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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197359

when they do studies like this, what units are they measuring odors with?
do smells have frequency and intensity units like light and sound do?

Anonymous No. 16197364

You could just ask participants to write down one word response on a paper to the smell.

Just cluster the word usage together on a chart

Then do similar thing with participant response to an image of various different people/culture. One word response.

Overlay the two clusters and draw conclusions.

Anonymous No. 16197382

that seems like a completely subjective process, do they just assume that everyone's nose has equal sensitivity and resolving power? do they even measure the dimensions of the participants' nostrils?

Anonymous No. 16197389


Matter of xenophobia/smell disgust is down to subjective feelings.

Then again, you could dive down deeper and try to look for a gene marker and find out its actually a genetic thing.

But if all you're looking for is correlations, then the first one works just fine. It satisfies your paper in a really simplistic heuristic without any tester bias

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Anonymous No. 16197500

Random fun fact: If you're riding a bike and aren't sure if you're going with or against the wind, find the nearest melanin enriched person and ride past him. If you smell him before you pass him you're going into the wind, and if you smell him after then the wind's behind you.

Anonymous No. 16197639

The correlation is the disgust response, not news

Anonymous No. 16197644

>people easily disgusted by smells
interesting, so there is perhaps a genetic component to xenophobia?

Anonymous No. 16197651

east asians have almost no smell, white stink after workout, black always stink, indians stink to high heaven.
the worst yet is obese people of any race. you can smell shit stuck in buttcrack emanate from them in public.

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16197843

>if you're sensitive to things that smell like shit you probably don't like immigrants
fucking retard. what a way to miss the point. it's not because the immigrants are this or that.

Attraction and Aversion are basic pillars on which the brain operates. Those who have no problem with smells have a deficient brain therefore They FAIL to feel aversion to STRANGERS*/oddities; and They would have gone extinct in the Wild.
Normal people have more precaution.

*You should feel aversion to strangers regardless if they seem good or bad. City life kinda ruins your brain by making you more trustworthy.

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16197847

>that seems like a completely subjective process
not really

Anonymous No. 16197886

No. Xenophobia has been known for a long time to be correlated with tons of other kinds of intolerance (race, religion, language, social class, etc.).

Anonymous No. 16197954

>units are they measuring odors with?
1 shtyn is the smoke level at which a platinum-iridium axe weighing 1 kilogram hangs in the air at a height of 1 meter for one second.
Concentration of odorant

Anonymous No. 16198386

you're just intolerant of anyone who doesn't share your beliefs

bodhi No. 16198423

x molecules per million or w/e

Anonymous No. 16198801

Thats not really a good metric because different molecules produce different amounts of odor per unit or per mass.

Anonymous No. 16198818

It's mere propaganda with a "Science" stamp on it. When will you ever learn?

Anonymous No. 16198835

>xenophobic prejudice strongest in English-speaking countries
God I wish.

Anonymous No. 16198839

Irrelevant. To compare different people's reactions to a smell, you need only ensure a consistent concentration of molecules, and then see how strongly each person reacts to a given odour.

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Anonymous No. 16198891

its measured on the log-jeet scale. The closer you can approach the centre of Brampton, the higher your tolerance

Anonymous No. 16198922

>when they do studies like this, what units are they measuring odors with?
They are using a survey where participants rate their level of disgust at hypothetical scenarios. If you had bothered to Google this for 5 minutes, a thread written by someone with a 3-digit IQ might not have died

Anonymous No. 16199071

This is extremely common psychology knowledge already. People high in orderliness have a naturally higher disgust mechanism.

Anonymous No. 16199700

Is there any science that isn't propaganda?

Anonymous No. 16200339

no, if useful science were being created then things like life expectancy wouldn't be declining. science in the modern era only exists as a propaganda tool, it serve no worthwhile purpose

Anonymous No. 16200448

If you remove institutional power then you remove the power of propaganda, the editors, the directors, the gaslights, the spotlights

Anonymous No. 16200467

>city life makes you trust strangers
Looks like you never lived in a city.

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Anonymous No. 16200483

>what units are they measuring odors with?

Anonymous No. 16200499

Of course there is, non xenophobic people in the west have out group preference, that's not really compatible with survival of one's group.

