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🧵 Is /sci/ a big midwit hangout group?

Anonymous No. 16195189

Is /sci/ a big midwit hangout group? Not a troll or bait post. But something I've been thinking. We all have surface level understanding of many things, biology (thanks to race autism), psychology, math, electronics, software, while we all are in reality studying maybe physics, CS, math or something at collage (right now, or in the past). But we never truly excelled in that one main thing. Of course, we are well read in that subject compared to a subtier midwit. But we never truly excelled to a point where we contributed something worthy to the field. Or even made significant contributions to that one field.

And actual high IQ people are busy hanging out with their colleagues, socializing. We midwits are here theorizing computational model for coding DNA to enhance muh race into producing physics theories on neuroscience.

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first time on sci.gif

Anonymous No. 16195215

There's a lot of MS and PhDs on /sci/ - including a lot of folks in active research, and a lot of folks who were partly motivated by /sci/ to go into the sciences in the first place - but
a) they're obviously not here all the time because they're busy with other shit
b) most of them can't really risk discussing their research in any level of detail without doxxing themselves, especially if you're in a niche field, and
c) we've also been flooded by schizos and qanan boomers like a lot of boards the last few years, and that seriously dilutes the quality of discussion here

Anonymous No. 16195228

OP here. I was kinda worried about what /sci/ has become desu. I wish it were a place where i can hang out with... but it's deteriorating with all the race autism, paranoia schizo vaccine and qanan shit.

Anonymous No. 16195233

No OP. 4chan is a place where reasonably smart people pretend to be retarded. Reddit is a place where retarded people pretend to be smart.

Simple as, nigger.

Anonymous No. 16195238

But no, 4chan also hosts some of the actual retards who are attracted to supposedly average-to-high IQs roleplaying as retards and do dumb shit in real world and elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 16195240

>intelligence is defined by ackadummic social networking
Please don't tell us more about your midwitted NPC worldview. It's boring, factually wrong, and belongs on reddit.

Anonymous No. 16195245

>And actual high IQ people are busy hanging out with their colleagues, socializing.
Not all but almost half of historical people recorded with high IQ were loners.
Christopher Langan, the currently most high IQ man alive, for example is a guy in countryside writing theories in his spare time and does not have any meaningful networks.

Anonymous No. 16195249

/sci/ is the peak of the bell curve.

Anonymous No. 16195306

And you can kinda tell, when someone is putting it on. One minute they're calling you a gay nigger faggot, and then they're explaining concepts from PDEs. Sure anons place can be infuriating at times (why is the Monty Hall thread still going???), but it's generally fun.

Anonymous No. 16195310

That means we're winning!!! Crème de la crème.

Anonymous No. 16195343


Anonymous No. 16195347

Powerful demonic energies.

Anonymous No. 16195358

Pretty dumb egirls

Anonymous No. 16195362

Is there a heavenly demon?

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Anonymous No. 16195378

I've been trying to have meaningful debate on /sci/ for about the last year with very few successes. Most people on this board are either retards or egomaniac academics who aren't 10% as smart as they think they are. Talking anything space related is suicide. The MuskRats come out in force and scream at you unless you agree Elon is the god of space and all his lies are truth.

FACTS, papered science fags love hanging out at the communist factory as they wave their toilet paper degree in everyone's faces. Then they all chat in the bathroom like mean girls about how everyone who's not an academic is stupid and unable to have ideas.

Basically my life path. I just got comfy innawoods. Had to build from scratch, solar, water, everything. But now I have more time to work on my physics and philosophy work. There are many stories of genius hermit types who are self taught. I've been mostly reading things and catching up on what I missed while living life. I plan to thrust my wild ideas on to the world of science starting next year if all goes to plan, just logistics.

Anonymous No. 16195381


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IQ of sci.jpg

Anonymous No. 16195476


Anonymous No. 16195615

Sure it is. Aside from contribution, just look at the current topics. Not much seriousness, all the topics are safe, nothing too real, just endless stream of shit that has zero relevance to people lifes.

Anonymous No. 16195638

It is like every board:
There is those that 'belong' as far as the topic goes.
And there is those that LARP, want ro shit it up and what have you.
If that's an issue there is plenty of online spaces that have and require user names and profiles etc.