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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16195649

You should be able to solve this.

Anonymous No. 16195669

Yes, it does change.

In the first run by symmetry you can expect half the cointhrows to be heads and the other half tails.
In the second run Bob is more likely to have thrown more heads than tails since he stops after a long heads sequence but not after a long tails sequence. Tyrone of course doesn't have a bias in either direction.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16195670

>Bob is more likely to have thrown more heads than tails
*Bob is more likely to have thrown more tails than heads

Anonymous No. 16195672

>In the second run Bob is more likely to have thrown more heads than tails since he stops after a long heads sequence but not after a long tails sequence.

Anonymous No. 16195682

Let [math]X_i[/math] be the amount of heads in the i-th throw, Let [math]N[/math] be the total number of rounds needed.

[eqn]E \left[ \frac{1}{2N} \sum_{i=0}^N X_i \right] = \sum_{n=3}^\infty E \left[ \frac{1}{2N} \sum_{i=0}^N X_i \middle | N=n \right] P(N=n) = \sum_{n=3}^\infty \frac{1}{2n} \sum_{i=0}^n E[X_i] P(N=n) = \sum_{n=3}^\infty \frac{1}{2} P(N=n) = \frac{1}{2}[/eqn]

Anonymous No. 16195689

Tyrone doesn't listen to instructions and tries to steal the money

Anonymous No. 16195698

probably the most complicated way of explaining something so simple.

Anonymous No. 16195700

In English, professor?

Anonymous No. 16195701

Can you explain it more simply?

Anonymous No. 16195708

>In the second run Bob is more likely to have thrown more heads than tails since he stops after a long heads sequence but not after a long tails sequence.
Doesn't preclude a long tails sequence tho
He can get ten tails in a row but never more than three heads

Anonymous No. 16195727

N=number of coin flips till condition is satisfied.
NJ=For Jane NB=For Bob NT=For Tyrone

Scenario one -
Bob number of head flips = ((NB-3)/2)+3
Jane number of head flips = ((NJ-3)/2)
Tyrone number of heads = NT/2
Thus, total number of heads = (NB+NJ+NT)/2

Scenario two -
Bob number of head flips = ((NB-3)/2)+3
Jane number of head flips = 0
Tyrone number of heads = NT/2
Thus, total number of heads = (((NB-3)/2)+3)+(NT/2)

Overall -
Doesn't equal


Anonymous No. 16195729

Pretty sure this is wrong in every aspect.

Anonymous No. 16195732


Anonymous No. 16195733

Yeah. It's a fair coin. 50/50

Anonymous No. 16195736

>Bob number of head flips = ((NB-3)/2)+3
The fuck's this

Anonymous No. 16195738

p. sure this is right

Anonymous No. 16195744

X_i is dependent on n sorry buddy

Anonymous No. 16195746

On average, the number of flips until Bob's condition is satisfied would be 14. According to your explanation, shouldn't the expected proportion of heads for a sequence of length 14 be (((14-3)/2)+3)/14 ~= 0.607? If so, that's wrong because the actual value is something near 0.5.

Anonymous No. 16195754

I just simulated it 1000000 times and bob throws heads 60% of the time

Anonymous No. 16195755

>If so, that's wrong because the actual value is something near 0.5.
Can you show me how?

I mean I agree with you but in the Monty Hall thread where this was first posted, someone else wrote a script that returned 0.6~ and I can't identify the flaw.

Anonymous No. 16195760

Maybe I misunderstood. What is ((NB-3)/2)+3 supposed to calculate? Is it the expected number of heads for a sequence with length NB?

Anonymous No. 16195777

in an average round bob flips 60% heads

but when you add up the total number of heads bob throws across a lot of rounds and divide by the number of flips across those rounds you get 50%

it would appear bob throws high percentage of heads in short games and low percentage of heads in a long games, but I think the answer is 60%

vbs code:


rounds = 100000
percentage_sum = 0
heads_total = 0
flips_total = 0

for i = 1 to rounds

a = int(2*rnd)
b = int(2*rnd)
c = int(2*rnd)
flips = 3
heads = a + b + c

do while (a + b + c) < 3
c = b
b = a
a = int(2*rnd)
heads = heads + a
flips = flips + 1

percentage_sum = percentage_sum + heads / flips

flips_total = flips_total + flips
heads_total = heads_total + heads


msgbox "average percentage of heads per round: " & percentage_sum / rounds
msgbox "total percentage of heads across all rounds: " & heads_total / flips_total

Anonymous No. 16195782

Looks like it, yes. The last three flips are necessarily heads so he calculates it as for N flips, N-3 are random, and then you add three heads. Which does not seem to account for their randomness.

