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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16199038

If we consider the universe to be a simulation, would it be possible to crash it?

If the system is rendering things when observed, and if we were to built thousands of deep space exploration telescopes, radio dishes etc, increase the things the universe needs to render and calculate millions of times, can we crash it? no bully plz

Anonymous No. 16199042

Tbh, the fact that no glitches or things of that nature ever happen is a pretty big knock on simulation theory.

Anonymous No. 16199043

you've become obsessed with technology, get off your computer and take a walk in nature, the universe isn't a simulation

Anonymous No. 16199048

I'm deeply depressed that is true sometimes I just look at outside and want to go sleep on the grass and dream of non-existence but anyway, how can you say that it isn't with certainty?

Anonymous No. 16199052


Anonymous No. 16199055

>no glitches
plenty of glitches.
what if ai controlling this simulation is capable of picking up on these glitches, renders them in a different light and passes them as features?
the simulation clearly doesn't have enough resources to manage all the microparticles in the universe, so at those scales, it needs to resort to statistics, and prevents us from seeing under the hood by imposing impossible energy barriers where breaking particles apart requires enough energy to patch them back up to continue the simulation.
black holes and gravitational radiation are another example.
lots more, these are just the more famous ones.

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Anonymous No. 16199285

it'll just lag and we'll never notice it as we will lag too

Anonymous No. 16199358

You have two half-brains in your head, connected by a data cable. Sometimes there's lag in the acknowledgement of perception = dejavu

Anonymous No. 16199406

See /x/
Just because you’re so boring nothing paranormal has ever happened to you doesn’t mean things don’t happen.

For OP, the simulation has error correction codes. That’s why things like CERN don’t wreck things.

Anonymous No. 16200248

Yes your universe is a simulation occurring inside your brain, if you want a soft crash, induce a seizure, if you want a hard crash, you can induces a stroke, heat strokes are probably the easiest.

Anonymous No. 16200257

Won't be easy, it seems to have systems in place to prevent that, for example when too much stuff gets together it makes a black hole.

If its updating/autocorrecting itself then every way works just once or at best probably something along few times.

Anonymous No. 16200655

>he doesn't know what decentralised computation is
Ok I give you a hint. Every atom is a QPU

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Anonymous No. 16200662

why does the universe not crash when I divide by zero?

Anonymous No. 16200678

it isn't a simulation, we are clearly generating an ungodly amount of information each second
many orders of magnitude greater than we did 200 years ago
if that didn't cause it to lag, i don't know what could
or do you think that a computer crashing is actually the simulation glitching?

Anonymous No. 16201681

No, It would just go slower, and since we would go slower with it, we wouldn't notice anything. We also have no idea how beefy the computers are that are running this freakshow. We could be straining them to the limit, or we could be a drop in the bucket. Probably the latter. Now, you could try some bullshit where you disassemble the universe and convert it all into a hyper efficient computer and run that at max power to try to lag out reality, but the simulation could just spoof the signals to your brain and not render any of that. You would need to be the supercomputer and just think really hard. Even then you might still accomplish nothing. The only way to end the simulation would be to render the universe into a state where nothing more can ever happen. Dumping the universe into a mega blackhole and then surrounding it with a giant mirror so that all the hawking radiation just flies back in would maybe cause the simulation to be so uninteresting that it would be shut down, but everyone would have to die first.

in short, only our brains and the signals to our brains actually need to be rendered, so there's no way to crash the simulation with buildings. Turning yourself into a universe sized brain might do that, but probably not.

Anonymous No. 16201854

Imbecile. Naturally you wouldn't observe the crash or realise it. If it crashed 10 times a day and always just reset to the last known working state you wouldn't know a thing about it.

Anonymous No. 16202032

>we are clearly generating an ungodly amount of information each second
Isn't the entire point of a simulation to generate information?

Anonymous No. 16202037

Of course it's not a fucking simulation, jesus this is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

No reason to think it is, just some dumb tech bro redneck said it was and now everyone else believes it, cos people are increasingly dumber than before.

Anonymous No. 16202039

tranny thread

Anonymous No. 16202239

Wrong, there are no colors, you just imagine them because you are reacting the the simulated reality your mind invents based on signals from your brain.

Anonymous No. 16202259

>If we consider the universe to be a simulation, would it be possible to crash it?
If we consider our homes to build from timber, would it be possible to burn them down?
Well, yes, but why would we WANT to?