Anonymous No. 16201458

millijeets is the most common odor unit in use today. anything over 1 millijeet is generally considered to be repulsively offensive

Anonymous No. 16202100

Imagine the smell in a country with a billion jeets

Anonymous No. 16202158

>Matter of xenophobia/smell disgust is down to subjective feelings.
How do you know
How do you differentiate people with more sensitive noses from people with less sensitive noses but more vulnerable to foul smells
How do you check if only one of those correlates with xenophobia

Anonymous No. 16202161

1) it is subjective because we dont have a accurate pin point metric
2) with more data
3) limit the scope

Everything is subjective until data arrives. If we can get to subatomic configurable table of networks, we can identify all things in the universe at play

Anonymous No. 16202162

Or you could just measure at what ppm of smelly compound people start reacting for good vs bad smells

Anonymous No. 16202163

You're free to do that

Anonymous No. 16202165

Prime midwit post. Smart enough to nitpick scientific theory. Stupid enough to not realize that smells are physical particles hitting your nose.

Anonymous No. 16202168

Smell magnitude of 1Gjt [gigajeet]

Anonymous No. 16203154

theres also solubility issues, odorants that are water soluble for example don't waft great distances in humid conditions

Anonymous No. 16203933

>midwit midwit midwit
get off your high horse and obsession with intelligence, so what if someone is less smart than you. a real intelligent person would see that its about the persons character and integrity rather than iq

Anonymous No. 16205296

>that smells are physical particles hitting your nose
sure but those individual particles vary massively in the intensity of the effect they each produce as well as their detection rate, so a mere particle count isn't a useful measure, plus different types can react with each other or with other atmospheric components and some are short lived due to weak bonds. its a far more complex issue that your simpleminded model of it

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16205304

It’s true.

Even the Japanese plug their noses when white tourists walk by

E. Asians lack apocrine sweat glands and do not produce BO. They don’t even have black or wet earwax!

Apparently white people are the third or fourth worst smelling people on the planet to them, after black people and an Indians.

Fun fact: Koreans rarely use deodorant, and only sell it to tourists and foreigners. Getting caught using deodorant is found to be an embarrassment.

White people smell like “sour milk”, or cheese, to Japanese folk. Acidic.

Despite all of this, E. Asia still practically worships white people/culture, like India.

Anonymous No. 16205320

The body odor gene Asians have is deleterious. It decreases your ability to keep yourself cool with sweat, resulting in faster overheating.

Anonymous No. 16205331

What does this mean? Surely they still sweat. How is the odor beneficial to cooling?

Anonymous No. 16205347

You’ve never met southeast Asians LOL

Anonymous No. 16205357

Apocrine sweat excretion is more efficient in cooling than eccrine sweat. The reason being that apocrine physically sheds a piece of the cell along with the liquid sweat, which bacteria breaking down the piece of cell is what causes the odor. Eccrine sweat is just sweat the salty liquid.

Anonymous No. 16205372

Funnily enough I learned all this after looking at this study
The frequency of the gene is inversly correlated with latitude, meaning that south east Asians have the lowest frequency of it in Asia (obviously their frequency is still higher than Europeans/Africans though).

Anonymous No. 16205375

Fewer apocrine sweat glands doesn't mean eccrine sweat glands aren't sufficient for most cooling needs. There are also other physiological and behavioural adaptations to overcome heat stress.

Anonymous No. 16205376

The more you know.

Anonymous No. 16206787

koreans reek as bad as any race outside africa. they all stink of rotting garlic

Anonymous No. 16206814

>do they just assume that everyone's nose has equal sensitivity and resolving power?
That's why they get multiple data points retard

Anonymous No. 16207283

i hooked it up with this chinese engineering student and he complained that my pits, which i wash everyday without wearing deodorant, smelled like rust. it really confused me, absolutely no part of myself smelled of metal.
in being a (white) fag i am curious about this thread because the first time i understood something was awry with my sexuality (i found out about sex at 11 but didn't understand i was gay until i was 14) was when i first smelt my female cousins up close and personal just playing around. every touch by them (except my mother and sisters) made my skin itch and bothered me. i did MMA, so i had far more experience with how dudes smelled. when i compared girlsmell to guysmell, i thought that most men smelled pretty great in comparison. when i say what kind of smell, i mean how someone smells personally? just like how gut bacteria gives everyone a truly unique smell in ordinary conditions (as in it's not a sickly, entirely offputting smell that tells you bacteria are there that shouldn't be, such as when you go for too long without showering), the smell of skin and sweat are unique to every individual, the only other factor affecting that would be whatever they had consumed earlier.
on a final note, i can't stand how black people smell, enough to keep me far away from meeting em, but in meeting with mixed race individuals i wouldn't say the average asian, mexican or native american smells any different than a white person. arabs and italians for sure smell different while still being attractive while indians and africans just fucking stink to high hell naturally. it isn't overwhelming, but it is, very noticeable and i feel like a fucking bloodhound in how much it stands out. i really do think genes have a greater role in how the brain processes smell than we know.