Anonymous No. 16195784

>but when you add up the total number of heads bob throws across a lot of rounds and divide by the number of flips across those rounds you get 50%
Well, this is trivial because "across all rounds" is agnostic to the stopping condition of individual rounds, but the question concerns the expected value for a round, not across all rounds.

Anonymous No. 16195787

Well, I can say with certainty that it doesn't match the number of heads for sequences of length NB, nor does deriving the overall expected proportion of heads from it give an accurate result.

Anonymous No. 16195793

>in an average round bob flips 60% heads
>but when you add up the total number of heads bob throws across a lot of rounds and divide by the number of flips across those rounds you get 50%
These statements sound incompatible

Anonymous No. 16195795

They are perfectly compatible.

Anonymous No. 16195807

It accurately predicts the percentage of heads for Bob and makes logical sense.
Don't see the issue honestly.

Anonymous No. 16195809

>It accurately predicts the percentage of heads for Bob
It demonstrably doesn't.

>makes logical sense
Not really, because it incorrectly assumes the sequence preceding the 3 heads is unbiased.

Anonymous No. 16195815

>It demonstrably doesn't.
>shouldn't the expected proportion of heads for a sequence of length 14 be (((14-3)/2)+3)/14 ~= 0.607?
>in an average round bob flips 60% heads


Anonymous No. 16195816

Your point?

Anonymous No. 16195822

Are you serious?

Anonymous No. 16195824

it's close to 60% because 14 was a lucky choice, try it for other numbers

Anonymous No. 16195827

Yes. I'm dead serious. Make an actual point. I remember you from the other thread. You were a moron and you remain a moron. The guy arguing with you had godlike patience.

Anonymous No. 16195833

>try it for other numbers
Yep. It's easy to see that formula is wrong with a stopping condition of one head. It predicts a value of 3/4 whereas in reality it's 1*(1/2) + (1/2)*(1/4) + (1/3)*(1/8) + (1/4)*(1/16) + ...

Anonymous No. 16195840

No, the moron from the other thread who refused to make an actual point for a couple dozen posts settled on 60% in the end

Anonymous No. 16195841

Oh, you are serious.
How embarrassing.
14 isn't a choice.
It's the most common number of coin tosses needed to get three heads or tails in a row.
Simple as.
Checks out.

Anonymous No. 16195843

Retarded ape.

Anonymous No. 16195847

What's even the point of namecalling with nothing else? If anything it'll convince people that you have no idea what the right answer is.

Anonymous No. 16195848

no, it's 50% for both scenarios. no matter how you carve up the results of fair coin flips the expected ratio is always just 50%.

Anonymous No. 16195852

I've already provided definite proof that "((NB-3)/2)+3" is wrong. If you're not convinced by it, you're not "people".

Anonymous No. 16195853

>Yep. It's easy to see that formula is wrong with a stopping condition of one head
The formula wasn't made with that condition in mind. It's strictly for the condition of the 3 heads and 3 tails as described in the original meme problem given.

Anonymous No. 16195855

You were a mentally ill, dysgenic ape and you will forever remain one. I can tell you're the same cretin from the last thread because you're uniquely moronic.

Anonymous No. 16195856

I didn't even realise what your argument was. I agree with you, but when people start calling each other retarded and refuse to elaborate for several points in a row, it gets hard to keep track.

Anonymous No. 16195857

>I've already provided definite proof that "((NB-3)/2)+3" is wrong.
Why do the simulated results agree with the formula and disagree with you then?

Anonymous No. 16195861

>You were a mentally ill, dysgenic ape and you will forever remain one. I can tell you're the same cretin from the last thread because you're uniquely moronic.
That's not an experimental result or mathematical argument anon.
Just saying.

Anonymous No. 16195862

>What's even the point of namecalling with nothing else? If anything it'll convince people that you have no idea what the right answer is.
The truth is he doesn't know lol.
It's sad.