Anonymous No. 16202343

Firefighters and Safety experts set timber houses on fire all the time so they can learn more about how to quickly combat house fires and make timber houses safer in the future.

Anonymous No. 16202382

>writing invented
>God is the Word
>gears invented
>the universe is divine clockwork
>computers invented
>the universe is modded Minecraft
I can't wait until we get a proton to the planck temperature and finally disprove this

Anonymous No. 16202408

What about when the universe was a dream?

Anonymous No. 16202411

Beyond my cultural horizon but probably happened too

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Anonymous No. 16202434

It’s important to consider all the different possibilities.
Cats and dogs were created by humans and they have no idea that that is the case because they aren’t intelligent enough. It’s not hard to imagine a situation in which aliens created humans from the ape in a similar way. These aliens may have also terraformed this Earth. Watch Prometheus.

Anonymous No. 16202457

Simulation niggers have the worst imagination. Is the best methods you can think of to prove the theory is treating the universe as an imperfect program prone to errors such as crashing, rendering etc? Especially when these errors only exist to the end user and not those in the fucking "simulation."
>we are clearly generating an ungodly amount of information each second
We literally aren't. You can argue the expanding universe is "generating information" but humans do not. There's no intrinsic difference in the amount of information stored if universe was a giant cosmic soup vs how it is now. If it somehow was a simulation, if it had the processing power to simulate the universe at the big bang, nothing will change just cuz the configuration of the molecules changed.

Anonymous No. 16202966

Do you want to find out what you really are outside the simulation? What if you're just some strange abomination of eyes and tendrils in a galaxy made of flesh, would that be worth breaking the simulation? To know all of existence is generated by massive brain dreaming? Could you handle such a horror?

Anonymous No. 16203002


Anonymous No. 16203024

What would it even be simulating?

Anonymous No. 16203033

It's basically like asking if an NPC in a video game can crash the game on its own
You're the NPC not the player
Anybody who could create a simulation this complex isn't going to have this be a possibility

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Anonymous No. 16203126


>Abstract: A corollary of the Simulation Argument is that the universe’s computational capacity may be limited. Consequently, advanced alien civilizations may have incentives to avoid space colonization to avoid taking up too much “calculating space” and forcing a simulation shutdown. A possible solution to the Fermi Paradox is that analogous considerations may drive them to avoid broadcasting their presence to the cosmos, and to attempt to destroy or permanently cripple emerging civilizations on sight. This game-theoretical equilibrium could be interpreted as the “katechon” – that which withholds eschaton – doom, oblivion, the end of the world. The resulting state of mutually assured xenocide would result in a dark, seemingly empty universe intermittently populated by small, isolationist “hermit” civilizations.

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Anonymous No. 16203763

>If we consider the universe to be a simulation, would it be possible to crash it?
Why ask questions that have zero chances of ever being answered? Meaningless.
Newton's flaming sword, look it up.

Anonymous No. 16203834

You wouldn't be aware of a glitch, they would just use a backup and restart from there.
It is caught by a try-catch.

Anonymous No. 16203850

Pray to God you will never see those.
I dare you to take a walk alone in Alaska's wilderness.

ungrounded No. 16203885

There is no way to know if universe is real, dream, simulation or something else. You can of course use common logic to explore the consequences of each alternative but you still never know if you premises are right. This is just the human condition. But the good thing is that you are free to make your own choice and explore it.

Anonymous No. 16203962

>If we consider the universe to be a simulation, would it be possible to crash it?
This was the plot of the framing story for the short story collection Phase Space by Stephen Baxter. A scientist on earth bounced a signal off a planet of Alpha Centauri, thus instantly greatly increasing the resource requirements of the simulation by forcing it to render a whole new star system. This forced the masters of the simulation, which was implied to be a screen around the earth, to shut it down and reveal themselves.

Anonymous No. 16203973

if you crash a system, is it detectable in the system during said crash?
if we were in a program, and it crashed, i don't think we would experience anything
in this sense we wouldn't know if we had crashed the system, or exist in a plurality where said crash hasn't happened
this is what i was trying to say
overall it doesn't matter and one has to find peace either way

Anonymous No. 16203990

Great, we're not talking about crashing a small, experimental, test simulated universe, we're talking about crashing THE universe that we inhabit.

Boo-ker No. 16203994

It's gonna crash soon. The Sun gon' produce a gravity pulse. That's why it has strange markings. A true huntsman would have already deciphered this. personally, I don't think you are huntsman. You're all soheyntists.