use nature. Nothing can compete on a physics/chemistry level nor on an economics of scale level. When you need super dense energy to power a excavation machine or fly a jumbo jet nothing gives you more energy gram for gram than oil. It's just not going to happen.

That's why all the EV's and water cars and all that bullshit is dead on arrival. It's all fruit of a poison tree you will never be able to eat. To defeat oil as a source of energy you need to have a portable fuel that is MORE energy dense than oil and MORE available than oil and LESS expensive to capture, process, and deliver. It's basic science and basic economics. Until you find this magic fuel you will never out compete oil.

Same goes for green energy. Once you factor in all the mining, production, shipping of wind turbines across countries, destruction of wild land, and E-waste the green energy costs you more per Mw hour than oil/coal.

Anonymous No. 16196222

Didn't he start out with a hydro plant ?
The only thing that eludes me:
Why not buy electric car, find provider that offers hydro only tariff, charge car, hop in, be a degenerate gay cager. Easy as.
Oh btw didnt read past first sentence.

Anonymous No. 16196233

In cyberspunk-like dystopia landscape, we all driving solid hydrogen/diesel hybrid, pure ammonia engine and "woolly/dearman" (liquid nitrogen engine) vehicle someday…

Anonymous No. 16196716


Anonymous No. 16196999

Reply gone?

Anonymous No. 16197685

Suggest running chlorine?

Anonymous No. 16197722


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Anonymous No. 16197739

Anon flew too close to the oil lobby's interests

Anonymous No. 16197761

Hydrogen is one of the most difficult to store materials because of how much pressure it needs and how easily it diffuses.

If you have access to renewable energy and want to create fuel out of air and water, there are a variety of other energy carriers you can create that are easier to store, like synthetic Methanol or Nitrogen based fuels. Heck, even metal powders would be better and can be endlessly recycled. Liquids and solids are always less of a pain in the ass than gas.

Anonymous No. 16198092

What about toyota/ford new ammonia engine?

Anonymous No. 16198124

every time a retard says "water powered car" and then describes a hydrogen ICE with extra steps my lifespan is reduced by 2 weeks

Anonymous No. 16198150

Don't need to store it if you make it on demand

Anonymous No. 16198201

Especially H2 trio of blue, red and gold

Anonymous No. 16198222

already done :

But as it was said hydrogen I hard to store and to manipulate, it tends to make cylinders crack and in case of a leak it can easily blow up

Anonymous No. 16198387

Any use in the future?

Anonymous No. 16198455

~2200w to make 1 liter of h2 per minute
how many miles per liter?
solar panels mounted on the car are out, that’s too much power unless it’s on a semi-truck with a 40ft cargo trailer
I guess you could park and fill up on water and then run your h2 generator and if it’s faster and uses less electricity than an electric car then great.
What happens to the oxygen? Can you collect that too and pump it into the car cabin?

Anonymous No. 16198509

>potential drawbacks:
>>Significant water storage space
Meyers went 2600 miles on 10 liters of water

So grab a couple of gallons every month and just enjoy the fact you are free from their co-dependency.

Anonymous No. 16198540

>2600 miles
Does his engine run microplastic or sewer water from India?

Anonymous No. 16199031

>Can you collect that too and pump it into the car cabin

Anonymous No. 16199288

Both help the future

Anonymous No. 16199298

>that’s too much power unless it’s on a semi-truck with a 40ft cargo trailer
Electrolyte ICE fuel cell run the boost up to 90% near

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Anonymous No. 16199345

>unipolar voltage impulse generator
Around 13 min voltage pulse, restrict amps current salt water

Calling it now, why isnt there a resonant state of water that polarizes the molecule in such a way that one of the Hs just fucks off and combusts

T. Would rather pick up langmuirs hydrogen welding patents and go for HHO 'singing' blimp next to a hydrogen production plant than script kiddie
Im going ahead and hypothesizing there is a resonance condition

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Anonymous No. 16199353

There needs to be a field of chemistry that does puc related but with cymatics and/or LC circuits/ current +voltage impulses

What is the frequency cluster to go from fcc to bcc /sci/

Anonymous No. 16199390

at that point just remove the whole piston actuated combustion engine and just strap on a jet engine

Roteman No. 16199430

Greater raw material energy?