Anonymous No. 16195868

>Why do the simulated results agree with the formula
They don't, but this is besides the point. You don't need to simulate anything to see that your logic fails. Just try it with 1 instead of 3 heads.
>inb4 muh reasoning is correct but only for the magic number and only up to the 2nd digit

Anonymous No. 16195869

>Yep. It's easy to see that formula is wrong with a stopping condition of one head. It predicts a value of 3/4 whereas in reality it's 1*(1/2) + (1/2)*(1/4) + (1/3)*(1/8) + (1/4)*(1/16) + ...
We need another simulation with a one head stopping condition.
You were wrong with the three head stopping condition percentage of heads so you're probably also wrong with the one head stopping condition.

Anonymous No. 16195870

I refuse to elaborate because I immediately recognized this inbred. You could prove to it that black is black and white is white in 500 different ways over the course of the entire day and it won't budge from its trivial mistakes.

Anonymous No. 16195872

>We need another simulation with a one head stopping condition.
No, we don't. If you can't figure it out without a simulation you shouldn't be posting ITT.

Anonymous No. 16195873

>They don't, but this is besides the point. You don't need to simulate anything to see that your logic fails. Just try it with 1 instead of 3 heads.
You were completely wrong with 3 heads anon.
You are also completely wrong with 1.
You got your theory wrong with 3 and reality had to correct you.
Your theory is wrong with 1 and once again reality will correct you again.

Anonymous No. 16195874

I am not >>16195853 but I did spend a LOT of time arguing with someone who was completely unreasonable and arrogant and also thought that ((NB-3)/2)+3 was the correct formula, like he does. However, because you are not me, and because you yourself have the same attitude as the person I was arguing with, even though you apparently disagree with him, I am quite lost at this point.

Maybe we shouldn't drag drama from other threads into new threads on an anonymous board. Seems quite pointless.

Anonymous No. 16195876

>You were completely wrong with 3 heads anon.
Where? Quote it in your next post. You can't and won't. Mentally ill mongoloid.

Anonymous No. 16195877

>o, we don't. If you can't figure it out without a simulation
You failed and the simulation proved you wrong.
You don't get to dictate reality.
Reality dictates you.
Sorry anon.

Anonymous No. 16195879

You are a thoroughly unpleasant individual and you make threads a chore to read.

I just want to talk about the actual probability problem and if you people can't do that then maybe fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16195880

This board should just put up stats problems like this as captchas.

Anonymous No. 16195881

>Where? Quote it in your next post. You can't and won't. Mentally ill mongoloid.
>shouldn't the expected proportion of heads for a sequence of length 14 be (((14-3)/2)+3)/14 ~= 0.607? If so, that's wrong because the actual value is something near 0.5.
>in an average round bob flips 60% heads

Anonymous No. 16195883

>Comes to my thread
>Wants to talk about a probability problem I came up with
>Complains that I am le bad and don't belong in my own thread
Ok. :^(

Anonymous No. 16195887

>>Comes to my thread
Is actually possessive over a thread because they failed to predict the outcome of a simple probability simulation lol.

Anonymous No. 16195891

The expected portion of heads for sequences of length 14 is indeed close to 0.5. The formula looks like it's trying to calculate that and fails. By sheer luck, it manages to get close to the expected portion of heads in general (not specifically for sequences of length 14) but it's not exact and it only coincides for a 3-heads stopping condition.

Anonymous No. 16195893

>but I did spend a LOT of time arguing with someone who was completely unreasonable and arrogant and also thought that ((NB-3)/2)+3 was the correct formula, like he does
Literally didn't happen lol.

Anonymous No. 16195894

What was the point of this thread if it wasn't to DISCUSS the problem at hand? Just to angrily jerk yourself off whilst telling people they're ignorant cretins and refusing to elaborate?

Anonymous No. 16195899

>The expected portion of heads for sequences of length 14 is indeed close to 0.5.
It's 0.6 confirmed by simulation anon lol.
You're simply wrong.
>but it's not exact and it only coincides for a 3-heads stopping condition.
And that's wrong.
You were wrong with three and you are wrong with one. Simulate it or shut up.
Easy as.

Anonymous No. 16195901

He's a low functioning autistic psychopath.

Anonymous No. 16195902

Well it would be embarrassing to learn that he actually agreed with me and we argued for nothing, but it would be unsurprising given that he seemed to be allergic to making an actual point and loved to argue for the sake of it so most of the time it was impossible to make out what he was even getting at.

Anonymous No. 16195904

>What was the point of this thread if it wasn't to DISCUSS the problem at hand?
Well, we could have, but the obsessed moron started spamming it with his opinions.

