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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Why do they keep lying?

Anonymous No. 16199090

>Collisions in the LHC generate temperatures more than 100 000 times hotter than the centre of the Sun.
Yeah bro, my particle collider totally doesn't get literally incinerated by temperatures thousands of times higher than nuclear reactors

Anonymous No. 16199100

>generates temperatures more than 100 000 times hotter than the centre of the Sun
>doesn't use it to boil water

Anonymous No. 16199106

boils your tax doll- i mean euros instead
how does CERN reduce crime or defend the nation again? After all that's the justification for theft/taxes.

Anonymous No. 16199110

>his country's police and army forces don't use hadron railguns

Anonymous No. 16199115

That's not even the best part of CERN
99.99% of data generated by LHC has been deleted

Anonymous No. 16199118

Dame reason your fluorescent bulb doesn't melt when it has an average electron temperature of ~20,000 K. The energy per particle is high but the density of particles is several orders of magnitude lower than something like room temperature air, so the total heat it generates is negligible.

Anonymous No. 16199134

>how does CERN reduce crime or defend the nation again?

gamma cargo scanners in ports and airports -> protect you from nuclear terrorism

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Anonymous No. 16199155

Particle go fast
It's more like picrel- the exponential decay over discrete energy levels, ala temperature.

Anonymous No. 16199159

I don't know if that percentage is right, but the fact that they delete experiment data is not at all surprising. Those experiments generate petabytes. What are they supposed to do, build and power a giant datacenter to archive it all for perpetuity?

Anonymous No. 16199247

>Total heat generated (thermal energy) from a 20,000 K temperature is negligible
This sounds like ludicrous word play. I've always understood temperature as a macroscopic state via an ensemble average. Saying that several particles whose lifetimes are 10^-20 seconds on length scales of 10^-20 m have temperatures of 10^14 K is dishonest. Surely some air particles have temperatures 1000x higher than the ensemble average (Maxwell distribution). But I don't see physicists saying that some air molecules are breaking the sound barrier.

Anonymous No. 16199251

>Saying that several particles
*The only particles.
So U get a high-T distribution

Anonymous No. 16199256

It's just a convenient way of talking in relative terms about how energetic these interactions are. Don't get autistic about it.

Anonymous No. 16199258

And this isn't strictly Boltzmann either, especially for p-p scattering. It makes more sense for heavy-ion collisions cus U get these weakly-interacting 'Quark-Gluon plasmas'.

Anonymous No. 16199259

It conveniently misleads people. Why shouldn't physicists be pedantic about their definitions?

Anonymous No. 16199264

I'm sorry anon, but this is quite an elementary connection which a properly educated public should grasp. Had they not, these figures would be meaningless to them anyways.

Anonymous No. 16199346

>protect you from nuclear terrorism
404. "protecting us from nuclear terrorism" is the same reason why we don't have cheap nuclear. It's a pathetic game of power.

Anonymous No. 16199366

>my particle collider totally doesn't get literally incinerated by temperatures thousands of times higher than nuclear reactors
That is correct, it doesn't because you're talking about a very minute, microscopically bundle of atoms, so though the amount of energy per atom involved in the collisions is that absurdly high, the total amount of energy in those atoms is very small and it all just fizzles away harmlessly.

So, very hot, but very few.

Anonymous No. 16200115

What a waste those losers are. If they were really as smart as they claim to be then they'd have been able to do something useful with the billions of dollars that were allocated to them, instead all they can managed to make out if it is worthless schizobabble publications filled with lies

Anonymous No. 16200255

>science: we just need a little bit of money for research, it'll end up paying for itself in the future, we promise
>*actually scams billion and produces nothing but worthless fraudulent publications*
scientists are just con artists

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Anonymous No. 16200379

>they'd have been able to do something useful with the billions of EUROS that were allocated to them
The discoveries and advancements made at CERN have led to numerous practical engineering applications, notably in the field of medical imaging and diagnostics. For instance, the development of Positron Emission Tomography scanners, which are crucial for detecting cancer and other diseases, directly benefits from particle detection technologies pioneered at CERN. CERN's work in superconducting magnets has also been applied to improve Magnetic Resonance Imaging machines, making them more efficient and widely accessible.
The silicon pixel detectors used in particle physics experiments have also found applications in high-resolution imaging sensors for digital cameras and medical devices. CERN's work on high-speed data processing and real-time data analysis has also contributed to the development of more efficient and faster electronics, which are essential in modern computing and telecommunications. Moreover, the techniques developed for managing and storing vast amounts of data at CERN have influenced the design of robust, large-scale data centers, enhancing the performance and reliability of cloud computing services and big data analytics.

