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Anonymous No. 16195397

The IAU's 2006 vote was a publicity stunt rather than a fair scientific undertaking, with only 424 out of 10,000 astronomers worldwide participating, and most of those few allowed to vote were not subject mater experts. This small group overturned the recommendation of the IAU's own committee and ignored the fact that Pluto is more planet-like than many other Solar System objects, with an atmosphere, complex geology, and moons of its own. Pluto also gravitationally dominates its orbital zone like other planets, and the argument that it hasn't cleared its orbit is flawed, as Neptune hasn't cleared its either. The definition of a planet should be based on physical properties, not an arbitrary vote. Imagine the ludicrous notion that a super Jupiter could be found in the Oort cloud and deemed not a planet because other stuff exists in its orbit.

The IAU meets August 6th-15th, 2024, now can we influence them to do the right thing and re-instate Pluto? Barring that how can we minimize their influence and funding. I wonder in the US if we can get state boards of education to mandate the teaching that Pluto is a planet and that the scientific process does not determine fact via rigged votes.

Anonymous No. 16195413

A better revenge would be to wait until Mike Brown finally discovers his long-sought Kuiper Belt Super-Earth he calls Planet Nine, then manipulate the IAU vote to deny it planet status, just as he demoted Pluto.

Anonymous No. 16195417

>muh pluto is muh planet

Anonymous No. 16196471

Cope. The reddit take is say Pluto isn't a planet because it's the current thing
Science died in 2006. 'Clearing the neighbourhood' is bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16196484

that would be a racism against black science man who made the universe shaking discovery that the world had unfairly elevated pluto to planet status due to white supremacy.

Anonymous No. 16196501

>caring about whatever arbitrary set of conditions we made up to define a planet

You are subhuman faggot, reddit will be perfect for you.

Anonymous No. 16196504

Words need defined meanings, especially in science. Letting feelings over childhood attachments dictate things is not science.

Anonymous No. 16196951

If Pluto was discovered in 2005 instead of 1930, it would not be called a planet.

Anonymous No. 16196974

Cope and seethe. You will die one day and Pluto will still be classified as a dwarf planet.

Anonymous No. 16196975

>Words need defined meanings
Nobody tell him