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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16197607

How can I learn statistical mechanics in less than 40 hours? I have an exam the day after tomorrow and I haven't started studying.
Follow up question assuming that it's impossible: How do I pretend to be good at statistical mechanics so that my professor is convinced that I should pass?

Anonymous No. 16197620

>Boltzmann distributions
>Bell curves
and uhhhhh,......
>[math]e^{i \pi}[/math]?

Anonymous No. 16197626

You either pass or you fail, 50% chance

Anonymous No. 16197636

this cheers me up, thanks. is a coin toss

Anonymous No. 16197654

No, you need to take the ensemble average over all possible configurations of answers on the exam to find the most probable score

Anonymous No. 16197657

Possible configuration of each answer is either correct or incorrect

All comes out in the wash. 100 exam questions is like 100 coin flips. 50% to pass.

Anonymous No. 16197664

you are confusing macrostate with microstate pal

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Anonymous No. 16197668

Or maybe I'm not...

Anonymous No. 16198353

You will just memorize it, like all low IQ creatures who have no respect for science and only care about passing the course via material wealth. You are just a peasant with a book and I suggest you kill yourself. right. fucking. now.