Anonymous No. 16195906

Lol, you were wrong OP.

Anonymous No. 16195908

>It's 0.6 confirmed by simulation
Not for Bob's sequences in general. Not for Bob's sequences of length 14. Good thing you insist on shitting the bed like this because now everyone can see that you're utterly incompetent and there's no need to reply to anything you post.

Anonymous No. 16195910

Yes* for Bob's sequences in general, I mean.

Anonymous No. 16195911

The internet and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

I just want to understand the problem man, I don't want to watch a bunch of spergs bicker about their bruised egos

Anonymous No. 16195913

Sucks that you were wrong OP.
Sucks that you're a sore loser OP.

Anonymous No. 16195914

Then come up with your own problems and solve them alone, fag.

Anonymous No. 16195916

>Not for Bob's sequences in general.
Lol, what does that even mean?
>Not for Bob's sequences of length 14.
Simulation proved you wrong OP lol.
>Good thing you insist on shitting the bed like this because now everyone can see that you're utterly incompetent and there's no need to reply to anything you post.
You literally predicted the wrong percentage idiot lol.
If you have an opinion on different stopping conditions you need to simulate it.

Anonymous No. 16195918

The entire problem is that we're not solving anything here and I might as well be on my own.

Fuck it, >>16195733 is correct, prove me wrong

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Anonymous No. 16195922

he's right you know

Anonymous No. 16195924

>The entire problem is that we're not solving anything here and I might as well be on my own.
Well you're basically just talking to yourself anyway autismos.
You already have the solution.

Anonymous No. 16195926

>he's right you know
Aha... You're talking about a differing thing anon.
>in an average round bob flips 60% heads
I'm answering the original question.
You're not.
Because you were wrong lol.

Anonymous No. 16195928

Consider the situtation with only Bob in the case where you stop after the first head then you have

>50% chance for only heads
>25% chance for a 1/2 ratio of heads
>12.5% chance for a 1/3 ratio of heads
>6.25% chance for a 1/4 ratio of heads
>1/2^k chance for a 1/k ratio of heads
So the expected percentage of heads is
[eqn]\sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{1}{k} \frac{1}{2^k} = \log(2) \approx 69.3 \%[/eqn]

It's not 50% here so it's likely also not 50% in OP's problem.

Anonymous No. 16195930

He's incorrect because for Bob's shorter sequences, there will be a significant bias in favor of heads, meanwhile for his long sequences, there will be a small bias in favor of tails. There is also a bias in favor of short sequences.

Anonymous No. 16195933

he said:
>expected portion of heads for sequences of length 14
that's what the simulation estimates

Anonymous No. 16195937

Yes, and...

Anonymous No. 16195940

>It's not 50% here so it's likely also not 50% in OP's problem.
It's already been simulated to be 60% lol.

Anonymous No. 16195941

A simulation is not a mathematical proof.

Anonymous No. 16195943

so he wasn't wrong about what he said, that formula doesn't actually calculate anything

Anonymous No. 16195945

>You already have the solution.
I have people bickering amongst each other insisting that the other is wrong and refusing to elaborate.

Anonymous No. 16195951

Nice. I've shown this earlier ITT. If nothing else, it demonstrates that the sloppy "reasoning" people use to argue it's 1/2 is invalid. Decent attempt but it doesn't quite settled the question.

Anonymous No. 16195955

It's 60% idiot anon lol.

Anonymous No. 16195959

it's not. i simulated it yesterday. it doesn't match the result of your formula

Anonymous No. 16195964

What makes you so sure it isn't 59.999999999% or 60.000000001% instead?

Anonymous No. 16195967

Wrong. It's neither 60% nor what your retarded formula computes.

Anonymous No. 16195972

It's already been confirmed to be 60% lol
>in an average round bob flips 60% heads

Anonymous No. 16195974

it's more like 60.2% which disagrees with your calculation

Anonymous No. 16195981

>it's more like 60.2% which disagrees with your calculation
Lol, that's closer to my calculation of 60.7%

Anonymous No. 16195986

your calculation is wrong, sorry. first digit after the decimal point should be 2

Anonymous No. 16195990

>your calculation is wrong, sorry. first digit after the decimal point should be 2
Or it's right and you need more tosses to get to 60.7?
Do you have a more correct answer?

