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Anonymous No. 16199097

What are your thoughts on the semicolon?

I use it quite a bit in my writing, I love it. In a lot of cases it helps to divide sentences where using a comma would make the entire sentence too long, and you're not really making a list, summary or explanation. It works great to link two sentences together where you elaborate a bit more deeply on your first statement, but you want it to be close enough to emphasize some relationship or dynamic, not in a separate sentence.

My current thesis coordinator says I use it too much, while my bachelor's thesis coordinator noticed it but said he didn't mind. I've also had minor comments from other professors regarding this.

I get the feeling that the only reason it's frowned upon is because it's uncommonly used. It's not a functional issue, it seems to just be like a "scientific tradition" most scholars adhere to.

Anonymous No. 16199108

>I use it too much
Careful, that might be semicolon cancer. Better get it checked.

Anonymous No. 16199206

I find that it's too disruptive as separator of lists. I seldom use it because of this reason and instead use that shitty comma before "and" which looks like shit.

Anonymous No. 16199370

this too is off-topic
go talk about writing here:

Anonymous No. 16200002

Scientific writing is nothing like /lit/, this post is nonsense

Anonymous No. 16200016

“Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country

perfect for you, OP!

Anonymous No. 16200180

Oxford comma is useful for disambiguation, I always use it. It doesn't really look bad if you get used to it, and it can only help make things more clear, so I see no reason not to be using it.

Anonymous No. 16200181

Conjunctive adverb for the win

Anonymous No. 16200183

>You suck dicks; therefore, you are homosexual

Anonymous No. 16200194

>op declares they are one of the semicolon users of all time
>doesn't use a single semicolon
op you are gay; also a fag

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Anonymous No. 16200196


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16200803

No fuck that, you're constantly just skipping between different ones not trying to repeat yourself.

Anonymous No. 16200805

No fuck that, you're constantly just skipping between different ones trying to not repeat yourself.

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AHH, SO IT'S....jpg

Anonymous No. 16200853

I don’t know when to use commas. I’m not afraid of admitting it.

Anonymous No. 16200856

me likey

Anonymous No. 16200866

Why is the comma so close to the period. Who would use such improper typesetting. Gross.

Anonymous No. 16200886


Anonymous No. 16201045


Anonymous No. 16201099

The OP always sends his stupid questions; it just happens to be insufferable.

Anonymous No. 16201310

Always use a newline

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Anonymous No. 16201616


Anonymous No. 16201640

I use it to write the composition of functions (or more general morphisms) as f;g instead of [math]g \circ f[/math]. This is consistent with the use of the semicolon in computer science (and arguably in natural language as well), and its availability on every keyboard enables me to do math on any device.

btw I also write x:A for [math]x \in A[/math], although here the use of the colon is merely conventional

Anonymous No. 16201665

>I use it quite a bit in my writing, I love it.
You had one job.