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Anonymous No. 16198554

Explain it to me like I'm a dumbfuck. Which I am.

Anonymous No. 16198557


Anonymous No. 16198558

Space is neither fake nor a vacuum. It's full of aether that's exerting pressure on the atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16198580

Why does gravity suddenly end at the border between o-zone layer and space? Why don't big and heavy objects made by men pull small and light things like ants?
How can objects move infinitely through space after being given initial momentum then?

Anonymous No. 16198582

>How can objects move infinitely through space after being given initial momentum then?
Has this ever actually been observed to be the case? Or is it just assumed based on space being assumed to be a vacuum?

Anonymous No. 16198585

If space is assumed to be a vacuum, where did you get the aether shit?

Anonymous No. 16198586

I think the only real example we have is that Voyager 1 has been traveling at the same speed (38,026 mph) for 11 years straight.

Anonymous No. 16198587

Also, has space ever been observed anywhere other than easily faked video?

Anonymous No. 16198593

space is fake and gay. simple as.

Anonymous No. 16198596

What's it like being a ripper legend mate?

Anonymous No. 16198603

Gravity doesn't "end" anywhere, but it is getting weaker with distance, also not suddenly, its a gradient.

Anonymous No. 16198610

By that logic the outer layers of Earth atmosphere should gradually disperse into space, with inner layers gradually moving towards the outer, until there is no atmosphere, or at least ozone layer, at all.

Anonymous No. 16198613

Why? The gas particles are only moving so fast, which happens to be below the escape velocity of Earth.

Anonymous No. 16198614

space is real and normal. simple as.

Anonymous No. 16198619

>Why don't big and heavy objects made by men pull small and light things like ants?
they do but the effect is extremely tiny, compare the mass of a giant warship with the earth, even large comets/meteorites way heavier than large manmade objects are held together like loose dust, because there isn't enough matter for the electromagnetic forces to exert any significant pressure

Anonymous No. 16198631

That happens. It just happens so slowly that on the timeline of the earth's lifespan it's been insignificant. Mars is different; if Mars ever had an atmosphere it would've evaporated long ago because the planet is small and has no magnetic field.

Anonymous No. 16198634

that is not correct. Why should the air at sea level just randomly float up? Gravity at the surface is sufficient to hold on to it

Anonymous No. 16198647

Gravity pulls things inward, thermal forces push things outward. The balance between the two creates a pressure gradient.

Gravity doesn't suddenly end.
Everything pulls on everything else, but changes in motion are determined by the sum of forces acting on an object, not just single forces. The force of the Earth's gravity pulling on the ant is much, much, much bigger than the force of some manmade object pulling on the ant.

This is what planetary scientists believe happens with terrestrial planets: Your escape velocity depends on the mass of the body you're being attracted to, and for molecules their velocity depends on their temperature and their mass. Hot and low mass molecules like Hydrogen and Helium have higher thermal velocities than heavier molecules like Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, etc. for a given temperature. Planets accrete gasses from the surrounding protoplanetary environment, and later volcanic activity outgasses other compounds like Carbon and Sulfur Dioxide, Ammonia, etc. So as planets form, the ones closer to the star where it's hotter tend to quickly shed lighter molecules like Hydrogen and Helium, and the heavier elements like CO2, O2, N2 stick around. Lower mass planets similarly loose their lighter elements more quickly because there's less gravitational pull to counteract thermal pressure. Big planets far from the Sun hold on to a lot of their Hydrogen and Helium and become gas giants.

Anonymous No. 16199587

>easily faked video

You mean the format of video? Yes. But only by the people who were actually there for it. You could call it fake on those grounds, but that would be like calling the country of Botswana fake, or the bottom of the ocean fake just because you weren't personally there to see it. Technically it could all be fake and the thousands of hours of footage and millions of images could all be doctored, but it doesn't really make any sense to think that.

Anonymous No. 16199641

Space is real, NASA is fake.

Anonymous No. 16199663

Never thought of it like that... Good to find some new arguments to use against dumb people... Though they might be too stupid to get it or may think those recordings are also fake

Anonymous No. 16199682

Depends how fogged the photos are.
space radiation and vacuum should damage film

Anonymous No. 16199830

Always such a retard take. Did you know there is 10k psi at the bottom of the ocean. Why doesn't it shoot up to the 0 psi at sea level?

Anonymous No. 16199835

im never coming to /sci/ again

Anonymous No. 16199881

>How can objects move infinitely through space after being given initial momentum then?
he's fucking with you anon, don't mind him. There is no evidence for an "aether".

Anonymous No. 16199884

This argument is my litmus test for seeing if someone is a fake flat earther controlled OP
anyone who repeats it is a fucking moron

Anonymous No. 16199895

>the outer layers of Earth atmosphere should gradually disperse into space
And they would if their molecules' speed (or atoms, in the case of noble gases or ions) is greater than the escape velocity. And they do in the case of helium, for example. The Earth is slowly losing its helium in the exact way you imagined.

Anonymous No. 16199904

that only makes it worse

Anonymous No. 16200206

Why do retards who don't understand thermodynamics always try to use the second law to justify pseudoscientific bullshit