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Anonymous No. 16198401

Why did Einstein hate Brazilians?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16198416

Go back to your containment board, incel.

Anonymous No. 16198458

>smartest brain in human history was racist
are we supposed to be surprised by this tidbit?

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Anonymous No. 16198472

Einstein wasn't brilliant about everything. He was just exceptional in physics. Also he's wrong about Brazilians being soft.

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Anonymous No. 16198530

Anonymous No. 16198564

He also wrote disparagingly about the Chinese and Indians. A mod actually banned me from this board for pointing that out MUH RAYSICM... jeets these days are very touchy.
Kek, that's "Brazil"

Anonymous No. 16198643

>alien attack since the late 70s
what the fuck did he mean by this

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Anonymous No. 16198659

The one race Einstein hated most of all was whites

Anonymous No. 16198690

He likely considered himself white.

Anonymous No. 16199521

no he didn't

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Anonymous No. 16199703


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Anonymous No. 16199759

if he's saying they were "softened by the tropics," he's referring to the Amerindian aboriginals and Mestizos who are native to the tropics.

the Amerindians jus have a very low IQ

Anonymous No. 16199899

are they smarter or dumber than afrobrazillians

Anonymous No. 16200323

He hated Chinese, indians, japanese, Brazilians and ebry othet non jews

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Anonymous No. 16200370


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Anonymous No. 16200740

>disliked by jews

sounds like a win

Anonymous No. 16200774

It basically real life Dr. Wily

Anonymous No. 16200775


Anonymous No. 16201404

Einstein was a pedophile as well as being a racist

Anonymous No. 16201894


Because Albert was based

Anonymous No. 16202454

Basically he hated everyone who wasn't Jewish. That kind of attitude is why Jews are predominantly ok with the genocide of the other races. If you have been taught to be racist over the last decade or so, you have been largely the victim of an Israeli propaganda programme to make you less empathetic towards the plight of a people suffering untold horror. If you are aware of this fact, you can overcome that aspect of your programming and protect your country from invasion, while not losing sight of who brought the invaders here in the first place or your humanity. Good luck.

Anonymous No. 16202462

>consider himself white
lol, lmao even. the talmud teaches jews to consider all non-jews inferior animals, especially at that time where eugenic and racism was an accepted thing. it's not for some random reason why when hitler came to power he made the jews his scapegoat. jews in germany easily became one due to their discrmination and hate against other races.

Anonymous No. 16202575

he's right.
there's a reason brazil hasn't done anything of note except destroying rainforests.

Anonymous No. 16202582

this tourism ad is working on me

Anonymous No. 16202586

As far as I can tell from reading that section, he was referring to that one guy in particular as a monkey. I don't know if he had any particular hatred for Brazilians besides maybe some contemporarily typical feelings about indigenous south Americans.

Anonymous No. 16202721

he was a bbc supremasist

Anonymous No. 16202765

When visiting Brazil in the 20s, Einstein called brazilian "legit monkeys" and said "the climate affected their cognitive abilities".

"Here I am a kind of white elephant to them, they are monkeys to me", he wrote in his diary.

When going home, he also wrote that he was "finally free" from the "tropical savages".

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Anonymous No. 16202797

>Written between October 1922 and March 1923, the diaries see the scientist musing on his travels, science, philosophy and art. In China, the man who famously once described racism as “a disease of white people” describes the “industrious, filthy, obtuse people” he observes. He notes how the “Chinese don’t sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods. All this occurs quietly and demurely. Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse.” After earlier writing of the “abundance of offspring” and the “fecundity” of the Chinese, he goes on to say: “It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”
>him writing of the Chinese that “even those reduced to working like horses never give the impression of conscious suffering. A peculiar herd-like nation [ … ] often more like automatons than people.”
>“I noticed how little difference there is between men and women; I don’t understand what kind of fatal attraction Chinese women possess which enthrals the corresponding men to such an extent that they are incapable of defending themselves against the formidable blessing of offspring”.
>In Colombo in Ceylon, Einstein writes of how the locals “live in great filth and considerable stench at ground level” adding that they “do little, and need little. The simple economic cycle of life.”

Anonymous No. 16202799

If a white person was caught saying what Einstein did that would be the end of them, they'd get the James Watson treatment. How come Einstein is immune to that? How come he isn't held to the same standards that white scientists are?

