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๐Ÿงต Autism increase

Anonymous No. 16198142

What is the reason for the major increase in low functioning autism (not the quirky kind , but the kind where you can't speak, drool and need a caretaker for the rest of your life) it is very noticeable and ask any of the older generation in my country and they will tell you there were very little cases. What is the main cause behind this sudden increase, there must be something that affects kids like this

Anonymous No. 16198158

Lack of eugenics laws leading to higher prevalence of SHANK3 gene in population
Fetal alcohol, drug or pollution exposure
People making kids at an older age

Also Alzheimers was rare back in the day because aluminum exposure was low

Anonymous No. 16198160

A doctor I spoke to recently said alot of kids today from a very young age are given cartoons with brainrot material and said this may cause some kind of imbalance in the brain. Do you think this also may be the cause?

Anonymous No. 16198162

Also drooling autists were probably just discarded on the streets or made to do shit jobs with low social contact

Anonymous No. 16198165

Affected babies and children show autistic behavior even before exposure to any cartoons. They stack or arrange toys or items in systematic lines, and are hyperfocused on items instead of people.

It is known phenomenon that autistic kids like anime and video games, but the autistic traits are there before that. It is most certainly a developmental problem

Anonymous No. 16198172

we are human-bacteria hybrid species in response to the real enemy... fungus
bacteria that evolved with us and is passed down generation to generation
mess with the bacteria, mess with the human
in summary, tongue your mom's anus

Anonymous No. 16198175

I have autistic kids in the family and have talked to a lot of experts about it. They still don't know what causes autism, but they know what doesn't (like cold mother theory, vaccines, tvs, etc). Apparently you are born with it and it is genetic, but autism appears as the kid grows, which can be as soon as a baby in some cases. The theory nowadays, so I heard, is that it is related to neurons that we have as babies that are meant to wean off as we age, but in the autistic kids they remain there, creating all sorts of confused paths in the brain, which also explains trouble with too much stimuli.

The "quirky" autism you speak is just as serious as the other, but it was severely under diagnosed back then, which explains part of the increase in number. There are also more schools and institutions willing to support autism and thus we see more of them outside. Of course, that does not explain everything, the numbers are indeed increasing, but as far as I know, there is no accurate theory to explain it.

Anonymous No. 16198473

In another thread I was in about The ISM we talked about Amish as a good control group. I looked it up and the few studies on Amish show fractions of the autism rates as "English" children and the Amish studies were recent so we can't claim all autism rates have risen but we just haven't checked the Amish lately. They have always been historically a fraction of the English children's rate. This implies it's environmental, chemicals in the food, micro plastics, take your pick.

Off the top of my head the Amish had like 15-20% the number of autists per capita compared to the English but feel free to look it up.

Anonymous No. 16198476

>Apparently you are born with it and it is genetic
same bullshit parroting of shit you read on Reddit happened last time. Doctors are literally just high paid parrots, they repeat what they've read. They have no original thoughts in their over paid heads. Research MD's might be a little more capable of free thought but I doubt that's the type of Dr you were talking to.

Logic would dictate that it's not genetics as it's increasing, as is our exposure to chemicals and micro plastics. Sure maybe you could claim the Amish are a closed gene pool and have some how avoided this killer autist gene but it seems sus. I'm not a genetic savant but is it even possible for some autist gene to be dominant in society, all Western society, to the point it turns into positive feedback loop that ends in everyone being autistic? That sounds like some comic book X-Men mutant take over to me. Also sus.

>occam's razor
It's the environment and it's something in the environment that we are increasingly exposed to in direct coloration to the increase in kids with autism.

Anonymous No. 16198487

>Here is the top countries with autism per capita

United Kingdom 700.07
Sweden 661.85
Japan 604.72
United States 603.38
Netherlands 591.54

>Countries with the lowest rates of autism

Taiwan 199.00
North Korea 251.67
Cook Islands 282.62
Niue 283.89
Tunisia 284.45
Libya 285.54

Look how all the high autist countries are top of the heap GloboHomo. sus right? Now look at the lowest autist levels. North Korea and Libya are both top of the enemy list of Globohomo. Sus right?

If it's genetic how do you explain the top countries are EU, USA, and for some reason Japan? Japan is one of the most isolated and unique gene pools on the planet, as is North Korea. How could British people be genetically related to Nips, sus right?

Now lets look at North Korea, genetically identical to South Koreans. Shorter due to generations of malnutrition but apparently autism proof. Sus right?

Rate of autism in South Korea?
Rate of autism in North Korea
sus right?

Anonymous No. 16198489

Probably mostly due to environmental toxins, so microplastics, pfas, etc. Probably also at least partially due to selection on intelligence increasing genes.

Anonymous No. 16198654

Brain damage from iron poisoning, and lack of heavy metals. Autists are normal, or less damaged than other people. Some may not be able to learn to speak when neither parent can speak for real.
Some are brain damaged more than others, but that creates the tranny kind, and not the mutes, and it should be called schizophrenia.
Alzheimers is from copper deficiency. It typically starts in the 30s, the person just seems combative and querulous because they cause conflicts over what their failing memory makes them believe.
They don't focus, you misinterpret their pack of focus as staring at something random; they don't lack "shared attention" but attention as suchz as the neocortex allows you to process a much wider FOV than the degree wide dot that you have.
Autism is when your neocortex doesn't die (or it dies to a considerably higher extent than is typical in the community)

