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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16196290

Well, /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16196292

Is it larger than 1m?

Anonymous No. 16196296


Anonymous No. 16196297


Anonymous No. 16196300

It's trivial.

Anonymous No. 16196301


Anonymous No. 16196302

[math]-\infty\mathrm{m}[/math] because the sun is coming from below

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Anonymous No. 16196303


Anonymous No. 16196305

seems about right

Anonymous No. 16196307

Impossible to know without knowing the angle of the light source

Anonymous No. 16196317

Is the light source far enough away to create near parallel shadows?
are the two pillars parallel?
is the wall parallel to the red pillar?

if all these are true then the solution is trivial

Anonymous No. 16196321

assuming all light rays are parallel: 8m?

Anonymous No. 16196322

>are the two pillars parallel?
>is the wall parallel to the red pillar?
yes, those as well, thanks anon, forgot that, it was automatic in my mind. That's how people fuck up sometimes, lol

Anonymous No. 16196324

you can use the green block and its shadow to figure it out

Anonymous No. 16196325

Is the floor surface consistently flat?

Anonymous No. 16196329

it's the "boxes stacked on the truck" problem all over again

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Anonymous No. 16196358


Anonymous No. 16196370

Is "3m" the length of the shadow cast by the green object? It isn't properly labeled.

Anonymous No. 16196426

Using Android App called IMAGEMETER.
Setting the green bar at 2 meter scale, the green bar comes out at 6.6 meters.

That's assuming the image is correctly scaled in orthogonal space.

The math you're supposed to do is
(2 meters) / (3 meters) = X / (10 meters)
2/3 = X/10 so multiply 2*10=20 then divide by 3. 20/3=6.66666 meters or 6+(2/3) meters.

Practically, the image is wrong as perspective creates distortions (foreshortening) as do lenses. But it's generally good enough for a rough engineering estimate, but a carpenter would disagree.

Anonymous No. 16196431

>homework thread

Anonymous No. 16196444

Arg... Correction.
Green bar is 2 meters, red bar is 6.6 meters.

But the math is an Algebra ratio problem basically.

\frac{2}{3} = \frac{X}{10}

Thing one is 2/7 = Thing two is X/5
So multiply 2 times 5 then divide by 7

Anonymous No. 16196844

yeah, 4 to get the 6 on the floor and then another 4 on top

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Anonymous No. 16196904

5 seconds in paint, close enough?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16196907

Witness the true power of AI! It's glorious reasoning should humble even the smartest of us!

Anonymous No. 16196912

Witness the true power of AI! Its glorious reasoning should humble even the smartest of us! Doom shall come to those who do not believe (and those that do as well)!

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Anonymous No. 16196917

you did it wrong
shit is simple af

Anonymous No. 16196946

No proof that the blue backdrop is vertical. Problem is unsolvable QED

Anonymous No. 16196956

2a = 3b
6b = 4a
4a + x = 6b + 4c
a + 0,25x = 1,5b + c
0,25xa = 1,5bc
1,5b * 0,25x = 0,375bx
3b / 0,375 = (2ax = 8)
8/2 = (x = 4)
4a + 4 = 8 + 4 = 12

Anonymous No. 16197262

all these globe-earthers suddenly want to assume the earth is flat to make their calculations easier lol

the answer is 'no'

Anonymous No. 16197353

At least the illustrator wasn't an asshole this time.

Anonymous No. 16197371

Why do people fumbe over this so much? The green bar tells you the ratio between the shadow on the ground and height is 3:2, which makes it clear that the shadow on the ground for the red bar equals to 4m, then the next 4m on the wall doesn't change in length, so 4+4 =8m

Anonymous No. 16197377

They have to turn visual information into logic. It takes a bit to switch tables.
That and most of them are probably crack heads with a stolen phone.

Anonymous No. 16197437

No, the shadow of the green bar only depends on the angle of the light source, but if you try to use it to determine the height of the red bar you need to know its distance as well.

Anonymous No. 16197440

It's just the shadow of the red block+the shadow of the shadow of the red block

Anonymous No. 16197448

I don't get it, what's the challenge here? Why do you need explanatory graphs and calculations?

If the 2m bar throws a 3m shadow, then the bar that throws a 6m shadow is 4m. Plus the 4m of the shadow on the wall which is 1:1 to the size of the rest of the red bar.
So the very obvious answer is that the red bar is 10m!?

Anonymous No. 16197501

count the pixels between the 3m and the 8m before you conclude with that

Anonymous No. 16197502

I don't understand

Anonymous No. 16197581

it's a 'yes' or 'no' question, the actual height is never asked.

