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🧵 R squared value of .9993

Anonymous No. 16198754

New data on the extraordinarily high correlation between increased mortality rates and the covid vaccine.

Its now undeniable, science has murdered million of people with the covid vaccine.

Anonymous No. 16198760

Correlation ≠ causation
Try harder next time schizo

Anonymous No. 16198762

>not peer-reviewed
The preprint doesn't compare mortality rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated, just shows that mortality rates go up with population vaccination rates. Also, it doesn't consider if the the person was infected or not.

Only conclusion from this preprint is that vaccination rates are high when population mortality is high.

You and the authors of this preprint fail at understanding the basics of epidemiological studies.

Anonymous No. 16198764

You fail to understand 13 sigma events while haphazardly engaging in reckless medical experimentation.

Anonymous No. 16198765

There's a high correlation between population ice cream consumption and drowning deaths, therefore ice cream causes drowning

Anonymous No. 16198769

nice cope, vaxie

Anonymous No. 16198771

But that is basically your argumentation, that correlation = causation. The authors showed no causal evidence, only correlational

Anonymous No. 16198781

>McCullough lost his license to practice medicine
kek, malpractice doctor trying to do science

Anonymous No. 16198805

>attacking the source because you can't dispute the central point of the argument being made
its like admitting that you're wrong

Anonymous No. 16198808

wasn't the central point that you posted a shitty paper here

Anonymous No. 16198829

how many boosters did you get?

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Anonymous No. 16198843

Correlation isn't causation, but it doesn't exclude a causal link either.
Correlations and epidemiological data was used to determine that smoking causes lung cancer, not experimental evidence or elucidation of causal mechanisms.
>The Bradford Hill criteria, first proposed in 1965 by Sir Austin Bradford Hill, provide a framework to determine if one can justifiably move from an observed association to a verdict of causation. The Bradford Hill criteria include nine viewpoints by which to evaluate human epidemiologic evidence to determine if causation can be deduced: strength, consistency, specificity, temporality, biological gradient, plausibility, coherence, experiment, and analogy.

Anonymous No. 16198870

Lung cancer is a classic because they observed 1. lung cancer prevalence in non-smokers, 2. lung cancer prevalence in smokers, 3. did a contingency table that shows a proportional increase of lung cancer in smokers.

This preprint did not consider 1. whether the patient suffering from cardiopulmonary arrest was vaccinated or 2. whether the patient had any illnesses.

Guess what other things became prevalent during the pandemic? Obesity rates went up, loneliness rates went up, less people exercising, mental health problems went up. Can we say that the vax made people fat and sad and not go to the gym?

OP probably thinks that way because he is either unable or unwilling to understand the difference between correlation and causation.

Anonymous No. 16198902

>Obesity rates went up, loneliness rates went up, less people exercising, mental health problems went up. Can we say that the vax made people fat and sad and not go to the gym?
No, that was an evil inflicted upon people by their governments.

Anonymous No. 16198906

>Obesity rates went up, loneliness rates went up, less people exercising, mental health problems went up. Can we say that the vax made people fat and sad and not go to the gym?
So you're saying that the harm inflicted on people by the effects of lockdown were nearly as bad or perhaps worse than the effects of the pandemic itself? Because you're not contesting that this remarkable spike in excess mortality which began in 2021 occurred, you're merely debating the cause.

Anonymous No. 16198914

I do not deny the excess mortality. Lockdowns were in my opinion too harsh measure and put in place simply because politicians were inefficient and unsuccessful at eradicating the disease immediately when they had the chance and controlling the airports.

Obesity and mental health problems do not go away easily, so the society will suffer from these effects for decades to come. Obese and depressed people have reduced lifespan, reduced ability to work, and develop comorbidities. It would be nice to see some cost estimates for the society.

Anonymous No. 16198916

And the specific subtypes of cardiopulmonary disease and death we have seen a spike in.. they are of the same sort and character that we typically associate with obesity?

Anonymous No. 16198972

the goalposts are moving

Anonymous No. 16198999

I'm not OP, I moved nothing.

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Anonymous No. 16199001

But correlation DOES equal causation when it comes to drug trials? Lmao. Not only have big pharma coomed inside you with their clot shot, but you also have their cock deep in your mouth. Cope harder vaxxie, remember NO REFUNDS!

