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Anonymous No. 16199290

With all the talk of ASI and the singularity.
What so you think of the idea that people like Albert Einestein and Kurt Godel may already be super intellects?

I mean to just be a bag meat sitting on a floating rock and go “Of course, I figured it out! matter is beneing space-time and that’s what we perceive as gravity”.

Of course Einestein was standing on the shoulder’s of giants but the point is the smartest humans are the greatest intellects possible in the universe and the knowledge they’ve deduced and accumulated is the limit of knowledge possible in the universe

Anonymous No. 16199318

>Of course, I figured it out!
Einstein didn't do that. He worked steadily, making incremental progress, for like twenty years to come up with general relativity. It was in a very real sense his life's work. He hopped from one equation to the next very gradually until he got somewhere interesting.

Anonymous No. 16199330

> Of course Einestein was standing on the shoulder’s of giants
Yeah, it’s just a figure of speech, don’t be autistic.

Anonymous No. 16199339

That wasn't my point. My point is that Einstein wasn't some kind of super-genius. He had a couple interesting ideas and then worked diligently to expand on those ideas for decades before he came up with a complete and usable scientific theory.

Anonymous No. 16199355

What you think of as just a “couple interesting ideas” are earth shattering realizations about the very fundamental nature of the universe.
You only take it lightly due to overrxposure and lack of prespective. So it seems mundane to you.

What I’m saying is of you booted up your 1000 IQ ASI machine if such a thing even exists, it won’t be able to do better than Einestin.

Anonymous No. 16200230

He had a remarkable ability to distill complicated topics down to their simplest components and imagine scenarios that proved a point.

Anonymous No. 16200238

>Einstein wasn't some kind of super-genius
Then clearly you have a frame of reference for what constitutes a "super-genius", because you're not putting Einstein in that category. Replace whoever you would put in that category with "Einstein" in OP's post and stop being obtuse.

Anonymous No. 16200267

Yeah, they were pretty smart, what's your point exactly?

Anonymous No. 16200284

>invented atom bomb for America
>jew who married his cousin
They say history is written by the victors, and let's just say our ideas about super genius might have been different if Germany won WW2

Anonymous No. 16200507

They maybe the smartest intellects possible. We won’t be able to build a thinking machine that can outcompete them.

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Anonymous No. 16200563

Yes anons, i am sure your brain working on physical laws can't be reproduced by another machine working on physical laws.

Also the concept of evolution applied to scientific progress has been debunked by true 4chan /sci/entists. Progress is just big human brains doing big things, no such thing as discovering the simplest things first and then move to more complicated stuff after. Einstein was a magician, you just have to beat your meat for another 200 years waiting the next big brain to appear out of nowhere.

Anonymous No. 16200575

that's a retarded idea

Anonymous No. 16200618

You’re too stupid for this conversation never post again.
> Einstein was a magician
> Of course Einestein was standing on the shoulder’s of giants

Anonymous No. 16200623

>Of course Einestein was standing on the shoulder’s of giants...
An example of intellectual honesty right there!

Anonymous No. 16200626

How hard is it for ypu to understand? No machine you can build will be able to outperform the greatness of humanity’s collective intellectual prowess.
As expressed through the output layer of freak super geniuses like Einestein or Godel.

Anonymous No. 16200641

>How hard is it for ypu to understand? No machine you can build will be able to outperform the greatness of humanity’s collective intellectual prowess
First, repeating the same shit you already said like a tropical bird is not an argument.
Second, taking people whose intellect was never tested by any official test as units to measure intelligence is anything but consistent.
Third, if your brain works on physical laws it can be reproduced by an equivalent machine, even if we still don't have one and LLMs are anything but similar to natural intelligence. We've been able to automate a lot of what a human can do and even improve it massively, i don't see why it shouldn't be possible.

Anonymous No. 16200663

>We've been able to automate a lot of what a human can do and even improve it massively, i don't see why it shouldn't be possible.

Manual Labor is easy. It’s just a matter pf energy trasnfer and simple mechanisms. Our technology is really not that complicated.
Look at the creatove fields. AI generated music is nowhere near what the best of humanity’s level and AI art hasn’t added any value to the art market.

Because we had already acheived the peak of what is possible in those fields. Simillar thing and even more so in science and reasoning.

Anonymous No. 16200690

>"manual labor us easy"
>*works like a slave for thousands of years before gathering enough knowledge to orchestrate an industry and its supply chain"
>"performing simple math is easy"
>*relies on accountants for thousands of years before building calculators*
>"executing simple algorithms is easy"
>*has to tell people what to do in a factory before building computers, probably one of the most complicated machines ever made by man*

>present day
>"dude searching for info and delivering it in a human readable format is le hard!"
>*is quickly replaced by LLMs*
Sure, i can't wait for the next faggot in the future pretending thinking is easy.

