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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต pandemic treaty.

Anonymous No. 16195734

they are trying to create a WHO pandemic treaty which would concern most of democratic world (wouldnt concern North Korea obviously)

but enough about politics, this thread is for scientific basis on on pandemic treaty, is it needed?

why is it needed? any infection doctors browsing this?

video related is pandemia treaty demonstration (pandemonium in English) in Finland which happened just yesterday

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Anonymous No. 16195771

>is it needed?
>why is it needed? any infection doctors browsing this?
I'm not an epidemiologist, a vaccinologist, or simply a doctor, so my opinion is 100% worthless, but since you asked:

>is it needed?
I'd say so, yes.

>why is it needed?
Because of all the slow and disorganized reaction of ill-informed politicians worldwide. Covid handling was a mess and we need effective mechanisms to stop the spread of future diseases on their tracks, if needed.

Anonymous No. 16195797

>scientific basis on on pandemic treaty

Anonymous No. 16196173

>why is it needed? any infection doctors browsing this?
>is it needed?
For despots it's a totalitarian power grab, so for them it is. For the wagies and peasants, well, nobody seems to care what the peasants think. Enjoy feudalism with cameras

Anonymous No. 16196178

>If we give idiot politicians and buraucrats even more power, they'll stop being idiots

Anonymous No. 16196180

that is literally the opposite of what I said.
If epidemiologists define now the procedures on how to act in case of a new pandemic, idiotic politicians won't have to do the "thinking" about something they are so obviously ignorant about, they just have to follow the fucking instructions. However, we all know just how stubborn idiots are, so not even that is a guarantee for a swift and effective reaction to the spread of a new disease.

Anonymous No. 16196182

>WHO isn't run by idiot bureaucrats lobbying idiot politicians

Anonymous No. 16196186

Which are useful idiots who merely take orders from above

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trump flu.png

Anonymous No. 16196359

>WHO isn't run by idiot bureaucrats lobbying idiot politicians
Oh, it has its own idiots as well obviously, but much less than any government out there, no doubt whatsoever about that.
>Which are useful idiots who merely take orders from above
Less tinfoil hatting. more optimism.

Anonymous No. 16196386

>tinfoil hatting
I'm literally a doctor, nigger

Anonymous No. 16196653

>a doctor
Nonetheless, my point till stands: politicians are just too ignorant about any of these matters to be deciding anything in times like those.

Anonymous No. 16197719

>politicians are just too ignorant about any of these matters to be deciding anything in times like those.
And as we've learned since 2020, henceforth known as the year when science committed suicide, epidemiologists aren't any better, and thus delegating control to a bunch of WHO "experts" nepotizing with politicians and epidemiologists is just about the worst solution to this problem.

Anonymous No. 16197746

is "pandemic" in this treaty explicitly defined as a virus-based disease thing or is this yet another backdoor attempt at globalist power consolidation because "climate change/racism/misinformation is akchually a pandemic too!!"

Anonymous No. 16198673

It's not needed because no government would give a fuck and the UN would say half assed bad advice like "don't wear masks".

Best thing you could do in the next one is become a prepper and absolutely dont fucking ever come out of your home. And prepare for 3 years.

Anonymous No. 16198674

then at least idiots will be predictable and liable to lawsuits.

Anonymous No. 16198683

>we need effective mechanisms to stop the spread of future diseases on their tracks
There's a very effective solution but you'll get called racist for it

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Anonymous No. 16198892

>if we give corrupt psychopaths more power, their friends in jurisdiction they give millions to will be more willing to sue them
Peak comedy hours, this thread

Anonymous No. 16198918

>then at least idiots will be predictable and liable to lawsuits
Top kek, haven't you heard about that aussie military lawyer who is getting imprisoned for doing his job and reporting war crimes?
Guess who isn't getting punished, though.

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Anonymous No. 16198980

>>is "pandemic" in this treaty explicitly defined as a virus-based disease thing or is this yet another backdoor attempt at globalist power consolidation because "climate change/racism/misinformation is akchually a pandemic too!!"
yes, they did precisely that. if you read the proposed pandemic treaty and international health regulation amendments (2023 version IIRC), they want:
>broaden the definition of health emergency to include virtually anything, particularly climate change
>create a private governing body that delegates legally binding "recommendations" to member nations when health emergencies are in effect, all of its actions take place privately and with no input from member nations
>remove all acknowledgement of human rights currently in the regulations, replaced with meaningless word salad
>member nations provide their military and police when necessary and member nations that fail to comply can have bordering member nations enforce WHO delegations upon them
so, perpetual health emergencies can be declared under nebulous reasons like climate change to delegate orders to member nations that effectively sign away their sovereignty

Anonymous No. 16198983

best video for learning about it

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typical covid sci....png

Anonymous No. 16199060

Its the elites who want total control of population's thoughts and behaviors.

Pics related, typical covid scientists. Evading the law by using personal emails, using symbols to evade FOIA search requests, deleting emails, etc

Anonymous No. 16199383

>epidemiologists aren't any better
I'll still take any epidemiologists opinion about epidemics over any politician's.

Anonymous No. 16200423

so what was supposed to happen on May 28 was a vote to instate the treaty and amendments. however they could never agree on a correct draft of the documents and are now pledging to eventually agree, or something