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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16195315

>more attractive people are more intellige-
>more symmetrical faces equals higher IQ-
>Not being bald makes you smarte-

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Anonymous No. 16195318


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Anonymous No. 16195319

These top 1% South Korean students are so HOT holy moly huminahuminahumina, IM GOONING OH MY GAWD

Anonymous No. 16195321

There's nothing wrong with these people. Some have neglected exercise, but on a quick fitness regime (left needs a bit more than the rest) they could be turned into high value males.

Anonymous No. 16195327

Intelligence is what makes them unattractive in the eyes of women. Because women are anti-intellectual by nature. If those same guys were presented in a different context, nobody would care. Show them as a group of Walmart employees or as fire fighters or whatever. Everyone will agree they look like completely normal dudes. But present them as math guys and immediately the "nerd" stereotype turns them into the unattractive antithesis of what women want.

Anonymous No. 16195498

2 and 5 would get it.

Anonymous No. 16195534

Anon its the current year, if you dont look like a supermodel generated by AI you are basically a subhuman.

Anonymous No. 16195553

>more attractive people are more intellige-
Never seen anyone claim this. The halo effect states that attractive people tend to be PERCEIVED as more intelligent, not that they ARE more intelligent.

Anonymous No. 16195590

Edward Witten's daughter in the middle

Anonymous No. 16195596

They all look to have high facial symmetry. I don't see a problem here

Anonymous No. 16195602

1 is objectively the best you ape
>they're hungarians

Anonymous No. 16195630

Ed's daughters are a lot hotter than that. I mean there's even porn of one of them.

Anonymous No. 16195632

Only a nice fat pussy makes a cameltoe like #2

Anonymous No. 16195703


Anonymous No. 16195799

> but on a quick fitness regime (left needs a bit more than the rest) they could be turned into high value males.

Unironically using the term 'high value males' and thinking physicality has anything to do with it.

Anonymous No. 16196227

>turned into high value males.
read that as high value meals

Anonymous No. 16196260

nutritional value might not be too bad

Anonymous No. 16196261

Oh who the fuck cares.
>muh look
>muh IQ

Have you gave one fucking thought to like, being a decent human being?

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Anonymous No. 16196665


The attractive people are too busy fucking & sucking. If you're fucking and sucking all day, you're not writing down theory materials or exploring basic ideas to interesting conclusions.

You're just fucking & sucking.
Women are retards, annoying, and useless. Ugly women are spending their whole day being angry about not fucking & sucking.

Unattractive men are watching movies, reading books, maybe scifi books, gathering ideas and hobbies, bored men are exploring art, math, science, whatever... Because they're not spending their whole day fucking & sucking.

Smart attractive people do exist.
Fucking and sucking is more fun than figuring out things like ...

SQRT(N*N+1)-N =N*2+(1/(SQRT(N*N+1)-N))

SQRT(26)-5 = 0.09901951359278
1/(SQRT(26)-5) = 10.09901951359278

SQRT(17)-4 = 0.12310562561766
1/(SQRT(17)-4) = 8.12310562561766
ln(Ans) + 4 = 5.7490313860127
ln(5.7490313860127) = 1.7490313860127
1.7490313860127 + 4 = 5.7490313860127

Or you could be fucking & sucking or watching porn of people fucking & sucking.

root(Ans + 5, 5) = 1.45190287145171
(1.45190287145171)^5 = 6.45190287145161
1.45190287145171 + 5 = 6.45190287145161

Of you could be fucking or sucking...
There you go... JINKIES!!! It was old man Peter Beater all along that solved your math problems! While Fred & Daphne were banging genitalia in the upstairs bedroom.

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Anonymous No. 16196706


Anonymous No. 16196722

they all do have frull hair and symmetric faces tho...

They don't look attractive though but if they did they would be 99th percentile top models or actors instead.

Anonymous No. 16196725

there are almost no underachieving top models/actors when it comes to academic and athletic achievement until scouted.

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Anonymous No. 16196754

Women these days think Hugh Jackman and Chris Hemsworth are AVERAGE and delusionally think that the few hundred billionaires in the USA are all begging for their generic blown out cunts.

It's gonna end bad for women and every sane man knows this. Women remain absolutely clueless as they scratch at their itchy pussy holes.

Likewise, we are invaded by low IQ, often cannibal foreigners, with the rest being basically the worst of the worst. Women also see zero dangers with that at all.

Anonymous No. 16196987

None of them are models, but honestly all of them (except for maybe the middle one) are fairly pretty young women. I like Slavs, so maybe I am slightly biased, but I don't think really any of them are really bad looking. They are just average, homely looking girls (which isn't a bad thing in itself).

Anonymous No. 16196989

rape rape (NOT YOU) rape rape rape

Anonymous No. 16196993

2 is somewhat attractive and fuckable. the rest would have to rape me.

Anonymous No. 16196994


Anonymous No. 16197125

comfort comfort comfort comfort

Anonymous No. 16197128

the asian guy is the most attractive out of all of them