Anonymous No. 16200721

You’re falling into classical extrapolation trasp.
Airplane speeds are increasing exponentially soon we’ll have Mach 10 planes.
We’re at the tail end of the technology sigmoid curve.

Human reasoning is peak. It fundamentally can’t get better than this. You don’t understand technology or science.

Anonymous No. 16200932

You need to consider that even if you make a groundbreaking revelation or discovery you likely may not realize how important it was until much later, if ever. Einstein is cited to say that Godel's work dwarfed his own in importance and what he enjoyed the most in later years is talking walks with Godel.
Many of history's greatest treated their life's work as a hobby or a job like any other and found it no more important than vacationing with their family. Yes, it's important to accomplish great things but it's equally important to live a good life. By thinking of these people as sterile super intellects you are ignoring who they were truly and without which they wouldn't make the discoveries they did.

Anonymous No. 16200935

There's emerging belief in neuroscience and philosophy of mind that consciousness and thought processes rely on the biological substrate, cannot be represented as simple manipulation of data and thus replicated digitally.
You are a reductionist and are falling into the same fallacy that people who think you can make an AGI out of LLMs, ignoring how limited part of the human experience textual information is.

Anonymous No. 16200940

It doesn't matter. New generations will have access to more knowledge/better technology and plenty of time, that's enough to eventually come up with stuff that Einstein couldn't.

Anonymous No. 16200962

Interesting points in this thread, but no one said it’s impossible right? That means there could be a machine intellect that can surpass ours if we can crack the code.

I’d use it to fulfill my dream of being a beast man, more animal than hominid, stronger than a bear at half the size . IQ is overrated, let the robots do the nerdy shit while we fuck around for all eternity as shitflinging monkeys.

Perhaps someone in this thread will figure out how to make the pieces of the puzzle fit.

Anonymous No. 16201008

>a “couple interesting ideas” are earth shattering realizations
No, I meant ideas like "do hot things have more inertia that cold things?" and "if I were trapped in an elevator could I tell if I were falling or floating?" These are where Einstein started. Just little questions he thought about for a while, then developed equations around. To be clear, I'm not saying Einstein wasn't a once-in-a-century mind or whatever. Just that he wasn't a super-intellect.

Anonymous No. 16201012

>Airplane speeds are increasing exponentially soon we’ll have Mach 10 planes
Converting systems with equivalent ones is not the same as pretending everything will get optimized forever. It's just a form of implementation of it with the rest of our industrial system.
>there's an emerging belief whose source is my ass
Cool, i don't care.

Anonymous No. 16201026

>I’d use it to fulfill my dream of being a beast man, more animal than hominid, stronger than a bear at half the size . IQ is overrated, let the robots do the nerdy shit while we fuck around for all eternity as shitflinging monkeys
If you want to fling shit as a monkey what's the point of technological progress? We can live without machines.

Anonymous No. 16201037

No it’s not. We’ve been at deadlock in physics for 50 years now. It’s not lack of people who are as smart as Einestein but that we’ve hit fundemental limits of knowledge

Anonymous No. 16201136

I really think Einstein just did a lot of thinking. He was smart too of course. But it's like all these idiots complaining that they haven't been able to do something when they've never tried or put any effort into it. It's the “talent” excuse.
Same with George Lucas:

Anonymous No. 16201155

AI doesn't need consciousness.

Not even close. I think it should be possible to figure out a lot of stuff about the universe just by thinking about it. In fact it's really the only way. Solving intelligence would be the biggest thing humans have ever done.

Anonymous No. 16201270

Not quite as just a monkey, but as a beast, a proper archetypal “beast” man that we’ve heard stories of, what people think cavemen were. We’ll need some technological breakthroughs to get us there, and if I AI can supposedly make small enhancements to math and algorithmic efficiency, as well as simplify biological experiments and chemistry for the layman, we might soon be at a point where the ambitious ones like me can make the human body better, stronger, more beastly.
I like your attitude anon. Be it a delusion, faith might be a necessity to moving forward for us. If wacky beliefs fill our hearts with the will to try try again, then why shouldn’t we adhere to our optimistic side? I think the secret lies in recursion somehow, but we’ll need to of course put many ounces of blood sweat and tears to find the solution.

Anonymous No. 16201304

50 years is nothing, anon.