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Anonymous No. 16200416

Why do you keep trolling, troll? Take your triggering attempts someplace else.

Anonymous No. 16200929

I met an Indian dude at an SEG meeting last year who worked at cern, I didn't ask much thougheverbeit. We played foosball at one of the booths

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Anonymous No. 16201278


>picture of OP found

Anonymous No. 16201422

no they haven't

Anonymous No. 16201821

More lies

Anonymous No. 16202302

Feel free to disprove it.

Anonymous No. 16202389

God exists. Disprove it. Cute strategy to say that shit without a bump when this thread is on page 9. Next time, don't be a pussy

Anonymous No. 16203070

LHC is an enormous failure, over $100 billion wasted for nothing

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Anonymous No. 16203081

>CERN's work in superconducting magnets
The fucking shit wouldn't even work without them and every "advancement" in imaging and diagnostics is still the bitch of rotating magnetic fields just like they were over 200 years ago. Congrats, you stuffed more fucking lodestones in your fancy lenses.
Now go build yet another larger, more expensive fancy multi country long halbach array to tell you the same thing, again and again until you can't milk it anymore.
>Moreover, the techniques developed for managing and storing vast amounts of data at CERN have influenced the design of robust, large-scale data centers, enhancing the performance and reliability of cloud computing services and big data analytics.
Data: Another bitch of magnetic fields that improves by the years as more and more scientists realize that not just iron, colbalt and nickle are "magnetic". You think they would have realized this since they use so many copper coils for their experiments powered by wall outlets.

Anonymous No. 16203084

>Why do they keep lying?
Because literally nobody on earth can call them on their bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16203097

they have definitely had 100B in fancy dress parties

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Anonymous No. 16203122

You might be thinking of the Switzerland tunnel opening ceremony. The only thing missing was Doom guy.

Anonymous No. 16203123

because their master is the father of lies

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Anonymous No. 16203737

>God exists. Disprove it.
Red herring. Stay on topic. Disprove what I posted about CERN advancements and their applications.

Anonymous No. 16203926

>Writes bullshit
>Given an analogy
>Nooooo you can't do that! DISPROVE MY BULLSHIT CHUD
Found the CERN liar.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16203966

Anonymous No. 16203968

Source on this?

Anonymous No. 16204377

fucking braindead retard

Anonymous No. 16204841

the logistics of it are incredibly expensive and we can't treat uranium like it's limestone or iron ore.

Anonymous No. 16204956

That machine possibly was a waist of money and theyre trying to make their money back for the lost cause. Once the brain is set on thinking theres always something the closer you look, its hard to grasp that there could just be nothing beyond a specific point. idk though never been there. i have seen tennessees particle accelorater in oak ridge though...

Anonymous No. 16205511

if you're that ignorant about this topic you shouldn't be wasting everyone's time by trying to discuss the topic.

Anonymous No. 16206072

He's probably one of the blind shills supporting cern the hardest in this thread. The funny thing is all the complaints you hear about CERN itt are clearly from people who know what's going on

Anonymous No. 16206080


I'm just telling you where the money's going and what you're getting for it XD

Anonymous No. 16206817

MRI was developed long before CERN and there are no innovations made in electronics specifically for CERN liar.

Anonymous No. 16207007

>This sounds like ludicrous word play
It isn't . Surely you understand that heat capacity is a thing? A very thin plasma has no capacity to melt anything. Being able to distinguish temperature and heat is basic knowledge.

Anonymous No. 16207034

I haven't paid a single cent for CERN and I'd build one myself if I were a multibillionaire.

Anonymous No. 16207338

Maybe he's just interested.

Anonymous No. 16207708

>very thin plasma
This is what I mean by word play.

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Anonymous No. 16208094

I really liked the part where they found out CERN was accidentally killing people

Anonymous No. 16208107

>CERN's work in superconducting magnets has also been applied to improve Magnetic Resonance Imaging machines

Anonymous No. 16208695

>I don't have a job and I'm proud of being unemployable

Anonymous No. 16209215

If CERN is so smart, how come they can't figure out a way to make energy cheaper?

Anonymous No. 16209235

Fock me, I have no idea what anything on this chart means

Anonymous No. 16209339

>nuclear power would be cheaper if we let people smuggle fissile material through airport security
i guess most of the cost comes from transporting the stuff, so it's not completely wrong

Anonymous No. 16209357

Milord, only an extremely small amount of matter gets heated up to those temperatures by the LHC. It won't burn anything because that' s only a particle. If you heat a drop of water to high temperatures and you put it in the sea it won't raise the sea's temperature enough to notice it.

