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Anonymous No. 16198809

How come scientists are always making outlandish pie-in-the-sky promises of great things in the future if they're given funding and then never delivering on their promises?
Are scientists just a bunch of greedy charlatanous thieving liars and con artists?

Anonymous No. 16198811

>Trolling outside /b/

Anonymous No. 16198905

>How come scientists are always making outlandish pie-in-the-sky promises of great things in the future if they're given funding and then never delivering on their promises?
Because they aren't funded.

Anonymous No. 16198908

the funding bodies are suckers, and believe the charlatans over the serious ones. also various other problems such as women, jews, pajeets and yes, blacks

Anonymous No. 16198919


Ugh...what could have been.

Anonymous No. 16198921


Passing the Olympic Torch is a tradition of Nazi origin not an original Greek one.

Anonymous No. 16198947

>New Worlds was a British science fiction magazine that began in 1936 as a fanzine called Novae Terrae. John Carnell, who became Novae Terrae's editor in 1939, renamed it New Worlds that year. He was instrumental in turning it into a professional publication in 1946 and was the first editor of the new incarnation. It became the leading UK science fiction magazine; the period to 1960 has been described by science fiction historian Mike Ashley as the magazine's "Golden Age".
Science fiction magazine writers who come up with fabulous future scenarios that excite and titillate in order to sell copies is not the same thing as "scientists making outlandish pie-in-the-sky promises "

Anonymous No. 16198954

But hey, at least we have DEI, drag queen story hour, and a proliferation of fraudulent academics.

Böttger No. 16199054

They don't. It's the managers who do the bullshitting.
Actual work is complicated.

Anonymous No. 16199387

Where are the promises in your picture, anon? I see "ought" and "might" being used, but those aren't promises, they are hypotheticals.