Anonymous No. 16199966


Anonymous No. 16199999

Or you could just use an electric motor.

Anonymous No. 16200003

Dangerously based quints. It's a shame batteries are such hot trash for energy density because electric motors really are great.

Anonymous No. 16200017


Anonymous No. 16200748

Fight the power!

Anonymous No. 16200851

are thermoelectric motors powered by some chemical or nuclear exothermic reaction just not viable or what?

cant you just extract pure sodium from sea water and then add it back into the water and use the heat to generate electricity to power an electric motor? or am i crazy?

Anonymous No. 16201247

We all live in cyberpunk world

Anonymous No. 16201774

Why not use Hydrogen Peroxide instead of Hydrogen. It's a liquid, easy to store and can be made out of water as well. Early rockets used it as a fuel.

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Anonymous No. 16201798


Indeed, it seems the objective of the hho water guys patents. Basically do the equivalent of a trampoline double bounce of its stretching vibrational modes (well deca bouncing in his patent [ i'll attest the pyramid builders did 28 double bounces)

get the hydrogen further away, may spice things up with some solvated electron stuff (flush those lone pairs out of the solution, expose mono atomic hydrogen even more (the queens pyramid was found full of salt after all)

get that hydrogen far enough away, maybe have a small seed stream of h2 gas, have it start reccombining, get that langmuir torch

tell me again why i should continue script kiddiing when i could move close to a future hydrogen plant (oh look it fell out of favour due to low cost alternatives, i wonder what that plant will do to prices,
than, in relative anonymity, unlock the mysteries of hydronium, prove walter russels substates of hydrogen and make a fleet of airships propelled by electrokinetic flappy bird,

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Anonymous No. 16201799

ops wrong img

Anonymous No. 16202452

Anonymous No. 16202461

>Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizer that can help the fuel burn more completely and efficiently, leading to increased power and mileage. It can also help clean the engine and exhaust system, making them run more smoothly. However, if you put hydrogen peroxide in your gas tank, it can cause irreversible damage to the engine's metal and plastic components, leading to rust or corrosion. If you put regular hydrogen peroxide in the gas tank, the engine will not start.
Well at least you try give example. The product have no emissions.

Anonymous No. 16202503

I wasn't talking about using a normal combustion engine. When hydrogen peroxide comes into contact with a catalyst it turns into hot steam, so you'd need a steam engine or turbine. Obviously the parts would be made out of corrosion resistant material.

Anonymous No. 16202521

Too outdated for modern practical design
A literally jet for passenger car?

Anonymous No. 16202641

Rework diesel H2 fuel or that:

Anonymous No. 16202670

>Too outdated for modern practical design
There are plenty of modern iterations of steam engines around.
>A literally jet for passenger car?
Not jet engines, the kind of turbine you'd use in a power plant to generate power, but smaller.

Also keep in mind with hydrogen peroxide you don't need a boiler or any other thing you'd need with a traditional steam engine, you just spray the hydrogen peroxide on metal catalyst and it reacts immediately turning into hot steam which expands and drives the engine. It's just another working fluid, but uses the same principle.

Anonymous No. 16202703

>Heck, even metal powders would be better and can be endlessly recycled
I would like to hear more about this one, can you help an anon out?

Anonymous No. 16202982

Joe Rogan say so

Anonymous No. 16203080

I doubt peroxide run well on big combustion engine.

Anonymous No. 16203482


An/o/n No. 16203607

Dogshit energy density and corrosion. And for what, just to justify trips to gas stations?

An/o/n No. 16204031

Moxie make oxygen! We headed to Mars though the luna base.

Anonymous No. 16204129

>Pöhs immediately jettisoned his remaining fuel and banked around to make an emergency landing, missed the runway, caught the nose of the skid on rough ground, and flipped over. To the relief of his watching comrades his aircraft did not explode, but according to one account, “when they finally reached him and turned the Komet over they were greeted with a gruesome sight: T-Stoff leaking from the ruptured line had dissolved the unconscious Pöhs alive.
>One crewman described the contents of the cockpit as being nothing but vapors and a pink slime at the bottom of the cockpit… nothing that could be identified as a human body.
Really happened?

Anonymous No. 16205289

Battery leak recycle?