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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16198383

Which board is smarter, /g/ or /sci/

Anonymous No. 16198384

/sci/ by miles, it's not even a debate.

Anonymous No. 16198395

/g/ by light-years, it's not even a debate.

Anonymous No. 16198396

Both are equal in iq

Anonymous No. 16198397

both are retard, /x/ mogs both

Anonymous No. 16198412

It's nerdiest nerds on /g/ then /sci/ then /g/

Anonymous No. 16198437

/adv/ as the only board actually centered on practical learning.

Anonymous No. 16198444

How is math no practical?

Anonymous No. 16199067

Easily /g/.
Most of /g/ could do math, most of /sci/ can compile anything

Anonymous No. 16199080

The question is complicated. Both boards have their geniuses and retards.

/g/ has the super genius programming autists who know how to implement different algorithms. On the other hand, /g/ has drooling sperglords who spam tranny everywhere and fight over gpu brands.

/sci/ has super patient anons who stick to facts and logic even when they are getting trolled hard by a poltard. On the other hand, /sci/ is infested with schizos and disinfo.

Anonymous No. 16199103

>/sci/ has super patient anons who stick to facts and logic even when they are getting trolled hard by a poltard
I haven't seen this in a long time. This board is fucking shit. Every thread is just full of retards trying to look "based" by coming up with new things to call fake.

Anonymous No. 16199120

I agree, this board is garbage

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Anonymous No. 16199173

all of 4chan is a room temperature iq shithole. the only smart place in this latrine is the /extraflags/ general on /int/ (/int/ itself is among the worst shitholes)

Anonymous No. 16199180

Both are comparably intelligent but suffer from their own problems: /sci/ attracts too many schizos and larpers to have productive discourse, and /g/ has too much infighting over this language vs that, this OS vs that, this brand vs that, etc. to get anything done.

Anonymous No. 16199189

old or nu?

Anonymous No. 16199195

>/g/ has the super genius programming autists who know how to implement different algorithms.

Any fucking monkey on enough ritalin can put "form" into "program" - it just comes down to indexing. Coming up with algorithms on the other hand, can be quite the challenge (these include nontrivial optimisations for compute-power, but ur avg programmer probably isn't constrained enough to actually think).

/Sci/ is still probably worse.

Anonymous No. 16199196

/diy/ is the only board actually interested in learning anything at all.

Anonymous No. 16199207

/g/'s content is quite stable and reliable. Some programming and hardware threads, some consumer brand war threads, a couple of interesting generals and hidden gem threads, and then a couple of tranny spam threads. It has been like that for many years.

Whenever I visit /sci/, it feels like every day it has hit the new low. Occasionally some person tries to be helpful, but he gets outnumbered by shit.

Anonymous No. 16199218

>Whenever I visit /sci/, it feels like every day it has hit the new low. Occasionally some person tries to be helpful, but he gets outnumbered by shit.

You must be new. Trolling has always been quite rampant over here - it's what I come here for, and desu, it feeds into a collective superiority complex amongst the mildly and actually knowledgeable anons. I'm rather disappointed at the lack of convincingly sincere BS, since I last visited a few months back.

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Anonymous No. 16199234

Prove it, how mutch force will be applied in it's mouth?

Anonymous No. 16199242

/g/ is full of mongoloids that will sperg out if you don't use their favorite brand goyslop or distroshit, like /sci/ and almost the rest of 4chan everything that is good is contained in their generals, the rest of the boards usually suck.

Overall, i say /sci/ is less obnoxious.

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Skull kid.jpg

Anonymous No. 16199249

>[Post a Reply]
Do it

Anonymous No. 16199286

This is kind of a reductionist mindset.

Yes, most practical programming tasks are on some level defined by producing the right sequences of searching, sorting, and basic arithmetic. However the complete picture builds into something quite sophisticated with its own challenges.

This would be like saying "all of analysis comes down to relations" to dismiss the significance and dedication required to master a particular sub-field in analysis.