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Anonymous No. 16199297

>be me
>engineering student in Sweden
>have hard time understanding lecturers in linear algebra
>exhausted and hopeless about attending lectures, worrying that I might drop out
>come across MATH 2940 - Linear Algebra for Engineers Spring 2009 by Cornell
University on interweb
>watch first few videos
>realize im not stupid and can actually understand
>ffw 3 weeks
>my classmates who kept attending local uni lectures couldn't keep up any longer because they just couldn't fckn understand the lecturer
>all these lecturers are germanics from Europe (either Dutch, German, Swedish, Norwegian or some shit like that)

Seriously why do euro-germanics have to complicate everything so much? One of the lecturers at my local uni spent 25 fucking minutes try explain how linear transformations work, meanwhile I found some long forgotten American professor online narrating in a 360p video explaining the same shit and even working out some sophisticated examples in less than 10 minutes, and I understood everything. I've had the great privilege of doing a lab in electromagnetics course assisted and supervised by a Slavic professor, who did really well in breaking down and explaining us replicating theory in our lab session. Only seen American TAs online but my experience with Germanic professors and lecturers has been shit in uni.

Anonymous No. 16199322

>Seriously why do euro-germanics have to complicate everything so much?
Because they don't have to teach americans

This is more an insult to the professors than americans though, it should be obvious from your teaching that you want the maximum number of students to come away understanding what you have taught, rather than just the brightest

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16199328

Probably because you zoomers are better at English than Swedish and have an easier concept understanding and grasping difficult concepts when explained in English. Grim.

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Anonymous No. 16199332

Probably because you zoomers are better at English than Swedish and have an easier time understanding and grasping difficult concepts when explained in English. Grim.

Anonymous No. 16200138

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16200661

I had a linear algebra lecturer that would write on the board with one hand while simultaneously deleting everything with the other hand. Shit was fucked

Anonymous No. 16200673

>>all these lecturers are germanics from Europe (either Dutch, German, Swedish, Norwegian or some shit like that)
germans have been a plague in europe for centuries.
germans are parasite and ever since the entanglement, they try to hide their lack wits by overcompensating in intellectual fields. the history of germany is really pathetic.
it starts with them being generic barbarians trying to meaninglessly fuck some very local romans and always failing . They do it only to fill up their days and try to pass as local hardcore heroes towards their retarded local population lol

then they become nothing. France was all the most powerful kingdom ever. Spain, Italy, GB all achieve some relevance too.Meanwhile germany was still a shithole with little warlords killing each others lol.

Then progress was made by france once more. This time with the enlightenment. The german rats were 100 years late on this and the output of the german renaissance is turds like kant, hegel and nietzche lol

Then world wars happened entirely due to german rats.
Of course they got crushed like the rat they were.

Since then germany is a generic american bitch and has been trying to destroy europe for the last 20 years lol

Anonymous No. 16200700

Chalmers fag?

Anonymous No. 16200832

ivy league schools are famous for their professors. they only make the good communicators teach for example. it's unlikely that whatever podunk uppsala shithole you go to can attract the same level of talent and passion.

you can and should skip most of your lectures and cram semester long courses in 1 week from home while working from a textbook to have a lot of problem sets as examples to test your understanding.

through your entire undergrad you might need to retain about 5 things total, everything else you will revisit later in your job as it's required. 3 of those 5 things are geometries (including volumes, areas and sin/cos laws) algebra and calculus. rest might be more domain specific, like fluid dynamics or FFTs or taylor series expansion or coefficient tolerance maybe controls theory or circuit diagram shit w/e you go on to be an engineer in.