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Anonymous No. 16195991

I believed I proved this. I'm a /g/tard so I dunno how to do whatever fancy formatting you use but here:

Calculate the expected value of number of heads for Bob:
Consider the T*, HT*, HHT* and HHH cases separately:
E(num_heads) = 1/2 * [E(num_heads)] + 1/4 * [1 + E(num_heads)] + 1/8 * [2 + E(num_heads)] + 1/8 * [3]
simplifying we get the following recurrence:
E(num_heads) = 7/8 * [E(num_heads) + 1]

Calculate the expected value of number of tails for Bob:
Like last time, consider the T*, HT*, HHT* and HHH cases separately:
E(num_tails) = 1/2 * [1 + E(num_tails)] + 1/4 * [1 + E(num_tails)] + 1/8 * [1 + E(num_tails)] + 1/8 * [0]
simplifying we get the following recurrence:
E(num_tails) = 7/8 * [E(num_tails) + 1]

These recurrences are identical so E(num_heads) = E(num_tails) meaning the expected ratio for Bob is 0.5. By symmetry, it's 0.5 for Jane. Tyrone's is trivially 0.5. The ratio doesn't change

Anonymous No. 16195997

You're arguing with a legit mental patient. Just stop.

Anonymous No. 16196000

Try your logic on a different stopping condition, like 1 head.

Anonymous No. 16196002

simulate it or shut up lol.

Anonymous No. 16196006

I still don't know what the correct solution is, but I do know what failed to convince me in the past:

copious namecalling
repeating that some answer is wrong
refusing to elaborate
refusing to acknowledge criticisms

Some of you try these for hours expecting different results and no matter how good you are at maths, that's pretty fucking dumb.

Anonymous No. 16196009

tried it and it also checks out. In both cases the recurrance simplifies to
E(x) = 1/2 * [E(x) + 1]

Anonymous No. 16196010

No one cares, homo.

Anonymous No. 16196016

Can you explain why >>16195777 is wrong?

Anonymous No. 16196020

It's not. His calculations are.

Anonymous No. 16196026


Anonymous No. 16196031

It doesn't, 50-50 change always. I believe this is called an "independent event."

Anonymous No. 16196035

Why what? Why the code he posted isn't wrong?

Anonymous No. 16196039

Why are his calculations wrong?

Anonymous No. 16196040

But sure, why isn't the code wrong works too. Then why is >>16195991 wrong?

Anonymous No. 16196044

I looked at his code and I see that 1. there's nothing wrong with it 2. it gives a result that I know to be correct. Why the other guy is wrong is for that guy to figure out.

Anonymous No. 16196049

Well, the other guy's code looks fine to me and gives a result that I know to be correct, so you figure out why you're wrong then.

Anonymous No. 16196050

Your mental illness is out of control.

Anonymous No. 16196052

>/sc/i - arguing with the most annoying people you know

Anonymous No. 16196058

There are several people in this thread who give the same answer I do, including one who has written code that produces that answer. So I once again refer you to >>16196006

I am extremely amenable to correction. I am open to admitting that I'm wrong. I am absolutely begging you to tell me why I am wrong. If only all out-of-control mental illness could be alleviated by simply saying "no, that's wrong, and here's why, see".

But you don't. You repeatedly, explicitly refuse to. I think if anyone here is mentally ill, it's you. Case in point: I'm going to once again explicitly point out to you that calling people mentally ill and refusing to elaborate is not going to convince anyone you're correct. You're probably going to insist on doing it anyway and grow increasingly agitated that people continue to be wrong.

Anonymous No. 16196068

>There are several people in this thread who give the same answer I do
What's your answer and whose code corroborates it?

Anonymous No. 16196070

Okay dumbest solution : 7 conditions where a heads can occur and plus 1 for no heads making it 87.5%

Next one person out so 3 conditions where a heads can occur plus 1 where no head occurred major it 75%

So yes it does change!

Anonymous No. 16196072

You know, you do us both a disservice. Being wrong is how we learn. Your insistence on only interacting with people you already agree with robs us all of the opportunity to improve, and furthermore does not inspire confidence that your opinion is actually well-considered at all.

Anonymous No. 16196074

see >>16195991
You know, the one I *just* asked about?

Anonymous No. 16196075

I don't care. So long as it triggers you to shit out paragraph after paragraph and samefag like this, I'm satisfied.

Anonymous No. 16196076

I don't know what you're trying to do here

Anonymous No. 16196078

Yeah, your mental illness is definitely out of control. Be sure to reply to my post pretending to be several different people.