Anonymous No. 16202913

how come all the outspoke anti-racists on /sci/ all shut up when its a jew being racist? they're always outraged when whites say anything racist

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Anonymous No. 16202921


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Anonymous No. 16202925

because he stopped being racist after fleeing to the US and started advocating for minorities

Anonymous No. 16202959

I'm 80% sure it's about the ET de Varginha

Anonymous No. 16203330

And there was Hitler, thinking Jews could never properly assimilate as Germans

Anonymous No. 16205066

He lividly hated whites and devoted his time to trying to create racial animosity against whites in America, see >>16198659 pickerel

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Anonymous No. 16205986

he should've spent his time on his profession instead of on politics, he might've eventually accomplished something if he stuck to what he knew. by his own admission he was too low IQ for politics

Anonymous No. 16206041

Assuming that a smart person is smart about everything is how you get the Nobel disease.

Anonymous No. 16206045

He obviously means that racial separation in the US is not the black people's fault but a racist policy by white people. It's analogous to telling a victim it's not their fault.
How do you contest it? People definitely fucked up with slavery and segregation which is why they were abolished.
If you read his biography some of his best friends and people he respected the most like Gödel were white.

Anonymous No. 16206367

Jews are enemies of all mankind.

Anonymous No. 16206521

He was mostly simping for Japan. Japs might have sent some Japanese women to his room at night.
>Einstein’s perceptions of the Japanese he meets are, in contrast, more positive: “Japanese unostentatious, decent, altogether very appealing,” he writes. “Pure souls as nowhere else among people. One has to love and admire this country.” But Rosenkranz points out that he also concludes that the “intellectual needs of this nation seem to be weaker than their artistic ones – natural disposition?”

Anonymous No. 16206678

>he might've eventually accomplished something if he stuck to what he knew
He couldn't do math, thats why he sucked as a physicist

Anonymous No. 16207165

everyone hates brazillians, what the fuck are you talking about

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16207191

He married his cousin though, he's basically an honorary white.

Anonymous No. 16208131

All jews lividly hate anyone who isn't jewish

Anonymous No. 16208136

they're pretty sexy though

Anonymous No. 16208185

Cousins dont evoke the automatic incest ick reflex the way sisters do, they are girls you are allowed to get very close to, hug, swim together, have sleepovers, etc.

Anonymous No. 16208997

"goyims" literally means "animals"
they don't consider non-jews to be human

Anonymous No. 16209851

>Einstein was a pedophile
That's even more based

Anonymous No. 16210031

Amazing post that was.

Anonymous No. 16210525

Yes, smart people are genetically smart and good at everything, it's called general intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16210821


Anonymous No. 16210897

Ashkenazi are more white than not

Anonymous No. 16212102

Based. Einstein was based.
This is too vague.

Anonymous No. 16212405


Anonymous No. 16212410

This. I know many Jews that get lumped into "White" when it comes to DEI and hiring decisions. Where do anons think they get their high IQs from? The levant??? lol.

Anonymous No. 16212738

The Ashkenazi Jews are white.

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Anonymous No. 16213028

they don't have high IQs

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16213045

>softened by the tropics
I would like to see him survive in tropics
Snow monkeys think they have it hard when they can just dump meat and other food outside and it won't spoil for months, lmao

Anonymous No. 16213078

>I don’t understand what kind of fatal attraction Chinese women possess
Confirmed fag

Anonymous No. 16213195

>Why did Einstein hate Brazilians?
Because Brazilians, Einstein, or anyone else on Earth, aren't perfect.

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Anonymous No. 16217370


Anonymous No. 16217959

Look at nu4chan if you want reasons to hate third worlders.
They are literal brainlets who can't even figure out how computers or combustion engines work.

Anonymous No. 16218794

einstein never understood how computers or combustion engines work. he couldn't even do math

Anonymous No. 16220107

He despised the Chinese even more.

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Anonymous No. 16220826

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Anonymous No. 16221456

Total hatred of all whites is common amongst all jews

MOOT (Pools Closed) No. 16222620

He also talked shit about Sri Lankans and Chinese people.

Anonymous No. 16223764

Oh my science!!!
Was Einstein really a filthy disgusting racist?

Anonymous No. 16225433

thats an early stage of committing genocide.

Anonymous No. 16225440

Have you ever met one?

Anonymous No. 16226295

yes unfortunately I've met both Brazilians and jews