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๐Ÿงต is QCD fake and gay?

Anonymous No. 16197706

Is there any evidence that quarks are actually real? It seems odd to me that the model for quarks in 1964 worked out exactly as predicted when it seemed more liked a mere abstraction (I mean shit like 1/3 charges) used to explain concepts that were not fully understood at the time.

>We found them with deep inelastic scattering
How do you know the particles were actually quarks as described in QCD tho? Also, doesn't this fall for the same presumptive logic that tries to prove dark matter?

Anonymous No. 16197712

>is QCD fake and gay
Maybe, but what isn't technically speaking

Anonymous No. 16197845

Pretty sure you don't understand QCD or anything QM if you're asking this. Everything in this field is fake and gay. Everyone is either lying or pretending they understand the lies.
t. particle physics postdoc

Anonymous No. 16197901

quarks do not exist. they are the three components of the internal electromagnetic vector

quarks are spooks

Anonymous No. 16197915

>is QCD fake and gay?
Doesn't matter, it just werks and gives good enough results. Feel free to propose a better model though.

Anonymous No. 16197940

This. We don't really care about what reality is, we just want to have a model that can describe it accordingly with our observations.

Anonymous No. 16197964

Can someone explain to me what QCD and color charge is?
The idea of a quark is quite old, Heisenberg himself was toying with the concept as a fundamental particle to explain protons and neutrons, mesons, and all these. The overall trend was that you always needed more epicycles, early quark model was "like an electron" with only two modes, up and down, that explained some things but not all, so another particle was introduced, the strange quark, which explained more things. Now they have like 6 types of quarks, dont know how that works or what they do.