Hope you're a troll kek
If I remember correctly cern had made the first internet site ever, and is the front of physics research. You'll thank them when you will have low energy bills thanks to the fusion implants they're researching.

Anonymous No. 16209375

Bro that's stuff from the sg videogame (TะดT)... i guess at least. If it's based on some real things please send me some articles about it

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16209385

Surely this is a botpost or rublepost. No one can genuinely this unabashedly retarded, right?

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Anonymous No. 16210458

Anonymous No. 16211098

>until you can't milk it anymore.
their ponzi scheme has no endpoint, they'll always be able say "we just need another $100billion dollars of other people's money to build another even bigger collider, gibes me dat money fo free"

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Anonymous No. 16211108

The machines generate an insane amount of data. They can't store it all. They already store an insane (but smaller) amount of data.
And this.

Anonymous No. 16212551

>we designed our machines to output massive amounts of useless data that we knew we would be unable to store in order to justify being able to pick and choose and only store the data that agrees with our theories while throwing away all the data that disagrees with our theories

Anonymous No. 16212589

Lol. Delusional larping retard. How are you studies going champ?

Anonymous No. 16212932

cause they have brain worms.

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Anonymous No. 16213222

>Why do they keep lying?

Anonymous No. 16213302

not even the bbc knew what the fuck was going on with that one
>We're not sure what this was all about either

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Anonymous No. 16213740

Why do low IQ brainlets keep shitting up this board with their schizo drivels about shit they don't understand? Go to /v/ and have fun there or something, leave us alone.

Anonymous No. 16213939

>data storage is an issue in the current year

They have one of the largest and most complex machines built in the entirety of human history. They will never convince me that they can't (or don't) store all the data permanently. This isn't a "well they can land a man on the moon but they can't..." argument. It's just a matter of cost and logistics. Data storage is dirt cheap in the scope of a 27km long machine designed to break apart fundamental particles. Petabytes aren't the sci-fi technobabble it once was. They don't even turn it on that often.

Anonymous No. 16214601

Why not store all the data for a minute of collisions, analyze the data, delete the junk, and then do more collisions? Would reduce the cost of upkeep as well as benefiting from analyzing all the data

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Anonymous No. 16214704

Retarded pseud. An experimental machine can generate a huge amount of data. Just think about it.
Wow, yes, that is a simplified version of what they do. Obviously.

You faggots should apply at CERN!!!!

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16214823

I mean they only collide a handful of particles at a time, itโ€™s very hard to actually get them to collide
Reminder that E=mc^2, if the mass is low and the temperature is high that must mean they are going close to the speed of light, and for a particle that distribution of energy is minimal
100,000,000K in a space of literal angstroms is not going to do anything
Use your fucking Brain

Anonymous No. 16215023

>it's heckin' experimental!

Go on, tell me how much data it generates. Then go ahead and explain to me why that amount of data is simply outlandish to store permanently.

Anonymous No. 16215101

imagine as much data as you can
it stores 10x that much

Anonymous No. 16215154

uhh i mean generates, idiot!!!

Anonymous No. 16215225

I've analyzed data at CERN. Go ahead, what's wrong with storing all the data from a minute of collisions, sending the data out to analyze, then next week or after however much time to cross validate results run the collider again for a minute?

Anonymous No. 16215284


Anonymous No. 16215291

nothing, but good luck doing that with every minute of data before you run out of space
t. im the director of cern

Anonymous No. 16215989

You completely misunderstood, tard. Run the machine for a minute and then STOP RUNNING THE MACHINE. You have all your data stored. Analyze it. cross validate. Whatever you need to do. Keep the important stuff, delete the rest. Turn the machine on for a minute. TURN OFF THE MACHINE. Understand yet, dumbass?

Anonymous No. 16216150

Each separate run of the collider probably requires maintenance checks and additional preparations which would increase costs of experiments. If they're running the machine for longer than a minute, then they're doing it for a reason.

Anonymous No. 16216248

>we generate a bazillion bytes of data per nanosecond! We can't even store it all!
>no one asks about them about their RAM

How can they be generating so much data to begin with? Do they have 25+ Petabytes of memory? It needs to be stored somewhere before being written to permanent storage devices.