Anonymous No. 16199004

Properly done drug trials have control group (saline or vehicle), 3 drug concentration levels to see if there's a concentration dependent effect, and usually a comparison to current standard line treatment.


Anonymous No. 16199013

>3 drug concentration levels to see if there's a concentration dependent effect, and usually a comparison to current standard line treatment.
Neither of these were done in any of the covid "vaccine" clinical trials.
One dose strength, not compared to any other treatment.

Anonymous No. 16199026


Anonymous No. 16199041

Even so, control groups used in drug trials don’t provide nearly enough rigour to take them seriously. Not to mention the absurdly high pvalues. I could give you meth for your “depression” and you’d feel better. Does mean I “cured” your “depression”? The fact is, if you have enough money you can get a paper published that provides “statistical evidence” of anything you want.

Anonymous No. 16199640

they were, the vaxxxxies were the test subjects, they were all give untested experimental injections of various types indicated by the batch numbers and now the results are being recorded

Anonymous No. 16199671

Still not regretting getting vaccinated, sorry.

Anonymous No. 16200188

I do not regret not taking the vax, thanks

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Anonymous No. 16201291

you do regret it, you would've have been triggered to make a false denial if you didn't have emotional issues with respect to your bad decision, you're just too egotistical to ever admit having made a mistake.

Anonymous No. 16201440

how did i make a mistake? i just didn't take it

Anonymous No. 16202098

how many boosters are you on?

Anonymous No. 16202269

I also do not regret taking the vax. You cannot regret acting without knowing unknown facts, only known unknowns.

Anonymous No. 16202933

>its not my fault!!!!
amazing thats all that concerns you about this issue when your life is on the line.

Anonymous No. 16202993

>COVID happens
>death rate increases
>Why did the COVID vaccine cause all these deaths?
Like blaming water hoses for house fires.

Anonymous No. 16202998

>Breaking: Study finds COVID vaccine causes COVID after COVID found to have killed a bunch of people after the introduction of the vaccine
Seems legit.

Anonymous No. 16203015

>COVID happens
no it didn't, there was no evidence of a viral epidemic except for faked pcr tests

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Anonymous No. 16203177

Very nice excuses. How high would you expect the correlation to be between deaths and infection considering the known fact that Covid-19 had a 99.986% survival rate untreated?

Anonymous No. 16203190

>computer program has a function that takes in variables and outputs number of deaths
>go to every person object and change "vaccinated" to true
>check output
>deaths have gone up substantially
>"hmmmm.. I'm going to need more data on this"

It's literally this simple. No, it's not the 0.00001% fluctuation in variable A. Stop being fucking dense.

Anonymous No. 16203205


>The coof is giving people heart attacks!

Well, I guess it's important we give everyone a vaccine... which is now confirmed by multiple studies to increase your likelihood of getting covid.

>But it lessens the symptoms!

This was never studied by anyone, is impossible to prove on an individual level, and (if it were true) would invite study of the exact degree of increased susceptibility and decreased symptoms so that people could make a fully informed decision about whether or not to take it.

It's amazing, the pro-vax side clearly have no argument and offer but the flimsiest of deflections to the ever mounting evidence of criminal medical negligence, and yet they keep on deflecting. I think there are a lot of people who believe that playing stupid is going to stop them being held to account.

It won't.

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Anonymous No. 16203208

Vaccines no longer need to have any known positive benefit, bigot!

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Anonymous No. 16203248


I guess it's real.

To be fair, this is like 30 pages of the FDA saying "denied", from what I can gather quickly glancing over it. A choice passage presented here.

>Yeah, we know the efficacy wanes after 2 months, that's why it says we don't know how long it lasts, same thing, right?

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Anonymous No. 16203256


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Anonymous No. 16203580


Anonymous No. 16203725

>which is now confirmed by multiple studies to increase your likelihood of getting covid.
Correlation is not causation. Red hatters live out in the boonies and thought Bill Gates created the vaccine to put microchips in people that sterilize them. When the people avoiding the shit have significantly less human contact due to living in rural areas and being friendless assholes that need to touch grass and the people getting it live in cities and have social lives, obviously you'll see more people get the vaccine end up getting COVID.