Anonymous No. 16198655

Ah great, another schizo post

Anonymous No. 16199781

>Affected babies and children show autistic behavior even before exposure to any cartoons. They stack or arrange toys or items in systematic lines, and are hyperfocused on items instead of people.
Then every single "autistic" person would have been diagnosed by the age of 3 over innocent behavior, wouldn't he?
>They still don't know what causes autism, but they know what doesn't (like cold mother theory, vaccines, tvs, etc).
The problem already starts there. The pretense is that autism is one thing when it clearly isn't. So you average across a whole group of people with "autism" that is caused by lots of different things and then wonder why no clear picture pops up.
>The theory nowadays, so I heard, is that it is related to neurons that we have as babies that are meant to wean off as we age, but in the autistic kids they remain there, creating all sorts of confused paths in the brain, which also explains trouble with too much stimuli.
A theory with no hard neurobiological proof that results in quirky kids and also non-verbal drooling institution cases?
>The "quirky" autism you speak is just as serious as the other, but it was severely under diagnosed back then,
No, it isn't? How is someone who struggles with socializing a case just as serious as someone who requires 24/7 care? You just keep on repeating the most inane pharma-sponsored propaganda. Like how we suddenly have "discovered", not created, invented or artificially induced, autism in so many kids.
>It's the environment and it's something in the environment that we are increasingly exposed to in direct coloration to the increase in kids with autism.
Logics also dictates that the instrument you measure with has an impact on the outcome. If autism assessment tools are pure garbage because they're industrially funded with extremely low thresholds, autism prevalence will increase.

Anonymous No. 16199787

sus right?
Do you trust these measures? I'm amazed at how people really genuinely believe that autism is this one real single disease thing that, weirdly enough, we have no proof of that it even exists in the first place. We're just detecting it better? Based on what instruments? One that can actually measure something biological?

Ever figured that a behavior isn't a neurobiological disease? Or how the autism assessment tools such as the ADOS-II don't measure anything other than behavior?
Should it not be weird how we're told that the "quirky" professor and a non-verbal epileptic guy in a disability home "supposedly" suffer from the same disease of which we actually have no proof so far? We just keep hearing of these theories that certain neurons are involved and that, supposedly, all "autists" will magically have their issues caused by that one issue despite the fact that we have never bothered with actually measuring the physical thing in the first place. Seems pretty sus, yes.

Anonymous No. 16199789

30 years ago they started diagnosing every fidgety kid with ADHD and force-feeding them stimulants
20 years ago they started diagnosing every mopey kid with Depression force-feeding them antidepressants
10 years ago they started diagnosing every shy kid with Autism and force-feeding them antipsychotics
Now every tomboyish girl or sensitive boy gets diagnosed with gender dysphoria and force-fed puberty blockers and hormone replacements

The cycle continues.

Anonymous No. 16199795

The reason is relatively straight forward. Autism numbers are increasing, but not because we have more "autism" which, as a biological thing, never existed in the first place.
We probably have more kids with symptoms of brain damage, mostly caused by prenatal exposure to prescription drugs. Presumably also hormonal factors caused by microplastics could play into it. These are now readily lumped into the autism cohort because it's convenient and pharmaceutical pressure makes it impossible to actually acknowledge the elephant in the room. Encephalomeningitis caused by vaccines, a natural allergic reaction to viruses as well as vaccine adjuvants, is also associated with "autistic regression". This, however, only amounts to a small percentage of autism cases but it keeps the antivaxxers going who fervently believe in the "autism epidemic".
Simultaneously, thresholds to qualify for an autism diagnosis keep getting lower and lower. This results in a lot of mild or borderline cases who are now argued to be very serious cases so that lots of therapy and lots of drugs are prescribed to them which benefits the therapist, the doctor and the numerous institutions making billions of questionable autism therapies. In order to make them turn into serious cases, these autists now suffer from lots of internal, mental and thus unprovable issues that could potentially cause them severe issues in the future, or so we're told. Of course, again, if your argument rests on a hypothesis, there's no way for anyone to falsify it so these potential problems that could pop up later on turn into facts of nature.

Anonymous No. 16199797

>top of the heap globohomo

>Taiwan, the country with the lowest autism rates, and almost exactly as Westernized (or not) as Japan
>not globohomo

Anonymous No. 16199800

>What is the main cause behind this sudden increase, there must be something that affects kids like this
As I've laid out before:
The most likely answer is that we're dealing with an artifact of observation that you are now trying to disguise as a problem caused by vaccines. I know you're a shill but this dog-whistling has just become too obvious. A bullshit diagnosis with no proof that it even exists in the first place? Come on...
>but the autistic traits are there before that. It is most certainly a developmental problem
Why are autistic traits necessarily a "developmental problem"? Value judgments aren't science.

Anonymous No. 16200315

expired eggs , mutagen contaminated food ect

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Anonymous No. 16200328

Vaccines, fucking nearly 1000 page tome on all reported side effects from vaccines proves it.

If you give your kid their vaccines at 15 years old instead of 3 months old, then he will never develop it.

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Anonymous No. 16200378

Accepting any "data" from North Korea as legit.

Anonymous No. 16200384

Lots of factors,
>>poorly studied and pushed drugs and shots
>>brainrot tv and internet
>>terrible foods
>>worse sleep conditions
>>poor genetics not being phased out due to survival of the fit.

Anonymous No. 16200409

Vaccines. Anybody who says otherwise is a complete idiot that deserves a bullet deep inside the skull.

Anonymous No. 16200468

Are we done with the cheap ad hoc explanations that makes it look like autism is real? Can anyone please show me the actual autism under the microscope?