Anonymous No. 16216262

Pseud. They're doing it because they're lazy and in a rush. Imagine you to run the collider for a net time of five hours to detect enough higgs bosons for a statistically significant signal. Then you have two options:
>Run the machine continuously for 5 hours, dumping irrelevant data and storing only events that might have a higgs
>Run the machine for one minute a week (5 years in total), saving and analyzing all data from all events
The first approach is specific focus, losing all that 'irrelevant' data. The second approach is holistic and can scan for other things.

CERN pedophiles just want to waste data out of impatience. Or perhaps are too stupid to know how to utilize the data in the second approach under a strict time limit (likely because of retarded grad students and undergrads dragging their feet)

Anonymous No. 16218578

>delete all the data that disagrees with my pet theory
>save all that data that supports my pet theory
21st century science

Anonymous No. 16218639

Grim. Who's going to hold these frauds accountable?

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Anonymous No. 16220084

>Why do they keep lying
If only you know how bad things really are. Remember the solar storm and the auroras a few weeks ago? Yes, we're in that worldline.

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Anonymous No. 16221276

>CERN in 1990s: plz gibez me $500 billion so I can generate a lot of data to study, I promise good results
>CERN in 2020s: results? stop being greedy, we're doing muh pure science we don't need to have results. data? what data? we never promised any data, my dog ate the data. can we have 10x more money for another collider now?

Anonymous No. 16222318

If twum wrote that proposal then it's a lockin

Anonymous No. 16222567

there are more than 40 thousand particle accelerators around the world and fewer than 2000 of them are used in basic research. most are in industry and hospitals. there are many people who know how they work. you're just ignorant and resentful, very much like the negroes that you probably also hate (you retards are nothing but predictable).

take a physics course, at least.

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Anonymous No. 16223746


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Anonymous No. 16225439

Africans should demand that Europe send them 6 trillion dollars to build a watermelon collider

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Anonymous No. 16226302


Anonymous No. 16226349

This bullshit thread lingers on? Are the /sci/ jannies all science denialism-friendly or what?
WT literal F.

Anonymous No. 16226414

This isn't a science denialism thread this is just asking why the CERN scientists are intentionally using wordplay when communicating with the public.

Anonymous No. 16226431

>Why do they keep lying?
provocative post, no evidence provided, satirical and triggering-inducing statement. It's both denialism and trolling.
accept the facts, anon.

Jannies, do you job.

Anonymous No. 16226438

Do you actually think the LHC acheives temperatures of 3 trillion for sustained, meaningful periods of time on a physical scale that is even remotely close to the size of the smallest grain of sand?

Anonymous No. 16226524


Anonymous No. 16226941

No one on /sci/ is smart. Your board is shit.

Anonymous No. 16226990

They can't even process the data themselves, every step of the process is widely distributed, the scale of the data is staggering.

Anonymous No. 16227022

The number I've heard is that they're generating 30 petabytes of raw data per year, which comes out to about 80 terabytes a day, 7 days a week.

Anonymous No. 16227869

>7 days a week
Ever saw the data rate of the sensors and the number of it?

Anonymous No. 16227874

>asking why the CERN scientists are intentionally using wordplay when communicating with the public.
Maybe the public has problems to understand their language witch is usually math.
There's a lot of PR BS in it but that is an outcome of the system. Thy have to advertise to get the budget. Science has faculties that are blatantly corrupt, operates with lies, exaggerations hallucinations and a near religious image shaping. Licks the asses in power and goes for the money. So normal behaviour in that decadent clownworld. The howl with the wolves, so what?

Anonymous No. 16228193

>Do you actually think the LHC acheives temperatures of 3 trillion for sustained, meaningful periods of time on a physical scale that is even remotely close to the size of the smallest grain of sand?
NO, I do not think it because IT DOES NOT DO IT HOW YOU ARE IMAGINING IT.

Anonymous No. 16228541

You're an idiot and you don't know what you are arguing.

Anonymous No. 16228575

A someone who has personally visited the accelerator and know people who work on it, my cousin himself was part of the team that discovered the quark-gluon plasma, I do know what I'm talking about, ignorant.

Anonymous No. 16228598

Answer the question, ignoramus

Anonymous No. 16229626

Durr I wond3r why

Anonymous No. 16229630

Nobodys falling for your lightshow anymore, scammer

Anonymous No. 16229888

i donโ€™t remember where i saw it, but i think there are issues with how temperature is measured when it comes to particle physics. Temperature in essence is a speedometer for particles but what happens when it is one particle? what happens when that particle is infinitely small and in an area to which that particle is infinitely large. in the end there are many discrepancies to how physicists can accurately measure the temperature of a single or a handful of particles.