Anonymous No. 16197655

kek how i messed up when i did this
>4a + 4 = 8 + 4 = 12
2a + 4 = 4 + 4 = 8

oh vey

Anonymous No. 16197661

The proportion between height of the object and the size of the shadow are constant no matter how tall the object is
In this case it is 2/3

Anonymous No. 16197665

Even more than that, it's asking if YOU can find the height. If you answer "no" , you can simply say that the question was meant for someone else who saw it.

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Anonymous No. 16197693

Is the smarter solution treating the 4m shadow as a third bar, which would produce a shadow of 6m, hence making the red bar's entire shadow 12m on the ground, or erecting a floor at 4m of height, raising the shadow and concluding that the red bar has 8m of height total?

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Anonymous No. 16197695

About 6,6 according to this.

Congrats on making me waste my time on this stupid, childish bullshit.
It's a terrible isometric drawing by the way. Please learn perspective.

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1716836765395298 ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16197721

Are you sure about that?

Anonymous No. 16197751

I never took affine geometry, it's impossible for me to answer.

Anonymous No. 16198166

6.667 m

Anonymous No. 16198180

Ah yes the shadow of the black bar
Damn thanks AI

carl No. 16198198

That comes from 2:3=x:10 but it doesn't work because the part of the red bar's shadow isn't extended(the part on the wall). If you want to extend the other part of the red bar's shadow you'll use the multiplier from the green cube(3/2 = 1.5). Extending the shadow on the wall we have 2:3=x:12. So x is 8

Anonymous No. 16198216

assume flat ground and a uniform light source and a flat wall and the wall and the floor meet at right angles etc.
bar height to shadow length on floor is 2:3. if the wall were gone, the 4ft shadow on the wall would become a 6ft shadow on the floor behind. 6ft + 6ft = 12ft. a 12ft shadow on floor = 8ft bar. so the red bar is 8ft

Anonymous No. 16198220

kys machine-lover, the Butlerian Jihad is inevitable

Anonymous No. 16198238

3m shadow -> 2m block
6m shadow -> 4m block
4 + 4 = 8

Simple af.

Anonymous No. 16199211


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Anonymous No. 16199469

Solved in the most retarded way possible. Yes i know that we can just use proportions

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Anonymous No. 16199504

you dont even need proportions, just c+v

Anonymous No. 16199506

you havent given the angle of the wall to the floor.

Anonymous No. 16199518

That's the easy answer.

Anonymous No. 16199547



Anonymous No. 16199585

angle= arctan(y/x+6)



This mean the height pivots according to distance X away towards the infinite plane. Not doing the rest of your homework.

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Anonymous No. 16200134

this is shit OP wanted to see if we were as retarded as the answers on xitter
>goddamn does xitter not know how to do this

Anonymous No. 16200147

7. Source: Intuition.
It's accurate enough for practical purposes.

Anonymous No. 16200185

You might be answering this, but I'll rephrase it.
The image on the wall corresponds to the object. So, 4 meters on the wall is 4 meters on the red bar.
The bar is now X + 4 = ?
The green bar shadow is 3/2 the length of the green bar. So, 6m/4m would be the shadow/height ratio of the shadow to the green bar.
4m+4m =8m.
I wish I could explain this without using algebra.
I guess algebra is just too useful.

Anonymous No. 16200189

>The green bar shadow is 3/2 the length of the green bar. So, 6m/4m would be the shadow/height ratio of the shadow to the green bar when the shadow [math] touches the base of the wall. [/math]

Anonymous No. 16200212

if there were to be a rectangular pole at the spot where the 4m shadow mark were and the larger red pole were not to obstruct it, then the shadow for this pole would stretch out 6 meters. With this in mind, were there not to be a wall there, the red pole would have a shadow of 13 meters in length, since the pole and their shadows form right angled similar triangles, meaning that the red pole would be 2/3's the shadow's length, so 8 meters tall.

Anonymous No. 16200213

*12 meters in length

Anonymous No. 16200220

You wouldn't have to do this if it actually didn't work.

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Anonymous No. 16200260


Anonymous No. 16200401

kek, your lines arent even parallel to the wall on the left

Anonymous No. 16200428

Neither is anything else, the wall is completely irrelevant

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Anonymous No. 16201095

Anonymous No. 16201944

Your solution is incorrect.

Anonymous No. 16202186


Anonymous No. 16202188

This is taught to children in elementary school. You go outside and measure the height of a tall tree by measuring the length of its shadow and those of a known reference. (green bar here).

Anonymous No. 16202196

Anyone trying to solve this using angles is a midwit.

Anonymous No. 16202230

The 4m shadow would become a shadow double what the green pillar throws if there was no wall, so overall 12m shadow, and since height/shadow is 2/3 the red height is 2/3*12=8

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former doomer.png

Anonymous No. 16203278

Yes, if the light source is the same distance in front of the blocks
the answer is 8 m

Anonymous No. 16203290

mad cuz bad