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Anonymous No. 16199274

Sup nerds. This board is kinda dry, so for some spice, what kind of /sci/ence would we need to make Baki bullshit real, more specifically Pickle's feats? I've grown disillusioned with modernity and would like to swap IQ for brute muscle power by Pickle-maxxing in real life. For the uninitiated, Baki revolves around superhuman feats of martial arts and strength, and in Pickle's case, he's a revived caveman who could murder a T-Rex by punching it to death.

I did some preliminary research and it seems to pull that off, the human body would need to muster up 1 million+ N of force as well as being able to handle the exertion. Though I think that number might mean the small surface area of the fist would become a stabbing weapon on its target rather than blunt damage, I still think it's worth a shot.

I humbly ask you guys, which specific fields would I need to learn and advance in order to fulfill my dream? What path must I follow? Math then engineering then biomechanics? How do I approach this problem of modern humans being too weak?

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Anonymous No. 16199753

Bump, assistance/guidance is greatly appreciated

Anonymous No. 16199771

Are you retarded? The entire point of Pickle is that his very body, his raw physique makes him superior to modern "devolved" humans. His skeletal structure is not like ours, his body proportions are not like ours, his joints are not like ours, his musculature is not like ours etc

So unless you get reincarnated as a quadrupedal apeman who grows up fighting T-rexes barehanded for food it's hopeless, you moron.

Shouldn't you be copying Jack or Baki, the modern humans who modified their bodies to be a match for Pickle's?

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Anonymous No. 16199784

Like, this is the body of the caveman whose feats you are trying to emulate.

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Anonymous No. 16199792


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Anonymous No. 16200139

>Later, returning home from a lengthy run, OP had this to say...
Hm? You think I'm only aiming to be the strongest human? HA, you really don't know anything about this deluded kid! Civilization as we know it first was born in the geographical region of China and India as early as 4000 years before Christ. Man made countless innovations and improvements to his ability to control the material world outside himself.

However! Our reliance on our tricks and tools robbed us of something important; fragments of our primordial instincts and brute power that we held onto as late as 70,000 years ago, when the modern Sapiens would first walk the Earth and begin to lose it in favor of cunning.

Even as a boy, I'd always thought, "What if I could hit hard enough that even a grizzly could feel it? I'd show that damn bear if I had the power to back it up." During kickboxing practice, I'd think, "It'd be so much easier if I could simply exert more force on my strikes. Imagine how wondrous it'd be if I could break human limits."

This is a boy, no, a man who put in incremental efforts every day to achieve his goals. With a CS degree, some knowledge of the human body, some martial arts, some math, some muscle, some linguistic expertise, some resilience, I trust myself to have the willpower and intellect to see my goals through. I need only start.

4000 years of prehistory that set the foundations of science, technology, human wisdom and philosophy. I'll bring us into our 4001st year as I'll be the trailblazer!

>On a serious note though, all this just to say I am serious about it. Given I'm broke and currently a neet after recently graduating, with limited options for exploration, would simply studying mathematics and a bit more into computing be the way to go? Former sets the basis for most other sciences, latter is what I already am comfortable with

Anonymous No. 16200302

my niga Haku is the stronger caveman

Anonymous No. 16201301

Thank god you didn't ask for musashimaxxing. Pickle just live a simple life of hunting for food and survive the winter by hunting for food.

Anonymous No. 16201884

I couldn’t find any info on this Haku person, can you elaborate?
Unless you mean being revived from the dead, musashi maxxing is straightforward: dedicate your life to a singular pursuit and master it.

Funnily, I have that in mind already: to figure out a way to revert my human form a to a primitive state like my beloved caveman.

I studied today to increase the size and density of my brain folds. I’ll use intelligence as a means to one day revoke intelligence, in favor of the purity and beauty of brute power. My spiritual needs are met by reading Baki which gives me strength to attempt the impossible, by believing I can.

Anonymous No. 16201948

the idea behind pickle was a continuation of the general idea in baki.

>training and mental strength
>vs raw ability

when he fights the ape monster that comes from the established fact that chimps and gorillas have different muscle fibers and sturdier skeletons than humans, but they exist in their natural state they don't train but simply live. could a trained human take on a bear, a gorilla, a polar bear etc. as the power levels keep rising pickle was introduced playing on two different things.

they did find a perfectly frozen guy in the swiss alps somewhere, so what if they found a frozen caveman who is more like a neanderthal than a human.

it would be incredibly simple to make more pickles, with a eugenics program within 5 generations you would get to something very close physically 7-8 feet humans with increased muscle and skeletal carrying capacity. as long as you provide sufficient resistance training and supplementation with various drugs you can play around with tolerances. at the end of it you may get 200-300 superhuman olympic level athletes in the 7+ feet range weighing around 350-400lbs naturally.

there aren't many 7 footers in the world naturally but there are enough to start. the most important thing is to select large frames, not narrow tall people with a growth pituitary defect but naturally tall and wide people, like strongmen and nba athletes.

they wont live long however, because the increased organs and physical size will lead to cancer and heart problems much earlier in life mid 50s early 60s.