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🧵 special relativity

Hiyoko mame-iri gohan No. 16195317

im at 12th grade and im trying to understand special relitvity, what i understand so far is its basicly x=v.t but v is constant at the speed of light so when x increases time itself slows down to make up for it. but why is c the speed limit, how do we know things can past the speed of light, isnt there some particles that can move faster than light?

Anonymous No. 16195320

There is a theory there are things that can move faster than light like tachyons. But there is no evidence and it has nothing to do with Einstein. His math basically shows that as you approach the speed of light you need more and more energy to the point the energy needs become infinite. That is why it is the speed limit. Light not having any mass allows it to hit the speed limit.

Hiyoko mame-iri gohan No. 16195325

yes but why does the time gets slower the more you get close to the speed of light, ive seen the 2 mirrors example but it depends on light not being able to move faster than itself even tho there is additional speed. if tachyons can move faster than the speed of light, why cant light do that too? why a light moves at the speed of light when you shoot it out with an additiaonal 300kph speed?

Hiyoko mame-iri gohan No. 16195326

i meant a photon and 300k kilometers per second

Anonymous No. 16195371

Anything moving at speed slows down time. That's because there is an equivalence to gravity and speed. You can't really tell the difference. And as you know gravity is related to space warping.

I think you need to ignore tachyons. Light is studied with known properties.

Hiyoko mame-iri gohan No. 16195414

so anything that has a mass or a speed dialates time bc space and time is like together and when something moves it warps space and time? and why do i have to ignore tachyons are there like against classical physics. if so, does light follow classical physics rules? and also is there any book that i can read to understand special relativity better. i read einsteins the theory of relativity book.

Anonymous No. 16195418


The question is backwards. C is not the speed of light. It is the speed of causality. Any particle without mass will always travel at the speed of light.

Anonymous No. 16195420

Read this:

Anonymous No. 16195421


Because the speed of light is invariant to every observer and regardless of reference frame of reference. It will always have the same value: C, to you even if you are travelling at 99% of the speed of light relatively to the viewpoint of another observer.

Anonymous No. 16195422

underage b&

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Anonymous No. 16195424

Hiyoko mame-iri gohan No. 16195559

what is that suppose to mean

Hiyoko mame-iri gohan No. 16195565

thats what im not understanding, probably bc of my lack of info in phsysics im going to read and watch what you guys just sent me thx

Anonymous No. 16195591