Anonymous No. 16196080

What has made you like this, Anon? You pitiable excuse for a human being.

Anonymous No. 16196082

Anyway, back to sanity
Anon are you willing to explain what your code does? I want to know the case for both sides so I can understand them better and thus far neither is very cooperative.

Anonymous No. 16196085

Just take your meds or something.

Anonymous No. 16196087

Me neither!

Anonymous No. 16196091

Anon, you think being open to the possibility that you are wrong is a mental illness.

Anonymous No. 16196094

No, but replying to me over and over trying to win my approval, while spouting schizobabble, is.

Anonymous No. 16196100

nvm, E[heads/(heads + tails)] != E[heads]/(E[heads] + E[tails])

Anonymous No. 16196103

Your approval is worth less than nothing to me. I would think less of myself if I had somehow earned your approval. I am trying to see if you have one tiny trace of humanity left to appeal to. A tiny spark of cognizance that raises you above the level of an automaton. Thus far, I keep being disappointed.

I suppose it is useless after all to attempt to reason with you. Feel free to respond once more, hypocrite. It won't gain you my approval either, though you easily know how to get it.

Anonymous No. 16196105

What's the difference?

Anonymous No. 16196111

Didn't read. Keep begging for my approval. You'll never get it.

Anonymous No. 16196115

division is not linear so you can't just move the expectation inside like that. my computation for the expected number of heads and expected number of tails is right but the actual expected ratio is tricker

Anonymous No. 16196120


Anonymous No. 16196132

Just remembered someone in the other thread argued that it is impossible for Bob to get three tails in a row lol

Anonymous No. 16196177

Lol, you faggots are still going. Crazy.
Question was answered ages ago in a very simple manner and it is the only solution that agrees with simulations.
Stupidest thread ever.
Okay, here is a question for the Idiots here.
What's the simplest way of calculating the average number of coin flips needed to get N number of heads in a row.
The solution doesn't require a Markov chain either.
Are you smart enough!!!

Anonymous No. 16196179

>Question was answered ages ago in a very simple manner
Remind us?

Anonymous No. 16196181

What's the average number of coin flips needed to get 1000 heads in a row?
Are you smart enough to directly calculate that without markov chains anon?

Anonymous No. 16196185


Now what's the simple answer you referred to?

Anonymous No. 16196189

how did you calculate that anon?
that is the correct answer.

Anonymous No. 16196191

Lucky guess.

Anonymous No. 16196198

Reminder to ignore the mentally ill bot.

Anonymous No. 16196202

Since it's one person less flipping coins in the second run, that means 1/3 flips and therefore 1/3 less heads

Anonymous No. 16196204

>Lucky guess.
Come on anon.
>Reminder to ignore the mentally ill bot.
Your question was answered long ago anon.

Anonymous No. 16196209

The thing you do so well, huh

Anonymous No. 16196213

I just googled it desu

I'd google the answer to this bullshit too but it's harder to find.

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Anonymous No. 16196216


Anonymous No. 16196230

>I just googled it desu
That doesn't explain anything.
Did you use a Markov chain in some code or a simple formula without code automation?
One is easy, the other isn't.

Anonymous No. 16196234

A simple formula.

I'm not sure why this is so important to you. I also asked you a question, remember?

Anonymous No. 16196239

>A simple formula.
Lol, ok so you just used a super long markov chain with some code.
Got ya.
Guess I was expecting a bit too much.

Anonymous No. 16196243

>Lol, ok so you just used a super long markov chain with some code.
I'm pretty sure I just told you the opposite.

I don't know what you're expecting here. This conversation seems entirely pointless. If you're not going to answer my queston I've no interest in your silly pastime.

Anonymous No. 16196245

>I'm pretty sure I just told you the opposite.
Where's the formula anon?
>I don't know what you're expecting here. This conversation seems entirely pointless. If you're not going to answer my queston I've no interest in your silly pastime.
Your question was answered long ago.

Anonymous No. 16196246

The expected number of coin flips until Bob is done is 14 as >>16195746 asserted (tons of proofs exists online). The expected number of heads for Bob is indeed 7 as >>16195991 proved. However nobody in this thread actually found the expected percentage of heads for Bob (or across the players in the second game), which isn't 50% and can't easily be deduced from Bob's expected number of heads

Anonymous No. 16196248

>Where's the formula anon?
Where's the answer, Anon?