Anonymous No. 16229892

what iโ€™m basically trying to say is, no they did not reach a temperature of 1 trillion degrees, they merely instilled the kinetic energy of what would be regarded as a trillion degrees to a subatomic particle that was sped up to 98% the speed of light. which makes sense

Anonymous No. 16230893

>Temperature in essence is a speedometer for particles
it is according to the textbook, but it isn't in reality.
all of thermodynamics is based on false premises.
thermodynamics is 1800s analytical science which has been taken for granted and never revisited for over a century.

Anonymous No. 16231960

Planck's black body law is widely know to be wrong, but theres nobody around who can still do analytical physics the way they could back in the 1800s, so the formula will remain in use forever. Maybe AI will eventually think something up to supersede it

Anonymous No. 16232009

And what is wrong with it?

Anonymous No. 16233773

it can't be derived without using assumptions which have been disproved subsequent to Planck's derivation of the formula

Anonymous No. 16233837

Doesn't use qft

Anonymous No. 16233873

>just one more particle, bro

Anonymous No. 16234608

like what

Anonymous No. 16234614

>CERN data initially scientifically sound
>EU implements strict antisemitism laws and gets flooded with Israeli scientists
>scientists afraid of contradicting Israeli and Jewish science for fear of losing all income and arrest
The God particle according to the Talmud, as planned

New Barkon No. 16234617

Clap, if you can. Clap in New Barkon's presence. The jannies ain't doin their jobs.

New Barkon No. 16234628

The definition of brain includes things like color, super, etc. it's a long definition contributed to many of things You cannot use your brain literally if you do not know it's definition

Anonymous No. 16235360

All that would be glaringly obvious to you if you'd ever studied undergraduate physics and had in IQ above room temperature.

Anonymous No. 16236407

I have a masters in physics, i still dont know what the fuck you are talking about.
You mean real objects are not idealized blackbodies? Emissivity is not universally 1?
Thats all you can say?

Anonymous No. 16236445

How is this word play?

Anonymous No. 16236450

Wait until you learn that in space conduction and convection are almost entirely nonexistent and the only way to emit heat is through electromagnetic radiation

Anonymous No. 16236485

If they spend billions to get that data, they can soend billions to store it... no?
It's like ordering a million dollar piece of equipment and then not using it for plany production, because electricity is expensive.

Anonymous No. 16237489

>my mom's best friend's niece once sucked a guy's dick and he was second cousins with a guy who worked at cern therefore I'm an expert in particle physics

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Anonymous No. 16237512

>asks for burger
>can't eat it all
>begs for another full course meal
And yet the physfags want allowance for another bigger collider.

Anonymous No. 16237601

How thin?

Anonymous No. 16237607

What's the problem with that? Sounds reasonable

Anonymous No. 16238376

scientists are some of the greediest people that exist

Sage No. 16238408

>if you want to finish an experiment in 5 hours instead of 5 years so that you can use that time to do more specific observations that will more effectively answer any questions that might have been answered in those 5 years, you're a retarded pedophile
Leave this board and never come back

Anonymous No. 16238934

>that will more effectively answer any questions that might have been answered in those 5 years
Wrong. How can it be done without the data that's dumped you dumb fuck

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Sage No. 16238951

If you dump data that isn't directly relevant to the current experiment, you can get it done faster. This allows you to make more experiments which are targeted at finding specific things. The data being dumped would be data irrelevant to a previous experiment which might be slightly relevant to something a decade down the line, but by dumping the data you freed it up so you can run a more targeted experiment that will collect more valuable data and you were able to use the time in between to run more experiments testing different things. You are the dumb fuck here, you just want to hate CERN because they are smarter than you ever will be and you are trying to rationalize your envy. Leave this board and never come back.

Anonymous No. 16239064

Then where's you perpetual motion engine, bro?
Why don't you just reverse entropy for breakfast?

Anonymous No. 16239422

>Durr we only look for what we know to exist
Okay so what, specifically, has been looked for since 2015? The higgs was already found, which need I remind you is why the machine was built. If you're going to do a wild goose chase, scanning for a specific particle out of millions of proposed particles and models, then why not just use all the data you have anyway? Would require far less upkeep, would be cheaper, can run the collider for much longer without extra funding or upkeep, etc.

The answer is that CERN is full of lying, grifting pedophiles. Give us more money bro. We need more energy for a wild goose chase. Huh what do you mean we delete 99.99% of our data and should use that instead? Give us more money.

Anonymous No. 16240523

He deleted in post in shame. Kwab.