>This was never studied by anyone, is impossible to prove on an individual level
You think it's possible to prove the vaccine makes you more likely to get COVID and not possible to prove the vaccine makes you less likely to die from COVID? You'd think the horse dewormer would have taken care of those brain worms you've got.

Anonymous No. 16203748

>increased mortality starts in 2020, year of the covid, one year before the start of the vaccination compaign, even longer before mass vaccination starts
if only americans were encouraged to educate themselves

Anonymous No. 16203762

>If science kills, how come I'm not dead yet?
Checkmate schizo's

Anonymous No. 16205209

No shit the earliest people that died from Covid were the oldest, fattest, and sickest. That can be true and people were also killed by poorly conceived, inadequately tested and messily produced novel medical products rushed to market at an unprecedented pace under emergency authorisation indemnifying the producers of any responsibility.

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Anonymous No. 16205310

the study in OP doesn't even have numbers for cardiopulmonary arrest death for 2023. They extrapolated that number. The analysis is based on three numbers and one of them is extrapolated from the first two. it's hilarious

Anonymous No. 16205355

I'm not defending this study, just some of the thinking that motivated it.

Anonymous No. 16206087

remember that we know the mechanism behind this
>We further observed that SARS-CoV-2 spike suppresses p53 transcriptional activity in cancer cells
>We further observed that SARS-CoV-2 spike suppresses p53 transcriptional activity in cancer cells
>We further observed that SARS-CoV-2 spike suppresses p53 transcriptional activity in cancer cells
>We further observed that SARS-CoV-2 spike suppresses p53 transcriptional activity in cancer cells
>We further observed that SARS-CoV-2 spike suppresses p53 transcriptional activity in cancer cells

Anonymous No. 16206102

>oh no they used all available data
shills don't even understand anything these days. A better critique is why they singled out King County versus other places, or instead of studying more cities. There could be reasons for it.

Anonymous No. 16206868


Anonymous No. 16207394


What does a peer review even mean?
Does a peer review validate methods and materials ? NO.
Does a peer review actually reproduce the experiment to validate the outcome? NO.
Does peer review mean, people with conflicts of interest approving a paper or rejecting a paper based on their political bias or egotistical impact on their percieved intellect, if a paper aligns or contradicts their opinions? YES.

Peer review is not even tested to be an effective method, to ensure qualtiy of science.
In fact it is proven to be ineffective to detect fraud or validity of techniques applied.
It is an intransparent meme process to ensure keeping up a bubble.
> it is Gate keeping

If peer review would be so "good" then it baffles me all the time that we have a "repdoduction crisis" and a "fraud" crisis especcially in mecidine and bioinformatics.
Sadly most peers and especcially in health related fileds are paid by the Companies that produce a product.
And if a paper threatens the benefit or validity of a product, the paper will get sabotaged within the peer review process.
This is not only true for vaccines. Same shit happens for absolutely useless vitameme products and "supplements".

Anonymous No. 16208229


Anonymous No. 16208249

the co relation between it being summer and people drowning is not .9993 but nice try!

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Anonymous No. 16209141

>science has murdered million of people with the covid vaccine.
sure, but it was all the right people

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Anonymous No. 16210228

Anonymous No. 16210249

there are already two threads about this article

Anonymous No. 16211069

Thats because its important news

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Anonymous No. 16212509

>R squared value of .9993
even with this level of certainty the vaccinated will not admit that they made a mistake and got badly tricked by the scientists and doctors

Anonymous No. 16217188

>it baffles me all the time that we have a "repdoduction crisis" and a "fraud" crisis especcially in mecidine and bioinformatics.
its pretty simple why, they lie because they make more money that way

Anonymous No. 16218696

The virus was fake, but the deaths from the "vaccine" were very real.
And its epic, all the right people are being wiped out

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Anonymous No. 16220860

>got badly tricked by the scientists and doctors
Its was actually the (((media))) that they were tricked by. They trusted the (((media))) as a proxy for science when in reality the actual scientists were mostly against the idea of the vax, except for the ones who had financial conflicts of interest that lead them support it.
And of course it was the financially compromised ones that the (((media))) put on TV exclusively