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Anonymous No. 16208143

Anonymous No. 16208991

>braindead black woman presumes she doesn't stink because she is accustomed to living in a cloud of her own stench

Anonymous No. 16208999

Have you tried curing the gay with ivermectin?

Anonymous No. 16210119

Low IQ people lack self awareness, that you have to share public spaces with those people is just one of the unfortunate realities of life in this day and age for most individuals. Its not something thats completely inescapable. I never use public transportation for example.

Anonymous No. 16211053

>I never use public transportation for example.
based, public transportation is for trash that are too disgusting lazy and selfish to be willing to earn what it takes to buy and maintain a car, which isn't even all that expensive. its ridiculous that decent people have subsidize the laziness of the public transportation crowd

Anonymous No. 16212378

if the minorites don't want people to be revolted by their disgusting odors then minorites should just get better hygiene habits. wash regularly, its not complicated.

Anonymous No. 16213277

Being repulsively disgusting just gives them an excuse to screen and cry about racism and demand gibes

Anonymous No. 16218198

>if you don't like being around people who reek of shit and never wash then you're "xenophobic"
>that means you're like hitler or something
thanks for the info, (((science)))

Anonymous No. 16219009

this is Israeli science, they see the world through their noses, not to be taken seriously

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Anonymous No. 16220909

imagine the smell

Anonymous No. 16222165


Anonymous No. 16223670

Are there racial differences in nasal sensitivity?

Anonymous No. 16225014

jews all reek of garlic, halitosis and bo, they're filthy people with poor hygiene habit

Anonymous No. 16225035

>city life makes you more trusting
The fact that you wrote trustworthy is telling. Hope you relax.

Anonymous No. 16225060

>i found out about sex at 11
Is that how old you were when you were raped by the babysitter?

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mfw smelltics.jpg

Anonymous No. 16226124

Anonymous No. 16226977

it's all part of the estrogen/disgust/racist/amygdalic/fear/anxiety/scared-of-insects/built-for-bbc/republican response

people born into a lower mode of metabolic functioning use less energy so they make snap judgements (bc they're cheap), they freak out with insects in a way similar to fementative metabolism using random nondirectional energy

feminine women and masculine men are less prone to these things (progesterone is what makes women feminine)
estrogenic people regardless of gender are less fertile and less in line with natural gender roles (hence why they always project it as such a problem)

Anonymous No. 16227081

no shit. only suicidal and self destructive people think that's a bad thing.

Anonymous No. 16227928

Xenophobia is good, foreigners smell like shit

Anonymous No. 16227954

It's pseudoscience, OP. How do they classify xenophobia? I have an immaculate sense of smell, but whether I'm xenophobic or not depends on how you define xenophobia and has nearly nothing to do with my sense of smell (though I implore the Indian population to shower and use deodorant by all that is good and Holy).

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Anonymous No. 16228376

How come immigrants only smell fucking foul if they’re not attractive? As soon as they are attractive, it becomes like exotic food.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16229617

none of them are attractive. if they were appealing in any way then they would not have been kicked out of their home country

Anonymous No. 16229637

The destination countries of most refugees are more xenophobic. Wow, such insight.

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Anonymous No. 16230694

why would someone choose to leave their home to go to a country where they know they'll be hated and unwanted?

Anonymous No. 16231260


Anonymous No. 16231822

Its self reported, the units don't matter, they can just be called units of smell from 1 to 10 or something equally arbitrary, its people's perceptions and reactions that they are measuring and comparing, not the actual units of smell.

Anonymous No. 16231825

>feminine women and masculine men are less prone to... freak out with insects
Masculine men maybe, but definitely not feminine women.

Anonymous No. 16233566

People who wear out their welcome at home because they're human trash end up as migrants. People who make themselves wanted in the native community never end up being forced to leave