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🧵 Woke scientists ruining planets

Anonymous No. 16196025

Make Neptune blue again

Anonymous No. 16196034

actually most scientist agree that Neptune is covered on colorful feathers

Anonymous No. 16196244

Most of the universe is actually pretty desaturated and dull. If you were floating out in the middle of nowhere, galaxies and nebulas and shit wouldn't look anything like they do on star trek or whatever.

Anonymous No. 16196855

It's the same color as Uranus due to the methane. Get over it.

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Anonymous No. 16196988

Another day, another round of gas-lighting by leftards.

Anonymous No. 16196990

Every imagine in that picture was sent back to earth in black and white and colored by someone based on atmospheric composition. Sorry jewboy.

Anonymous No. 16196991

Why do you think they prettied it up in the first place?

Anonymous No. 16196998

>No U!
You're obviously too stupid to know this, but black and white images have been being turned OBJECTIVELY into color using RGB or CYM coordinates from intensity data taken through filters for about seven decades now.
You should try reading a book some time.
Camera images don't lie. Kikes do!

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lard jar.jpg

Anonymous No. 16197735

I made my own lard. Went to the local butcher he gave me some fat, took like 2 hours on the stovetop and will last a year in the fridge or 6 months in the pantry

Anonymous No. 16197743

>his asscrack isn't blue from crystal
you're doing something very wrong

Anonymous No. 16197756

What's with people getting so emotionally attached to the first impression they get of something and not being able to let go of that later when better data is gathered? If you want to think of Neptune as being royal blue, no one is stopping you, but you can't demand that the rest of humanity conform to your preferred version of observed reality.

Anonymous No. 16197762

The color filters used on these cameras are not RGB, there is no correct way to turn them into human viewable images.

Anonymous No. 16197772

Un-scientific brains. Inflexible mindset. Complete opposite of what's required by science and innovation. They end up on 4chin where they can preach flat earth and get 3 (yous) for their retardation. ‼⁉‼What's so hard to understand? Not everyone who is interested in science has the cognitive capabilities of understanding science. ‼⁉

Anonymous No. 16197802

Good job anon

Anonymous No. 16197805

The VLT is already on Earth.

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true colour from ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16197855

Look at Neptune and Uranus through a telescope. They are the same colour.

They saturate colours to make details more visible. Unlike Uranus, Neptune has distinct clouds that are difficult to see with the naked eye. I can't find any images of the press release because Google is a useless piece of shit but in 1989 NASA tried showing true colour (pic related) alongside the colour enhanced version. People clung to the deep blue because it was more handsome and it has been used by NASA ever since.

NASA is incentivised to make space appear more interesting. They do this with other planets too (Venus is white to the naked eye, Earth is brown and dull, the Sun is white instead of yellow).

People like OP are paranoid schizos who think any kind of change is a jewish psyop.

Anonymous No. 16198085

Bit bother by Greek name unlike most planets use Latin

Anonymous No. 16198195

we should just call it George again, ur-anus or urine-is is a silly name

Anonymous No. 16198200

You're just like the "people" who bitch about dinosaurs having feathers

Anonymous No. 16198204

>George "Jorge" Joestar

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Anonymous No. 16198215

It might have been this instead idk. Regardless, they already knew Neptune was similar to Uranus back in 1989. Nothing has changed except the colour has been refined

Anonymous No. 16198253

Lmao he thinks the filters used to color the images are RGB. What's it like being retarded?

Anonymous No. 16198258

It's the latinization of Ouranos, saturns father, you ape.

Anonymous No. 16198378

True color is barely real. Put one blue next to another and it looks way different. Neptune *could* look more blue than that in person but you wouldn't know unless you went there yourself.

Anonymous No. 16198529

>Neptune is a light blue/green ball of hydrogen and methane like Uranus but it's core is hotter so it has more wind
That's all there is to it folks