Anonymous No. 16196252

The expected number of heads for Bob doesn't change. The expected percentage of total heads changes.

Anonymous No. 16196253

Almost forgot, this simulation does seem correct in brute forcing Bob's expected percentage of heads.

Anonymous No. 16196254

Lol, this has already been answered ages ago.
This is like a dude just mindlessly fighting against the fact that 1+1=2.
You're going to be here forever.
Literally forever.

Anonymous No. 16196258

So which answer do you hold to be correct, Anon? Because there are several in this thread.

Anonymous No. 16196282

>they are still replying to the mentally ill bot

Anonymous No. 16196283

>You're going to be here forever.
Only until someone gives a straightforward explanation of the right answer
so yes

Anonymous No. 16196331

>Only until someone gives a straightforward explanation of the right answer
I did so ages ago:

>for Bob's shorter sequences, there will be a significant bias in favor of heads, meanwhile for his long sequences, there will be a small bias in favor of tails. There is also a bias in favor of short sequences.

Anonymous No. 16196350

>There is also a bias in favor of short sequences.
We've established that Bob is expected to need 14 coin tosses, is that short?

Anonymous No. 16196360

>no proof
into the trash it goes

Anonymous No. 16196361

>We've established that Bob is expected to need 14 coin tosses, is that short?
We've established no such thing. I just stated it way at the beginning. And no, that's relatively long and pretty much the cutoff point.

Anonymous No. 16196380

No, it's the expected value, i.e. the mean

Anonymous No. 16196384

>it's the expected value, i.e. the mean
It is. So what?

Anonymous No. 16196391

So then it is not "pretty much the cut-off point" and if the mean is relatively long then there is no bias towards short sequences.

Anonymous No. 16196398

>So then it is not "pretty much the cut-off point"
Why not?

>if the mean is relatively long then there is no bias towards short sequences.

Anonymous No. 16196422

If most of the sequences are shorter than 14 and 14 is an upper bound then how is 14 ever going to be the mean?

Anonymous No. 16196429

>14 is an upper bound
Upper bound on what? That's just the point where the bias shifts.

>how is 14 ever going to be the mean?
Because the distribution is not at all symmetric.

Anonymous No. 16196437

>That's just the point where the bias shifts
You're not making any sense, man.

Anonymous No. 16196440

I'm not really talking to you. I know you're the same mouth-breathing moron. I'm just saying it for the record.

Anonymous No. 16196451

You say there is a bias towards shorter sequences. But the bias shifts?

You know if you would ever just straightforwardly make your point you would find me an eager learner. But you insist on being an obtuse narcissist instead and dragging this out for whatever perverse amusement you get out of playing the oracle.

Anonymous No. 16196456

There is a bias towards heads overall because there is a bias towards heads in short sequences and there is a bias towards short sequences. Sequences of length 14 are slightly biased towards tails. Anything longer is even more biased towards tails.

Anonymous No. 16196465

See, now how hard was it for you to express yourself in clear language?
>Sequences of length 14 are slightly biased towards tails.
Why is that the point where it shifts? Just because it's the mean? Those things are entirely different.

Why are you even here, man, if explaining things makes you so angry?
Why do you continue to answer questions but as unhelpfully as you can?

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Anonymous No. 16196477

still no proof

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Anonymous No. 16196532

>Why is that the point where it shifts?
There is no "straightforward" way to answer this. Here are all the possible sequences for Bob for sequence lengths from 5 to 8, where 1 represents a head:





For each of these matrices, sum each row:
>3, 4
>3, 4, 4, 5
>3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5
>3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6

For each of these sequences, count the occurrences of each number:
>3x1, 4x1
>3x1, 4x2, 5x1,
>3x1, 4x3, 5x3,
>3x1, 4x4, 5x6, 6x2

Leave only the counts:
>1 1
>1 2 1
>1 3 3
>1 4 6 2

Notice anything funny? Pic related shows more of these patterns. I'm not gonna spoil it completely but this is related to Pascal's triangle.

Anonymous No. 16196604

>Notice anything funny?
I see the first count is always 1; one sequence with only three heads.
The second count keeps going up by one
The third count is increased by as much as the second count of the previous line
Can't see the pattern yet for 4+

Anonymous No. 16196752

I came up with a much faster way to approximate the expected value of the heads percentage for Bob. Code and brief explanation shortly.
Results are consistent with the simulation anon posted above