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Anonymous No. 16195946
>Our findings suggested that tattoo exposure was associated with an increased risk of malignant lymphoma. More epidemiologic research is urgently needed to establish causality.
they're all heavily vaxxed too. and people don't seem to just get one or two tattoos now but constant doodles added all over.

Anonymous No. 16195984

I genuinely don't see the appeal of tattoos. Especially hugely visible ones.
And for what it's worth, my cousin (who's fairly damaged now) started getting tattoos around the same time she got into college and became fairly whorish. She came from a Mormon household, go figure she went the complete 180.

Anonymous No. 16195995

I have never seen an aesthetic tattoo. Tattoos are the ultimate NPC dogwhistle.

Anonymous No. 16196129

You do not speak English.

Anonymous No. 16196137

So what? I have no respect for that language.

Anonymous No. 16196145

Engish is basically the most efficient modern language, as far as syllables spoken per idea conveyed. It's also very adaptable. It's simply the best all-around language, and everyone in the world should speak it.

Anonymous No. 16196157

NTA. Yet you have no idea how to pronounce a word if someone doesn't spell it out for you. Unlike, you know, most languages, where it's clear and easy.

Anonymous No. 16196168

that's the adaptability you're describing, and comparing whatever your rigid ossified language is, that we're not using by the way, isn't helping your case. The fact that you haven't even mentioned which language that is by now tells me you are ashamed of it.

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Anonymous No. 16196272

research funds wasted to "prove" things we already knew.
The responsible doctoral candidate proudly exclaims:
>"Im very happy with the result. All the p-values make sense. We hope this research will be used in a pollitical battle that has been going on for a while!"
When asked if research funds would not be better spent on creative foundational works that have the potential to yield new knowledge, the grant recipient and PhD supervisor had the following to say:
>"Yea thanks haha. This is verry important research that could potentially save a lot of people from getting lymphoma. Especially now with the media campaing spreading awareness that tattoos are not as safe as classically thought!"

Anonymous No. 16196942

Do more

Anonymous No. 16197009

Yu wil espik espanish and yu wil bi japi